Can you hear it? That low, distant rustling in the leaves? Do you feel that sudden cold chill creeping up your neck, piercing what was just a stifling, hot midsummers day? Your gaze slowly raises to the ancient, looming forest trees that surround the village, "The Legends can't be true," you reassure yourself. "Nothing, but Fairy Tales to keep the children well-behaved, no more real than the Boogeyman." You start to chuckle at the sheer absurdity of it as you start to turn away, but you just can't seem to find the motions. There's no denying it now, the low rumbling has raised into a cacophonous, whirlwind of sound, suddenly encompassing you entirely in its deafening, rhythmic call. Your eyes remain fixated on the swaying branches before you, they almost seem to be beckoning to you....calling you in...drawing you closer and closer to their twisted, thorny embrace. "Come, child. Come child. Come" With a thunderous crack the limbs of the forest rise up and split before you as you can just make out the faint outline of massive, densely feathered, jet-black wings unfurling before you. You are just able to gasp out one final word before the plunging, sheer and utter darkness envelops you..."Maha"
Wings of Doom
What's meaner, or as I like to say "more fun", than making all your opponents mighty creatures into easy to remove 1 toughness pushovers? Not much indeed. I am always drawn to any new Commanders that enable / open up the playability of many spells one would normally never run or encounter in your average EDH game and Maha fits this model. Our deck's goal is very straightforward, as you may have guessed, we are going to summon our fearless Avian Dark Queen, Maha, Its Feathers Night to give all of our opponents creatures toughness 1. We will then continually wipe their creature board states, setting up tasty reanimation targets for our Owl lordess to pick over as we drain down our challengers precious life and boost our own. Below, I will explore our decks main strategies, synergies and themes, ending with an extensive maybeboard of cards and why I have chosen to leave them out of the deck at this time.
Cost Reduction / Deterrence and Protection
We need our Commander Maha on the battlefield to enable our spells effectiveness, as the large majority of our spells are true -1/-1 status effects or counters and not -X/-X costs. Besides for her punishing ability and discard 1 ward effect, our soaring feathered elementress Maha is a 6/5 flying, trampler whose combat damage should not be taken lightly. As all things in life, this comes with a cost, in our case 5 mana. As Maha is crucial to our gameplay, we are running a significant amount of classic EDH Voltron protection and Commander cost reduction spells in the deck.
Commander's Plate
One of the best Commander protection pieces out there, especially for monocolored players such as ourselves. Slap this onto Maha and she now can only be targeted by black and true colorless spells. Bonus of making Maha a 9/9 flying trampler never hurts either and don't forget protection from all other colors means any non-black or non-colorless creatures can no longer block you, flying and reach be damned!
Jet Medallion
Classic monoblack staple. Doesn't just lower Maha's Commander cost by 1, but every single one of our black spells as well.
Kaya's Ghostform
Can't beat effective, mana efficient staples such as Ghostform. I try to save for Maha, as any game we draw slow ramp, it is often difficult to cast Maha and equip any of our protective equipment besides Lightning Greaves and Swiftfoot Boots same turn. With that in mind, Gray Merchant of Asphodel can be an excellent target for us as well. Great, versatile piece able to be utilized to our needs each individual game.
Lightning Greaves and Swiftfoot Boots
The two, classic EDH staples themselves. With Maha's high mana cost, having the zero equip cost Greaves on the field the turn before you plan on casting her is an excellent idea. I mean who doesn't love hasty, flying Commanders?. Don't be like me and forget if you have the mana to attach Commander's Plate or Kaya's Ghostform to Maha before you attach Lightning Greaves, as once she gains shroud you will no longer be able to do so without un-equipping it. We do not have this issue with Swiftfoot Boots hexproof.
Mithril Coat
Wrought in Erebor for an Elven Prince of yore, stolen from the plunders of Smaug by Thorin to be bestowed on the One Ring bearer himself, Frodo Baggins. A great new protection addition from LOTR, we love that this has flash, instant equip to Maha on cast and the equipment is indestructible itself. This should work out for us just as well as it did for Frodo in the Mines of Moria. They dug too deep...
Netherborn Altar
Low 2 mana cost artifact that can be activated same turn to put Maha straight into our hand from the command zone. Also, at the cost of 3 culminating life each activation and added soul counter, we can reuse this effect any turn if necessary. We aim to gain enough life each game to not be too bothered by paying the life activation cost when we need it and in rare occurrences a well timed Final Act can not only decimate our opponents board states, but also reset our Netherborn Altar by removing any soul counters we may have already acquired.
No Mercy
Our one and only true deterrence feature in the deck and an important one. No Mercy is vital to our cause as we remember that Maha's ability only decreases our enemies creature's TOUGHNESS to 1, NOT their power. Despite being just released in the most recent set, Bloomburrow, the sinister reputation of It Who Feathers Nights and Leads All to Eternal Darkness has already rapidly spread across the many Planes of the Multiverse. This means we are a TARGET. In my experience so far, we aren't normally drawing the entire focus and wrath of the table right off the bat a la' Tergrid, God of Fright, but that may not last long. One of the weaknesses of our deck is that if we are not able to get off any of our -1/-1 spells, even with our opponents creatures crippled and Maha on the battlefield, we don't last long from our opponents targeted combat damage if all three of them are holding 13/1 Emrakul, the Promised Ends or similar scary high power creatures. With No Mercy on the battlefield, we stop our foes aggression in its tracks or force them to pay dearly with their creatures lives every time they swing.
