Planeswalking Tarkir (I know there is another Thread)

Spoilers, Rumors, and Speculation forum

Posted on Aug. 23, 2014, 9:06 p.m. by Rhinowarrior

Boros Chandra

Temur Ramaz

Mardu Sarkhan

Ugin (colorless)

That is four Planeswalkers. I do not think there will be a new nicol bolas. It just won't happen. Looking at the color divsion we see that

Red: 3

White: 2

Black: 1

Green: 1

Blue: 1

What does this mean? Well, that black green and blue are going to have to be represented a little better. Not another three color walker. That would be a bit much. Instead.... well let me know what you think because I haven't the faintest clue. If we look at Theros planeswalkers, the division of colors is as follows.

White: 3

Green: 3

Blue: 2

Black: 1

Red: 1

Obviously, Wizards isn't going to evenly split it up. If we examine past sets, one can come to the conclusion that we have not seen a white/black planeswalker in a while. Too long. Enter new orzhov planeswalker.

Final Predictions:

Chandra (Red/White)

  • We have not had a boros planeswalker in a while.

  • Chandra fits well the theme.

  • Chandra fits well with the story line.

  • Tarkir needs a heroine, someone to fight off the bad guys.

  • She takes on white to defeat Ramaz, thus serving a greater good.

Sarkhan The Rad (Mardu)

  • Herr de durr. Mardu, his home plane. yup.

  • Essential to dragon plot, and tarkir.

  • Why he is white? I durr know. Sarkhan never struck me as white. We will see.

White/Black Mystery Man

  • Banished from Abzan clan for being to individualistic.

  • Wanders the wilds of Tarkir.

  • Sheds the color green of the abzan, as that represents community.

  • And we have not seen a walker that is black/white since innistrad.

Ramaz, McBadass

  • Could be a central villain, without black which is always a nice break.

  • fits well with the temur clan.

  • Fights Chandra on a few occasions.

  • Fits well with the whole sarkhan/bolas storyline.

Ugin, Ultimate Power ranger

  • well he is a dragon...

  • is in sarkhans head.

  • clashes with bolas? I forget

  • is a dragon...

So what are your thoughts? sorry if this post is redundant but others are not very interesting. This is kind of a carry over comment from damtgmaster. Don't yell at me, the other post kind of died.

damtgmaster says... #2

Well as one of the firsts to see this I believe what happens is Bolas sends Ramaz to Kill Sarkahn and Ramaz fails because Sarkahn was too strong Ramaz planeswalks away so Bolas does the job himself and Chandra fights Bolas at the end I personally think Chandra would stay mono red just like Jace stays Mono Blue

August 23, 2014 9:13 p.m.

damtgmaster says... #3

And with the Revival of Ugin Bolas and Ugin could fight to the death

August 23, 2014 9:14 p.m.

Rhinowarrior says... #4

Perhaps. Yes I see that. What about the mystery planeswalker? I feel as if 3 three color walkers in one block is a bith much. as for chandra. One can only hope. Most chandra's are just not that good...

August 23, 2014 9:19 p.m.

damtgmaster says... #5

Well we have 5 walkers there which is Awesome but the theory is those 5 and Zendikar there were 6 because of the Eldrazis Nissa Chandra Sorin Jace Gideon SarkahnSo maybe they will put a junk walker in but Sarkahn may be Jund or just R/G I'm pretty sure if Chandra appears she will be mono Red

August 23, 2014 9:25 p.m.

VampireArmy says... #6

A red white chandra would make my year...I'm a boros centered mardu player (exclusively i don't touch blue or green very much if at all) and as chandra is thebest aggro centered walker imo I'd love to see what she can do

August 23, 2014 10:12 p.m.

Rhinowarrior says... #7

Exactly vamparmy!! I am kinda the same. I almost always play Black and White and Red (for standard that is). A Boros chandra would be so badass.

August 23, 2014 10:15 p.m.

jonhydude says... #8

Sarkhan is not mardu coloured. He has ABSOLUTELY no white in his colour identity nor is he from mardu. Correct me if i'm wrong, but we have heard nothing stating that Sarkhan is from the mardu clan. He is from Tarkir. That may be wedge colored, but it doesn't mean he is mardu coloured.

August 23, 2014 11:36 p.m.

MrLizard says... #9

At the Comiccon panel Mark Rosewater mentioned that Sarkhan and Zurgo are on bad terms because Sarkhan left the clan.

August 23, 2014 11:45 p.m.

Rhinowarrior says... #10

@ jonhydude false

August 24, 2014 12:08 a.m.

Warzin says... #11

What about vraska? she seems to fit in with the Sultai Brood. Resource manipulation could also mean assassination. For some reason I also think Tamiyo might make a comeback as a WU walker. she might fit in with the Jeskai Way being all mystical and scholarly and stuff.

Can't wait to see what the Sultai Brood mechanic will be!

August 24, 2014 6:29 p.m.

Rhinowarrior says... #12

Warzin both very good points. Definitley going to watch out for both of them...

August 24, 2014 6:38 p.m.

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