A home for the Boros and White Daybound/Nightbound cards?

Commander (EDH) forum

Posted on Oct. 3, 2021, 4:25 p.m. by GrimlockVIII

What commander would be the best fit for cards like Sunrise Cavalier and Gavony Dawnguard?

I was kinda thinking Alesha, Who Smiles at Death since the Cavalier can buff Alesha while the Dawnguard can provide more cheap creatures to fuel her reanimation effect.

Anything else tho? Is there a Boros commander that directly benefits from the counters that the Cavalier provides?

griffstick says... #2

I feell like 5 color day or night trigger deck.

October 3, 2021 6:41 p.m.

plakjekaas says... #3

Even though they do make it Day when they enter, these creatures aren't actually Daybound '^^

That being said, Zabaz, the Glimmerwasp is a Boros commander that can make better use that average of the +1/+1 counter of Sunrise Cavalier, although most Modular creatures aren't really cheap enough for Gavony Dawnguard to be good enough.

October 3, 2021 7:56 p.m.

RNR_Gaming says... #4

The issue with that plan is that Aleaha cannot recur them - as they both have 3 power and there are much better targets. Both cards have an okay floor and are powerhouses in draft but the ceiling is very low but if that's your thing I won't knock it. I'd say the best fit for them or any sort of human strategy is Winota, Joiner of Forces

Also, oddly enough there isn't many boros commanders that care about counters but here are the few that do Zabaz, the Glimmerwasp - I guess some modular sheniaghans could be fun. Keleth, Sunmane Familiar x Any red partner or any voltron build cause you wanna donk people asap.

October 4, 2021 5:17 p.m.

GrimlockVIII says... #5

Oh yeah RNR_Gaming I realize they can't be revived by Alesha herself, but they can definitely support her game plan in ways you might not expect.

Like I said, the Gavony Dawnguard can help find more creatures with power 2 or less since a lot of 3 or lower cmc creatures have 2 or less power. You can then discard those creatures to later be revived by Alesha.

Sunrise Cavalier just helps your creatures like Alesha get stronger over the course of the game, though I realize that's a very low ceiling when there are cards that probably fill that niche out more effectively like Cathars' Crusade

October 4, 2021 5:34 p.m.

RNR_Gaming says... #6

I played her way back in the day. I found dredging, looting and self mill were the best way to fill the yard and give a form of card advantage. It's been a long time though - I'm sure there are some super spicy techs now. Always felt that it was a commander 1 little nudge away from being competive.

October 4, 2021 5:36 p.m.

Gattison says... #7

If Sunrise Cavalier & Gavony Dawnguard are the Build-Around-Me cards, then I agree with griffstick. A five-color deck focusing on Mardu or Naya colors is probably the best approach. There are only 21 Daybound cards in existence, so you're limited in that regard immediately, and that's assuming you use them all, even the bad ones. There are only 7 Daybound cards in Boros colors and 16 in Naya colors. If you went Mardu to gain access to tutors, then you can only have 11 Daybound cards in your deck.

In any case, it would be cool if you could trigger Daytime, then Nighttime like normal, then let somebody make it Day again (or just do it yourself)... and then Silence your opponents to make it Night again on their turns.

October 4, 2021 6:27 p.m.

GrimlockVIII says... #8

Ah, The Celestus would actually be pretty neat in an Alesha deck in that case since it lets you loot after every day/night trigger.

Obsessive Astronomer would also help the rummaging strategy if ya wanna keep going in that direction.

October 4, 2021 6:30 p.m.

GrimlockVIII says... #9


Well, the cool thing about some of these non-werewolf Day/Night cards is that they're self-sufficient enough that they can just kinda do their own thing as the game progresses naturally. They don't necessarily care about whether it's day or night, just that the cycles keep happening.

Like, once you set up the day/night cycle with the Sunrise Cavalier or the Gavony Dawnguard, they don't actually require additional day/night support to go off and fetch more creatures or put counters on your creatures. You can legit just do nothing on your turn, get a counter or fetch a creature, then let one of your opponents double spell, then grab another creature or get another counter, etc., etc.

October 4, 2021 6:38 p.m.

Gattison says... #10

Hmm, true. Well in that case what about Iroas, God of Victory, or Queen Marchesa (long may she reign) for more commander suggestions?

October 4, 2021 6:58 p.m.

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