Card Draw / Tutors
All decks need cards in hand to be efficient and we are no exception. Besides our few big finishers and staple powerhouses, we run a low mana curve, especially our -1/-1 spells. Drawing cards and getting these into our hand is a top priority as our biggest challenge in this deck is consistently drawing cards.
Black Market Connections
An auto-include in any monoblack deck. We can not only draw a card, but ramp with a treasure token as well. Don't also underestimate the security of a few 3/2 shapeshifters when you can afford the life, not only as blockers, but as sacrifice fodder for opponent's playing the likes of Fleshbag Marauder and Plaguecrafter. Again, we run enough life gain effects that we can often afford to at least draw a card and create a treasure each precombat main phase without too much concern.
Bolas's Citadel
A true powerhouse of our deck and one of the few cards well worth the high 6 mana cost. We can usually play all the cards we reveal on top of our library until we hit our second land each turn by paying from our life total instead of our lands. Any game our life gain abilities start to go off, this gets especially dangerous for any who dare to stand against us as they helplessly watch us cast spell after mana free spell (watch out for Boromir, Warden of the Tower). Citadel also can win longer engagements when opponents health totals are low with its activated sacrifice ten non-land permanents to deal ten damage to each opponent ability. This is a rare treat though as our focus with Bolas's Citadel is its primary ability.
Dread Presence
Who said green stompy decks get to have all the landfall fun? With Dread on the battlefield, anytime a swamp enters under our control (we run Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth and x21 Swamps) we can either pay a measly 1 life to draw a card OR gain 2 life and ping ANY target for 2. This is great versatility in our deck as once Maha as turned our opponents creatures into measly toughness 1 weaklings we can use it to destroy any non-indestructible creature we please. Don't also underestimate the utility of a slighty weaker black Lightning Bolt (Dread's 2 direct damage ability) to the opponent's face as a rare finisher.
Gruesome Realization
Another great versatile pick for our deck. We'll take all the -1/-1 abilities that only target our opponent's creatures when we have them and early game or anytime Maha isn't on the battlefield we can use for an instant two card draw.
Massacre Girl, Known Killer
I chose to shy away from the OG Massacre Girl due to her tendency to kill our Owl Queen and all our other creatures as well as our opponents. However, the new Massacre Girl, Known Killer is a fantastic fit for us. A bit of wither never did us wrong, as we can use it to help deal with pesky, indestructible creatures and with a -1/-1 Maha board wipe and a battlefield full of enemy creatures we can draw an absolute obscene amount of cards from her second triggered ability.
Morbid Opportunist
A free card draw every turn a creature dies is an excellent ability in our deck. Great for our own -1/-1 spells and synergies, but also for when our opponent's kill each other's creatures on their own turns.
The One Ring
"In the land of Mordor, in the fires of Mount Doom..." Oh, wait. I already did that bit with Mithril Coat moving on...The Ring could also easily be listed under the "Protection" section above as its granting of protection from EVERYTHING until your next turn can be a game winning / saving play. Whether you keenly utilize this at the best possible moment for its protection, or just get it out early and start stacking up burden counters for increased card draw each turn, The One Ring is a must include. As already mentioned we do run Final Act, so we even have a last ditch way to remove all the burden counters in any low health circumstances we may find ourselves in to negate fatal damage from the Ring's upkeep trigger. General rule is keep stacking the burden counters each turn for the draw, but take into account your individual situation each game as always before overloading your Ring too heavy.
Night's Whisper, Sign in Blood and Read the Bones.
We like classic EDH draw staples if they're black and these are some of the best. Do not underestimate the power of quick, low mana cost, two card draw, even at the cost of some life. Read the Bones costs us one more mana than the other two, but we get the added benefit of scrying 2. Great card arts as well that look bad@$$ and nicely fit our eternal darkness midnight Maha vibes.
Vilis, Broker of Blood
Low mana curve spells and speed takes the cake 9 games out of 10 compared to waiting to build up enough mana to cast giant, punishing high mana cost creatures. This is especially true for us with the limited ramp options we have in monoblack. Due to this reality, I still often gaze at Vilis, Broker of Blood and his ludicrous 8 mana cost as one of my top targets to slot out of this deck. However, his ability is simply MONSTROUS when combined with our Commander Maha. With Maha and Vilis on the battlefield we can pay a one black mana activation cost to kill any of our opponent's targetable creatures we so choose (how's that indestructible treating you now?) and draw two cards each activation on the loss of life. This isn't even taking into consideration how many cards we can draw anytime an opponent hits us for damage. We will keep our blood-soaked demon for now...
Life Drain and Gain / Direct Damage
At the end of the day, this deck's main wincons are life drain effects. Included in the maybeboard are the likes of Exquisite Blood, Sanguine Bond, and Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose, but as infinite combos bore the hell out of me I have not chosen to include them in this deck. With that in mind, we are still running many powerful EDH life drain staples to off our opponents, just not infinite loop ones. As many of our spell abilities in this deck cause us to pay life as an additional cost, it is also important we have a decent chunk of reusable life gain effects we can benefit from in our library.
Bloodchief Ascension
Don't mess with the best. One mana drop and a few times around the table quickly nets us the three or more quest counters we need to start gaining life and nailing our opponents with life loss at the SAME DAMN TIME. Bonus that it is an enchantment that can often stick around entire low permanent removal games . This is a great card to have in your opening hand and an excellent early game Demonic Tutor target. Our go-to wincon drain ability in the deck. Pairs great with the likes of Breach the Multiverse or The Meathook Massacre for some serious, often lethal life loss.
