X-Men: the 20th Anniversary

The Blind Eternities forum

Posted on Jan. 15, 2020, 9:13 p.m. by DemonDragonJ

This year is the 20th anniversary of the first X-Men film, which definitely makes me feel old. After the disastrous reception of Batman and Robin, three years earlier, films adapted from comics had lost popularity, being regarded as little more than campy flicks that lacked true story and substance. However, this film was different; it was very serious in tone and had well-written characters, showing that films adapted from comics could be more than cheap and corny fluff, that they could be serious cinematic works of art. That film can definitely be considered the film that helped to start the modern resurgence of comic book films that led to such films now being mainstream.

I can remember how excited I was when that film was released; I had watched the 90’s X-Men animated series in my childhood, but, now, there being a film of it meant that it would no longer be a niche in popular culture; it was now mainstream. Not coincidentally, this film also began the cultural shift in which nerds transitioned from being uncool outcasts to being cool and mainstream.

The film had some great choices in casting; Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen were absolutely perfect as Charles Xavier and Magneto, and, while this film was hardly Hugh Jackman’s first starring role, it definitely made him an international and mainstream star.

This film was responsible for re-igniting the public’s interest in superhero films, and started a long-lasting franchise that has been very successful. Prior to this film series, the two longest-lasting superhero film series, the Superman and Batman series, which each had four films, but the X-Men series was the first superhero film series to last beyond four films, although the fourth film introduced a new timeline that caused the entire series to become very convoluted. The series ended with a very divisive film, but its influence is undeniable, as is the impact that it had on popular culture, which is still felt, today.

What does everyone else here have to say about this subject? How do you feel about this year being the 20th anniversary of the first X-Men film, and, by extension, the X-Men film franchise?

DemonDragonJ says... #2

This year is also the 20th anniversary of X-Men: Evolution, an animated television series adapted from Marvel’s X-Men comics, which lasted for four seasons. As much as I enjoyed the 1992 X-Men animated series, I enjoyed this series more, mainly because it had smoother animation, better voice acting, and both less outrageous hairstyles and less extreme bodies on the characters, compared to its predecessor series.

I remember watching this series on a weekly basis, enjoying seeing the adventures of the characters and eagerly anticipating what would happen, next, and I can hardly believe that it is now 20 years old, which makes me feel old. Nick Fury appeared in an episode, and Captain America was mentioned, as well, but Marvel at that time was not yet ready for a shared universe, although I do believe that there was a crossover at one point between the 90’s Spiderman and X-Men series. This series also helped to make Kitty Pryde/Shadowcat a popular character, since she was one of the main characters in this series.

This series has never been released on home video, as far as I can recall, but, if it ever is, I shall definitely purchase it, because I would like to watch it, again.

What does everyone else here say about this? How do you feel about this year being the 20th anniversary of X-Men: Evolution?

January 15, 2020 9:14 p.m.

shadow63 says... #3

Hugh Jackman will forever be wolverine in my eyes because of this franchise

January 16, 2020 1:05 p.m.

DemonDragonJ says... #4

shadow63, yes, it will be very difficult to replace him, but both James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender were excellent as Charles Xavier and Magneto, so I am confident that whoever directs the next X-Men film shall be able to find a suitable actor for the role of Wolverine.

January 16, 2020 8:37 p.m.

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