Players should ignore the rules committee
Commander (EDH) forum
Posted on Sept. 28, 2024, 1:08 p.m. by TypicalTimmy
I won't rehash what just happened with the most recent bannings; There's plenty of threads for that discussion all over the internet.
But... Unless you're in tournament play for cEDH, I think players should just ignore whatever bans the RC suggests.
At the end of the day, 7 or 12 or 20 nerds strewn out all across the world don't have the right to tell you how to spend your money to play your game with your friends at your table.
Set the rules with your friends. If you all agree Mana Crypt is fine, then keep it in your decks and keep playing.
Initially this is where my head was on the subject... thinking EDH was a casual format and Rule 0 should apply here but unfortunately there is deeper ripples with this decision than "are these game pieces fun/healthy for the format."
And I kinda wonder if they don't reverse this decision than maybe just make an official separate format for homes for these cards?
September 28, 2024 2:44 p.m.
TypicalTimmy says... #4
Like him or hate him, Rudy at Alpha Investments makes a great point in that video.
The TLDR is basically that he suspects this was not an overnight decision but a 1 to 2 year process with conversations. You don't just upend a decision like that when you are a billion dollar company.
Look at how many reprints WOTC made of those cards over the past several years, milking as many sales as possible for chase cards with all kinds of borders and artwork.
You wouldn't suddenly disrupt that cashcow unless you had a long term strategy in mind, such as replacing those cards with newer, better supplements.
For example, what if in the coming months or years we get something that looks like this:
Pay 2 life, : Add
Without Mana Crypt, that's the new $200 chase card everybody needs. Even if it's strictly worse, in terms of using in untap combos.
Ergo, he suspects this banning was planned in favor of new cards being pushed.
September 28, 2024 3:21 p.m.
plakjekaas says... #5
It's already there, it's Ancient Tomb and it costs you your land drop, which somehow balances it a bit.
The argument literally is that there's a critical mass of these effects, and we need less of them for the casual tables to not swing the fun too far a single player's way and improve the game experience for the full table of four.
If more of them will be printed, I will expect the ban list to be expanded. Now that they've shown they don't fear controversial bans in favor of balance, I would expect no less. The flagship one is still Sol Ring, you get one, stacking up more of them will break stuff. And if you play casual tables at LGS's, you'll have to ask to use the other ones. If everyone enjoys that, all the better. Keep a replacement sideboard to switch them out if not everyone does. Sounds like the healthiest way to deal with it to me.
September 28, 2024 5:52 p.m.
This thread already exists to discuss the bans and and any ancillary conversations arising from the bans. As your opening post covers an ancillary issue and your subsequent post made it clear you wanted to discuss the bans, I am closing down this thread as redundant.
Please use the existing thread for any discussion on this topic or adjacent topics.
DrukenReaps says... #2
The RC says the same thing though xD Like literally on their website is
"These cards are not legal without prior agreement from the other players in the game..."
They allow there to be a consistent wider community but have always said if you want to do something different with your group do it. So in ignoring them you also aren't xD
September 28, 2024 2:39 p.m.