Blood Artist
Our tortured blood-soaked Picasso himself, another great one to see in your opening hand and main Demonic Tutor target. If you don't know how this one works, welcome to Commander. Another one of our vital wincon drain abilities. Great to get out with a large creature board and a few of our drain enchantments on the board. Then destroy all or just our opponents creatures and even when Blood Artist perishes from our -1/-1 abilities we get all of the his triggers first. This can often be game ending drain when played correctly.
This has gone in and out of the deck for me, as we don't get any return from graveyard sorcery spells in monoblack. Despite its one time use (cheat code every real EDH game you have 3 other opponents) every time we get this off while they are all still alive we're gaining x3 the lost life. This can be a beautiful hail mary late game for the kill or to save ourselves in low health scenarios. Anytime late game we draw this and can pour a significant amount of mana into the X casting cost, opposition beware.
Gray Merchant of Asphodel
Well, I may have been lying when I said Bloodchief Ascension was our go-to wincon in the deck because I just hadn't gotten to chatting about ol' beloved Gary yet. Of course, we ideally want to wait to drop in our sackful of onions peddling friend until our board is full of creatures and enchantments and our devotion to black is high. This can and does end games quick. Still, do not hesitate to use Gray Merchant of Asphodel earlier game when your devotion may only be 3-4 for a chunk of your opponent's life and a solid injection into your own. Take into account Gary's own two devotion to black counts towards your total when he enters before the life drain / gain ability triggers. One of the best ways we have to win games and finish off our enemies is to cast Gary and then reanimate him with the likes of Animate Dead.
Massacre Wurm
Not only does our grinning Worm wipe our opponent's creatures with Maha and its -2/-2 ETB ability, but also drains them for two life as each of their creatures die. With Massacre Wurm in hand, a little patience and a large opponent board state, Wurm can land some serious drain triggers. A 6/5 body never hurts.
Painful Quandary
Ah, my lips start to curl upwards as I think of the collective sighs and looks on our opponent's faces when Quandary hits the battlefield. Although we revel in and distract with the turn after turn massacre of our foe's creatures, we heavily depend on life drain / direct damage spells to secure our victories and this is one of the best. An enchantment that affects everyone on the battlefield except for us and can shut down / annihilate any Storm players or zero / one drop mana casting decks like Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain. The discard ability (which the opponent is usually choosing) also pairs quite nicely with our lovely Sangromancer.
Polluted Bonds
Another strong, reoccurring enchantment life gain and drain effect in our deck. Turn our opponents landfall triggers against them as we watch our helpless Azusa, Lost but Seeking or The Gitrog Monster players lose two life every time they play an extra land, all while we gain 2 life each trigger as well.
Speak of the devil, or vampire shaman that is, Sangromancer is a home run in our deck. Every time one of our hapless opponent's toughness 1 creatures hit the yard OR they discard, we're gaining a significant chunk of 3 life a pop. One of our best life gain pieces in the deck that can go off to gain us a ton of life and enable our strongest life cost activation card Bolas's Citadel.
Sheoldred, the Apocalypse
Major shoutout to our current Phyrexian's reincarnate Sheoldred, but she who heralds the apocalypse is going to be our main Praetor squeeze in this one. Very self-explanatory, they draw, they lose life, we draw, we gain life. Same as with Painful Quandary this completely shuts down any card draw heavy Commander decks you may be up against. Nothing beats watching that Arcades, the Strategist or Aesi, Tyrant of Gyre Strait player forget a draw trigger or two with low health and off themselves. The real reason I wake up and get out of bed each morning.
Syr Konrad, the Grim
Old, steady, dark Knight Syr Konrad. The versatility of his damage triggered ability is the best in the game. Now, whenever a creature is milled or placed into ANY graveyard, we hit our enemies for direct damage. Just wait, there's more folks, whenever a creature card LEAVES your graveyard we drain all our opponents as well, plain incredible and a nice deterrence to our opponent's exiling our reanimation targets when he is on the battlefield and our yard is full of creatures. Don't forget about his pay 2 mana mill one card ability in any situations you find one of your opponents at 1 life and you have no other way to activate a final damage trigger. A lucky creature mill from any of our opponents or ourselves can send our weak foe back to the hell they came from and secure us the W.
-X/-X Spells
Even though at the end of the day we're relying on staples such as Blood Artist, Bloodchief Ascension, and Gray Merchant of Asphodel to secure our glorious triumphs, the whole fun of this deck is using Maha to hobble our opponent's creatures toughness and wipe the entire board (with the exception of our creatures whenever we can help it) with rarely used, low mana cost -1/1, -2/-2, and -X/-X spells turn after turn.
Cower in Fear, Make Obsolete, Plague Mare and Suffocating Fumes
I dare you to tell me you've heard of any of these cards before...well maybe Mare was on my radar. Let's play all these effective and efficient three mana cost spells to give all of ONLY our opponent's creatures -1/-1 until end of turn. Cue Maha picking at the scavenged corpses of our enemies once mighty fallen soldiers. Holler to Suffocating Fumes for its cycling ability in a pinch.
Curse of Death's Hold
An aura curse that causes the biggest threat of our own choosing's creatures to have -1/-1 as long as the enchantment remains on said player. Great as it's a curse that targets and stays directly on our opponent, as opposed to a normal aura enchantment that would fizzle and die with a creatures removal (we do a bit of creature removal in this deck). It's also a great lock on any of our cursed opponent where if they can't remove Maha, they can't cast any creatures that don't enter with +1/+1 counters. Downsides, its high 5 mana cost and fact it only targets one player. Another prospect to be removed in favor of lower mana -1/-1 or -2/2 spells, but recall, this one is all about the forgotten, dust covered cards in the bottom of the cardboard bins at your local LGS getting a chance at some glory for once.
