EDH Deck Power Level Tools
Commander (EDH) forum
Posted on Aug. 11, 2024, 6:35 a.m. by YesterdaysGhost
So just interested in what other tools are out there similar Mtg.CardsRealm Power Level Calculator and CommanderSalt's tool for calculating EDH deck power levels.
I absolutely love the extra measuring details from CommanderSalt (particularly Saltiness, big fan!) but find that between both resources there are big differences in scores, with I think the largest difference I've seen being a deck rated 3-4 power levels the difference between both.
Much prefer the ability to drop a decklist link from TappedOut straight in, like CommanderSalt, but don't mind having to manually paste a whole list, like CardsRealm.
YesterdaysGhost says... #3
There's alot of card weighting and combination of cards that goes into the calculation. I use both sources as "power level" is subjective to the source of the tool and it allows me at a glance of my decks, where I record the info, to allow my opponents to know what my perceived power level of a deck is based on a particular source they may also use.
If you wanted to mock up some data you can check my EDH deck folder here on Tapped Out and each description within the 24 decks shows both site's calculated Power Levels for those decks.
The differentials are interesting to me as they're not consistent, meaning in some instances both sources weight components similarly and others not so much.
The most basic of calculations would be to just add the two sources together and divide by the sources. So if CardsRealm rating a deck a 6 but CommanderSalt rated a deck a 2 the final average result would be a 4. This is part of why I'm seeking additional tools as I'd like to work out averages between several tools.
I don't feel one site is more accurate than the other, so long as all players use the same singular tool you should get a meaningful comparison between decks :)
August 11, 2024 3:55 p.m.
The stupid cardsrealm thing thought Snow-Covered Forest was a combo card and it gave my mono green lands deck a power 10 for having 26 of them. Move over Rog/Si
August 13, 2024 4:11 p.m.
YesterdaysGhost says... #5
capwner yeah there's some interesting algorithms in the back end. Have you tried other sites?
FormOverFunction says... #2
I haven’t used any outside tools, but find the subject SUPER interesting. Is there anything you would be willing to put together, I’m thinking a VERY simple equation or something, that you would be willing to propose, that would balance the two sources you referenced out? Not as an end-all declaration of “I’m the sole arbiter of how this works” or anything, but just how you might use those two in conjunction? I feel like that sort of amalgam is where we’re going to find the closest thing to an answer for this age-old question.
August 11, 2024 1:41 p.m.