Kaervek, the Spiteful
We like Kaervek because he can stay on the battlefield with Maha so none of our opponents can cast creatures without them immediately falling on their own swords and heading to the graveyard. Getting these two out together causes to draw out some our opponent's targeted removal spells towards Kaervek instead of Maha, especially if we're already showing cards like Netherborn Altar. Always good to get them out. Bonus we can reanimate Kaervek if needed.
Nausea and Soul Snuffers.
-1/-1 spells that target ALL creatures. Yes, ours too. Note that Soul Snuffers places an actual -1/-1 counter on each creature and is not a -1/-1 status effect like the others. Can pair nicely with Spitting Dilophosaurus's ability to make creatures unable to block. The only two creatures we run in our deck with 1 toughness are Blood Artist and Orcish Bowmasters, but be aware these two spells will take them both down as well if on the battlefield.
Night of Souls' Betrayal
One of our MVPs in the deck, hands down. With Nights and Maha on the battlefield, any single creature our opponents cast without counters are instantly killed when they enter the battlefield. Same total creature lock out effect we get with Kaervek, the Spiteful except on a harder to remove enchantment. This can be absolutely brutal on our enemies. The joy of watching our opponents continue to cast creatures and send them to their instant doom until we politely remind them how the effect works is priceless.
Not a real -1/-1 spell, but its direct damage to opponent and each creature ability fits into this section best. One of our best enchantment pieces for decimating our enemies toughness 1 creatures. It's great that we can get it out early, before Maha takes flight and then use its ability for only one mana once she has arrived to wipe our opponents board. It's also great that it's not an upkeep trigger, but an activated ability we can choose to stop using if need be. Also another one of our great finishers in the deck for our opponents when we get them down to low health totals.
Screams from Within
A unique, priceless effect in our deck. Although this card only targets one creature initially with its -1/-1 ability, with Maha flapping around the battlefield this is an instant wipe of all our opponent's creatures loop. Simply target a new, crippled toughness 1 creature with Screams from Within each time it is returned to the battlefield on the previous creature's death and enjoy the echoing shrieks of your opponents all around you.
Spitting Dilophosaurus
Dun DA dun dun dun. Dun DA dun dun dun. Da DA dun dun dun. DUN DUN DUN. Jurassic Park or possibly Seinfeld. Whichever you prefer. This is a great new prehistoric hit, we slay any creature of our choosing on our dino's ETB ability and every turn it attacks. Although we don't have a ton of higher P/T creatures to swing with, don't forget this hisser's ability to make your opponent's The Ur-Dragon or other pesky, flying blocker, simply unable to after just one -1/-1 counter added. Who know's maybe someone else is playing proliferate as well.
Cry of the Carnarium
Although its higher -2/-2 effect will take out a few of our own weakest creatures if in play, Carnarium is a must include for its exile ability. Even if our drain happens to help us often bypass fog effects and Spore Frog loops, we want to have at least some options of dealing with other's graveyard abuse if necessary. Bojuka Bog and Final Act are our only other means for this, so if you have other -/- cards in hand, be sure to use them first and save Cry of the Carnarium as a last option in case you need to utilize the exile effect.
It took someone at WOTC a long time to figure out how they could best ruin two magnificent new arts (Massacre and Mogis, God of Slaughter with this trauma inducing comic sans font Secret Lair. All grievances aside, and it isn't easy for me on this one, we like free mana spells. It just puts a little pep right in our step. Conditional on an opponent running white in their color identity and having a Plains on the field, we ourselves need a Swamp. If you don't have a Swamp by the point you're trying to cast this, you have bigger issues to worry about that being stuck with a 4 mana cost -2/-2 spell. The often satisfied requirements for the free mana cost in most EDH games makes the conditionality worth it.
Black Sun's Zenith
This peak is well worth reaching for in our deck and the flavor of a Black Sun with our It Feathers Night "Black Death" energy is mwah. Great that it's another spell that puts actual -1/-1 counters on creatures (Spitting Dilophosaurus). We're almost always aiming to cast this for just a single 1 X mana cost so we can keep our bird alive and in the air while our prey melts around us. Then shuffle it into our deck and do it all over again.
The Meathook Massacre
One of our best -/- spells in the deck that could have also been listed under our life drain / gain category. Similar to Black Sun's Zenith we want to cast this for a single 1 X mana cost with Maha circling the battlefield. Wipe all of our opponent's creatures and add yet another taxing life drain / gain enchantment ability to the battlefield at the same time. Enjoy the same turn triggers on your enemies creature's deaths to begin with. Pairs excellently with our Bloodchief Ascension.
Toxic Deluge *f-etch*
Another absolute banger of a -/- spell in our deck. We gain a lot of life in this deck and don't mind often dumping a good portion of it into life cost activation spells and abilities. Deluge is no exception to this. We can cast this one for just a single life point with Maha out like our Black Sun and Meathook, but Toxic Deluge *f-etch* is great also for being able to kill large P/T enemy threats when Maha is removed or we have a slow ramp game. Deluge is another one to try and hold onto if you have other -/- spells available to use first and a great one to draw and keep in an opening hand.
Ramp in a monoblack deck can be quite the challenge, but we do have our few go-to's (looking at you Cabal Coffers and Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth. This section will cover all of our non-land ramp cards in the deck.
Crypt Ghast
We have Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth and x21 Swamps at our full disposal. Use our grisly spectre to double all of our favorite land producing mana. A must include for all monoblack decks.
Dark Ritual
Pay 1 black mana, get 3 black mana. A great opening hand card to help us get Maha out lickety' split or to get one of our other higher cost mana cards out as soon as possible.
Jeweled Lotus
Drawing this gem in an opening hand can all but ensure us a turn 2 cast and many times that's too much for our enemies to recover from, especially if we already are holding 1-2 of our low cost -1/-1 universal creature effects in hand. Jeweled Lotus also comes in clutch whenever we run into unfortunate constant Maha removal, as only our third cast from the Command Zone if removed twice from the battlefield is all the way up to 11 mana.
Throne of Eldraine
I haven't been playing enough as of late to notice if everyone has caught on yet how incredible Throne of Eldraine is, especially in monocolored decks. This has become an auto-include of mine in any and all 1-2 color identity Commanders I play, even a few 3 colored ones that favor a specific color for their higher mana cost spells. For a net loss of just one single colorless mana (if activated on the same turn as cast) Throne is an incredible source of 4 black mana for us each turn that we can use to cast every spell in our deck with the exception of a handful of artifacts. Don't snooze on paying just 3 mana to draw 2 cards each turn either instead if needed. Just be sure to pick black when this enters. :)
Our deck is made to ruthlessly massacre our enemies creatures. This creates delicious, constant reanimation targets for us in their graveyard. Don't forget also that with these cards in hand, it is often the better bet to let a shot down Maha sit in the graveyard for the turn and spring her back to life to the battlefield next turn. Vilis, Broker of Blood is another great target to hit from our own graveyard and lets us bypass his hefty 8 mana cost.
Animate Dead and Reanimate
The two best low cost EDH return from graveyard to battlefield enchantments. Take your pick from your opponent's treacherous litter of slain creatures and always keep Maha in mind as mentioned.
Virtue of Persistence
One of the few cards in our deck well worth the high 7 mana cost. This is our most potent reanimation piece in our deck. Get it out for its 2 adventure cost early after Maha first arrives to destroy our opponents most threatening (now toughness 1) creature and then cast it later for its 7 normal cost from exile when you have the mana. Now, each of our upkeeps we can return ANY creature from ANY graveyard straight to the battlefield. I had excluded this originally in the deck for its high mana cost, but its effect, along with the utility of its adventure sorcery is just too strong in our deck to miss out on.
With all the -/- spells in our deck, we are running much less true, targeted removal than normal in most EDH decks. The few we've held onto are must keeps.
Deadly Rollick *f-etch*
It goes in every black EDH deck, ever. Don't question it, just EXILE in BLACK for ZERO COST whenever Maha is in flight. Try to save Rollick for indestructible threats, but we do have other -1/-1 counter effect spells to stop them as well.
Feed the Swarm
One of our largest weaknesses in the deck is monoblack's inability to remove pesky enchantments. Swarm is our one answer. Another auto-include in any monoblack EDH deck as we just don't get this effect anywhere else except with outrageously high mana cost cards such as Ghastly Death Tyrant and Shatter the Oath that we don't want to play. Use on a creature if your back is against the wall, but again, this is our ONLY enchantment removal, hang onto it for that if you can manage.
Final Act
Yes, it's 6 mana, but this new banger from MH3 we are all about. Unlike Blood on the Snow were getting multiple strong effects, as well as a way to deal with my least favorite Magic archetype, Planeswalkers, all at once. The versatility of this card makes it a sleeper MVP of the deck. +1/+1 counter deck opponents are one of our biggest threats and weaknesses, as they keep their creatures toughness above 1, even when Maha is on the battlefield. Final Act is our one and only true answer for this and one that a counter player rarely sees coming. Not to mention its added bonus of removing burden and soul counters we may want to discard of. We also can choose to destroy ALL creatures when we are in an absolute pickle and another opponent graveyard abuse answer. Don't forget about a possible game winning exile all graveyards drain trigger if your graveyard is full of creatures and Syr Konrad, the Grim is in play. The number one reason we run this card is it being our only answer in the deck to a battlefield full of Planeswalkers, but all of these other added benefits we are more than happy to take along with it. The more the merrier as they say.
Are you really playing a monoblack Commander deck if you're not running Oubliette? I think not. Throw one of the meanest black enchantments in the game on your opponent's commander and hope they are running as little enchantment removal as we are.
Special Abilities
Breach the Multiverse
Please note, ANY and EVERY BLACK DECK you EVER build, YOU SHOULD BE PLAYING BREACH THE MULTIVERSE, it is really that good. 7 mana, blah blah, this thing could and probably should be 10 mana and I would still play it. I don't care if you playing mono Rats, some Dimir faeries or Orzhov angels, does your commander have black in their color identity? PLAY BREACH THE MULTIVERSE. Oh, we're stealing a creature from every opponent 90% of the time on their mill and filling their graveyards with other tasty reanimation targets for our spells? Not to mention reanimating one of our own creatures as well? PLAY BREACH THE MULTIVERSE. This spells ends games with a 3+ counter activated Bloodchief Ascension on the battlefield.
Noxious Field
Enchant any one of our lands (target a Swamp) to have it now tap to deal one damage to every creature on the battlefield and each opponent. Incredibly satisfying way to finish off an opponent who finds themselves down to their last life point and a re-occurable enemy creature wipe turn after turn with Maha on the battlefield.
Orcish Bowmasters
There is a reason everyone and their mama is playing this card. Flash can't be beat, you get a token that can rapidly grow to behemoth size and can hit ANY target for one damage on its ETB and EVERY time an opponent draws a card. Similar to Painful Quandary, this card can annihilate card draw based Commanders if left unchecked. Sorry Legolas, Bowmasters are here to stay.
Agadeem's Awakening
A chance, albeit it a longshot, to return a few, different cost mana creatures of ours straight to the battlefield from our graveyard. 9/10 times this is coming in as a land, but its nice to have a few late game options in case of emergencies. Get this in an opening hand and play it tapped as one of your first lands or else pay the 3 life to have it come in untapped if the mana is needed that turn.
Bojuka Bog
We pay the price of one our only two lands forced to come in tapped to exile any target enemies graveyard.
Command Beacon
Our commander is not cheap to recast as we have already gone over our other non-land Commander cost reduction options. We gladly spare the one sacrificial land in order to get Maha back into our hand and ready to soar once again.
Homeward Path
You may play 100 games without a loathsome blue player casting the likes of Treachery on Maha. This card is worth keeping in for that one game they do, hands down. Nothing leaves a worse taste in your mouth than your own Owl used against you, especially when said Owl has a devastating status effect such as ours.
Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx
One of our best land ramp options besides the Cabal + Urborg team up. Once our board begins to fill and our devotion to black raises anywhere 4 or above, make sure you are utilizing our Shrine for the extra mana each turn. One of our prime copy land targets for Vesuva.
Phyrexian Tower
A EDH favorite, sacrifice any creature to add 2 black mana. Always a great one to have for any turn you just need that bit more mana for a game winning cast. The main reason we are sure to include Phyrexian Tower though is to sacrifice our creatures if called for, not for the mana but for the drain death trigger creatures we run. Another lovely rare finisher to that opponent whose clinging to his precious last life points.
Reliquary Tower
We have a number of spells that can net us a large amount of cards each turn. Not to mention coming up against decks like Kami of the Crescent Moon that play the likes of Howling Mine. With Reliquary, our discard phase at end of turn becomes no more and we keep all our wicked spells in hand.
Takenuma, Abandoned Mire
There really isn't any downside to throwing Takenuma into the mix. It's great to have the channel ability to get a return creature from yard to hand, but we're also not too miffed when we draw it in a opening hand and need to use it for mana as it comes in untapped at no cost.
This one has come in and out as I argue with myself how often the coming in tapped is worth it. Well, it's definitely worth it when you can make x2 Cabal Coffers with an Urborg in play. This is our main copy land target when available, but take each individual game's circumstances into account per usual. Might be worth it to copy your Command Beacon instead and have two options to return Maha to hand in a removal heavy game. Be sure not to accidentally choose one of our own legendary lands to copy (or a legendary land of our opponents we have our own of), as we can only keep one due to the legends rule per usual.
War Room
We like drawing cards, we also like paying the least possible amount of life (1) in addition to the three mana activation cost to draw said card with our Commander's single black colored identity.
Basic Lands
We run x21 Swamps in this deck. Seems to be a nice, smooth number in play testing so far. Get these stunning, full-art John Avon lands to make our Queen of Darkness Maha feel right at home in the Woods.
Like the main deck description, all the cards in the maybeboard are separated below by main synergy. See why I have either removed them or chosen to not put them into the deck at this time.
A cool deterrence piece and who doesn’t love those Seventh Edition arts. Stops all opponents in their tracks with Maha on the battlefield. Added bonus that it kills our opponents toughness 1 creatures on attack, before combat damage is assigned if they do decided to swing at us. This does not save us from any of their possible attack triggers though. In the end, we don’t have an urgent need for more than 1 card slot dedicated to deterrence in our deck and No Mercy for just one more mana is the superior choice.
Card Draw / Tutors
Erebos, Bleak-Hearted
Gods are great. Only creatures when we meet the devotion requirement and indestructible either way. We are leaving Bleak-Hearted out due to the pay 2 life to draw a card being tied to or own creatures dying (which we try to avoid) and although his second ability with the additional price of sacing a creature can give us an answer, it’s not usually worth it.
Erebos, God of the Dead
The better of the two Erebos if you just love playing Gods. From our own deck we know the power of life gain and God of the Dead completely shuts down our opponents from doing so and can save us from infinite Exquisite Blood and Sanguine Bond players and the like. Add in a reusable 2 life, 2 mana cost card draw and this is a top prospect to go back in. Removed in favor of more drain effects.
Grim Tutor, Imperial Seal *f-etch* and Vampiric Tutor etc.
Our most potent EDH tutor staples. All the help we can get to find our wincons right? I mean, it’s not a clear no by any means. These are all expensive cards for a reason, even after all the reprints. Really for these, its take em’ or leave em’. I don’t enjoy traditional tutors much and it’s part of the reason why we aren’t running and avert infinite drain combos in this deck. If you want to add in all the black tutors and the likes of Exquisite Blood and Sanguine Bond you will most likely up your win rate. It’s just not my style. Be careful taking out too much from one specific group of any of our main synergies.
Cool new one from MH3. At the end of the day it’s Necropotence on a creature, but has the downside of limiting your hand size to 5 cards. We do like that it’s a creature we can reanimate, but if you’re going this route, just play the OG Necro instead.
Many consider Necro to be the most powerful black enchantment of all, for good reason. Especially in life gain decks like ours, you can draw 20-30 cards a turn (well on your next turn anyhow) and we run Reliquary Tower. If you want to speed up this deck and increase your win rate, slot Necropotence right back in. I’ve just never personally enjoyed the card or ability and would rather let the game unfold more naturally.
Phyrexian Arena
Solid, reliable, extra card draw on every upkeep. It’s also very rare we ever mind trading just 1 life with our life gain abilities for an extra card in hand. Slot this back in if you find yourself lacking in the draw department, but I let this one hit the bricks in favor of the versatility of Black Market Connections.
Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire
Another solid body we lose due to the conditionality of his tutor boast trigger. The real reason I still fancy our Sire though is that he has deathtouch. Do not underestimate a deathtouch blocker on the battlefield. We’ll take our chances this time though without him.
Life Drain and Gain / Direct Damage
Aetherflux Reservoir
We do love our wincons. We already gain plenty of life in this deck even without Aetherflux’s gain a cumulative 1 life every time we cast a spell ability. This spell ends games when we are down to one of the last two Planeswalkers standing and are above 50 life, at instant speed. Was hard to take out, but with its conditionality and our other life gain spells, this “hail mary” card took the cut.
Bloodletter of Aclazotz
We are first and foremost a drain wincon deck. This devilish demon doubles all our opponents loss of life on any drain or damage taken during our own turn. This can win games with a single -1/-1 creature wipe combined with the likes of Blood Artist or Syr Konrad, the Grim and Maha on the battlefield. One of the last cards I begrudgingly removed in favor of more direct triggered ability life drain. Another top candidate to slot back in.
Exquisite Blood, Sanguine Bond and Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose
As mentioned before, these three cards when paired together create infinite life gain / life drain loops for the victory. I’m not a fan of infinite combos, but if you are, feel free to slot these back in. Be sure to spread out whatever you remove evenly from our main synergies to not over weaken one particular theme. Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose still catches my eye to slot back in solo though, as he is a low 3 cost mana and synergizes so well with our other life gain spells.
Drown in Sorrow
Simple, effective and low mana cost + a scry 1. We take its -2/-2 effect out in favor of -1/-1 ones to avoid killing our own few toughness 1 creatures.
Cabal Torturer, Caustic Crawler and Nefashu
All four of these cards we are leaving out due to the fact they only target individual creatures with their -1/-1 abilities. The landfall trigger on Caustic Crawler is nice, but again we only get to remove one creature with each trigger and we don’t have any way to play multiple lands per turn or run fetches. We also don’t like that Cabal Torturer has to be tapped for his ability and that Nefashu has to attack for his, as being monoblack we only have a dabble of artifact equipment haste in the deck. Even though Nefashu’s ability targets 5 different creatures when we are able to swing, his 6 mana cost is way too high. As freaking awesome as this zombie mutant’s art is we have much more powerful 6 mana cost spells to slot in for him instead.
Liliana's Influence
We don’t run the Planeswalker it tutors for an its 6 cost mana price is just way too high for the effect to be worthwhile.
Another efficient low cost -1/-1 spell for our deck. This was the last -1/-1 to hit the bricks in favor of spells that only hit our opponents creatures as opposed to all.
Black Market
There's no denying the power behind Market, as with a plethora of charge counters from executing our opponents creatures (or our own getting inevitably removed) we can add a significant portion of black mana each precombat phase. With the amount of creature wipes and removal we are playing in our deck, it seems like an obvious MVP. However, despite all these immense positives, Black Market often seems to sit in our hands way too long and we often have better spells to cast (like Maha) for the 5 mana earlier games. This is one that when it goes off, it GOES OFF and can be the difference maker in a game, but it just never seems to get going for me. Slot this right back in if you catch the mana blues.
Nirkana Revenant
A more expensive 6 mana cost Crypt Ghast. We’ll think of her fondly, but stick with our Cryptkeeper for the lower mana curve instead.
Pitiless Plunderer
A fantastic ramp creature card netting us treasures whenever our own creatures hit the dust. However, we try to keep our creatures alive and well whenever possible and focus on triggers that benefit us when our opponent’s creatures die instead.
Revel in Riches
We mercilessly slaughter our opponent’s creatures and net a treasure token for every head we collect. What’s not to love. Well, its high mana cost for one and although alternate wincons are a favorite of mine, we don’t have any other ways of making treasures in the deck except for Revel’s triggered ability. If you find yourself continually running into low ramp games, go right ahead and slot Revel in Riches right back in.
Reanimation / Return
Grave Betrayal
One of the strongest, reanimation black triggered ability enchantments, but also one of the highest mana costs. There is no denying the power of this card, but we’re saving our 7 mana card slot for Breach the Multiverse instead.
The third best black graveyard to battlefield creature return spell. Another last card I hated to ditch in favor of more -1/-1 abilities. We still have the two lower mana cost Animate Dead and Reanimate.
This segmented critter returns any creatures killed (this time by a -1/-1 counter only) to the battlefield under our control. Our skittering pal also has wither itself. The appeal of stealing an entire board full of our enemies creatures from a Black Sun's Zenith is great, but we let this insect's effect go in favor of slotting in some more card draw.
Phyrexian Reclamation, Stitch Together and Victimize
I’ve decided to move away from putting any significant amount of card slots into straight non-reanimation creature return to hand or battlefield spells, this time in favor of dedicating those slots to life gain abilities instead. These three are some of the best if you decide to go that route.
Rise of the Dark Realms
If you want to try and hold out for this 9 mana cost hail mary return all creature cards from all graveyards to the battlefield cataclysmic powerhouse of a card, go right ahead. We’re going the lower mana curve route, but there’s no denying the beauty in this card when it hits, especially combined with a deck like ours that is sending creature after hapless power toughness 1 creature to the graveyard each turn.
Dictate of Erebos and Grave Pact
Classic black enchantment sacrifice pieces. We also play Phyrexian Tower. It is great to have sacrifice options in a deck, but we don’t really need these due to us having so many regular -1/-1 counter placing effects to get around indestructible already. We will save the mana for our other synergies.
Imp's Mischief *f-etch*
The OG Deflecting Swat itself. It’s just plain fun to play essentially a black counterspell and our opponents rarely see it coming from our monoblack color identity. Another tough take out I love to play that lost out to our enchantment removal need Feed the Swarm.
A card I have been slotting in lately to almost everyone of my EDH decks with black in my Commander’s color identity. Each opponent sacrificing a NONTOKEN creature for 5 mana isn’t half bad and if an opponent has 8 or more cards in their yard, the destroy any target creature for EACH opponent on transform is excellent and can take away all of our opponent’s biggest threats at once. If it happens to go off for the rare ultimate and re-transforms into your original sac trigger Praetor baddie, well done. Not running her here only because we are focusing on our Maha creature crippling abilities for most of our removal.
Special Abilities
Gisa, Glorious Resurrector
A great, newer exile and return to battlefield creature effect that's good old fashioned fun. We wish our resurrected legions didn't have decayed, but it’s nice to have another option to exile our opponents creatures instead of destroying them when necessary. One to slot in if you’re looking for a less win, more fun gameplay experience.
Liliana of the Dark Realms
I found myself really wanting to run this new squirrel extended art Liliana of the Dark Realms mainly just to stay on theme with our Bloomburrow Commander Maha. Her +1 find a Swamp ability is nice ramp and that ultimate of having our Swamps all tap for 4 mana each is quite appealing. I just don’t like Planeswalkers myself and the incredible ultimate is not worth the 1 game in 50 we're able it get it off. We also don’t miss her -3 removal ability as we get this effect elsewhere in our deck.
Ogre Slumlord
We like our death triggers in this deck and Slumlord is a fun one. Each time we use Maha to peck at our opponent’s creatures and they hit the graveyard we create a 1/1 rat with DEATHTOUCH. Have I mentioned we shouldn’t underestimate how good deathtouch blockers are? Especially easily disposable ones? Another card to slot make in if you’re looking for a more unique, fun experience.
Opposition Agent
Just a splendid one to play in monoblack decks. What’s more satisfying then shutting down our opponent’s tutoring and having some fun casting our enemies spells when a suitable target presents itself. See, black can do stax too white. Taken out recently to go back to Kaervek, the Spiteful and another -1/-1 ability.
Portal to Phyrexia
Call it removal, call it reanimation, call it pretty darn cool. I’ll leave it here under our special abilities category. The 9 mana cost is daunting, but this is a mighty removal by sacrifice piece. We’re shying away from the 9 drops, but worth a shoutout as I feel this is one people have forgotten about lately that can absolutely change games.
Temporal Extortion
An extra turn spell in black? For just 4 mana? What a great gem, I'm not sure where this one came into the picture, but is a great fun "give it a try" card. Our main wincons are drain, so even when an opponent chooses to pay half their life and block the ability the spell is well worth it for its 4 mana cost. Alternately, if no-one pays the life you get an EXTRA TURN IN BLACK. I'm not explaining why that is good.
Voltron / Infect
Sometimes we focus too much on Maha’s killer ability and forget the simple things in life, like the fact our Owl Savioress Maha, Its Feathers Night is a 6/6 flying trampler. I chose not to go the Voltron route myself, but these cards will all fit nicely if you want to go that way. Keep in mind, even without these Voltron additions, trying to swing on an specific enemy for lethal Commander damage with Maha is a plausible option.
Glistening Oil
Give Maha or another one of our creatures infect and pair with Hatred to off an enemy with poison counters in one swing. This one unfortunately hits our enchanted creature with a -1/-1 counter each upkeep, but is well worth it for a one shot opponent kill. Who knows, you might even get lucky and draw Final Act a few turns after Oil hits the battlefield.
Trade a decent chunk of life for a one shot kill with any infect cards. Ditto for regular ol’ fashioned Commander Damage when an opponent has no flying or reach blockers.
Phyresis and Tainted Strike
Give Maha infect, hit any enemy just twice for combat damage and watch their disease riddled bones decay beneath our boots. Paired with Hatred and unblocked their a one shot poison kill.
Sadistic Glee
Great unique addition for Voltron builds. We extinguish many poor creature lives in this deck and now, every time we do, Maha, or another enchanted creature of ours get +1/+1.
Spymaster's Vault
Another cool new one from MH3. We have tons of Swamps for it to come in untapped and when we wipe out our opponent’s creatures we can draw / discard a large amount of cards for just one black mana and a tap. I am willing to give this one another shot, but I never ended up being in the right situation to activate it and slotted in our protection staple Homeward Path in its place.
Thespian's Stage
Delays us some mana for a turn but can reap us bountiful rewards by copying our Cabal Coffers. A 2 mana cost activation Vesuva, so we’ll just play that instead.
The Darkness Falls...
Thanks for the read and hope you have enjoyed it. Will be updating this very soon to include descriptions for all the maybeboard cards and why I have chosen to leave them out at this time. Also will be adding a "Biggest Challenge" section to the write up once I have a little time and a few more games under this current versions belt. Wanted to get this out there now that the main description is done though. Please leave a fellow cursed Owl enthusiast an upvote if you like what you have seen. Fly on! With Darkness in your hearts.
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