Tana/Sidar Partners

Commander / EDH* Homelessguy


Ruselbrand says... #1

You should replace Citanul Hierophants with Cryptolith Rite; Rite's cheaper to cast, and it lets your creatures tap for any colour (I run it in my Tana + Sidar build). Besides, the Hierophants don't particularly synergise with your small dude theme you got going off. Sweet deck otherwise!

January 5, 2018 12:14 p.m.

Homelessguy says... #2

thank you.

you know I took out Rite and put in Earthcraft and never thought to switch it out for Citanul Hierophants.

January 5, 2018 3:02 p.m.

NoSoyYucateco says... #3

True Conviction and Furnace of Rath (and similar effects) are great with Sidar, since they don't increase your creatures' power. And if Elesh Norn pops up a lot at your tables, Nevermore might be worth including. It's also good for stopping a Cyclonic Rift.

January 13, 2018 4:49 a.m.

Homelessguy says... #4

True Conviction was in the deck but I took it out it was just a lot of Mana and having it in my hand early game it was really just a dead card it's not a bad card it just wasn't doing anything so I took it out.

As for the furnace, between the angel that gives me multiple attacks, the angel that doubles my attacks ,and all my stuff that gives double strike it's been able to kind of get multiple damage off consistently and I just don't think I need any more.

But,thank you for the suggestion of Nevermore because I totally forgot that was a card and I will be adding it in shortly I've already went and ordered one,thanks.

January 13, 2018 10:03 a.m.

JHowlett says... #5

oh god triumph of the hordes and this is just terrifying

February 1, 2018 2:12 p.m.

Homelessguy says... #6

That's how you piss off a table.

February 2, 2018 2:29 a.m.

ZendikariWol says... #7

So I see 2 big problems here.

1) You have SIX cards that create tokens on their own. Many of these take a few turns because spore counters. You have TWENTY ONE effects that are reliant or subpar without lots of creatures. More token creators.

2) This deck is going to draw hate from the entire table. This is fine if you can defend yourself. But from three players? This deck would die.

I will throw in some suggestions if you actually want my input, since you may not really care about what I brought up.

But, as a member of the cast of MacBeth:

Double double, toil and trouble, fire burn and cauldron bubble!

February 22, 2018 2:27 p.m.

Homelessguy says... #8

I always want feedback.

I want opinions and criticisms but mostly I want to make my deck as best as it can be.

even if I don't agree, having the input gives me something to consider and think on it!

As for your first point you brought up I make tokens primarily through Tana the other creatures I simply use them for their effects.

Utopia Mycon it simply there so I can Mana fix with my tokens.

And the other cards are for similar reasons the gain life if I'm close to being killed or to pump my commander after no blocks have been declared.

As for the second point you might think so but I don't play one on one Commander.

not because I don't like it but because my friends don't, most games we have at least four to six players and I've always been able to handle it just fine.

I've been hated out a time or two and then there's been a couple times we're the hate just didn't matter just doesn't matter.

But please give me all your thoughts if I can use even just one to make the deck better ,faster ,consistent ,or more resilient that would be great.

And if I can't I would still appreciate the feedback.

February 22, 2018 3:33 p.m.

Homelessguy says... #10

Thank you for going through all the trouble of listing out these cards. I really appreciate that!

But a lot of these either make creatures bigger than 2/2 and that just doesn't work with the deck.

I made it around my creatures being 2/2 or less.

Or the cards you suggested produce angels, Elementals, or beast.

And I need saprolling for a some of the effects of my other creatures like Thallid Germinator.

And while Aura Mutation and Artifact Mutation are capable of this, I find them to be far to situational and I'd rather just have a Beast Within or an Oblation.

February 23, 2018 2:23 p.m.

Homelessguy says... #12

You sold me on Tilonalli's Summoner!


February 27, 2018 9:30 a.m.

Maliande says... #13

I'm running a similar deck and have a few suggestions of cards that work really well in that deck:

Combo with Sidar Kondo - Avenging Druid - Centaur Rootcaster - Grenzo, Havoc Raiser - Spawnwrithe - Bower Passage - Chaosphere - Dense Canopy

Benefit from having many creatures - Ashnod's Altar - Nullmage Shepherd - Odric, Master Tactician - Hour of Reckoning - Nissa's Expedition - Appeal / Authority - Glare of Subdual (very powerful) - Eldrazi Monument (I know, puts your creatures over 2 power. But if you're flying and indestructible, who cares about details like that) - Cathars' Crusade (same luxury problem as Eldrazi Monument, and same solution)

Punish your opponents for having high power creatures - Fell the Mighty - Solar Tide - Meekstone - Noetic Scales - Elspeth, Sun's Champion

Generic goodstuff - Path of Ancestry (how are you surviving with so little land in the first place?) - Krosan Verge (if you put in the big dollar land cards, might as well fetch them. plus, it ramps too!)

March 20, 2018 9:35 a.m.

Maliande says... #14

Oh, and I see you missed this one: Duelist's Heritage (cheaper than Blood Mists, with added benefit of interesting choices during other players turns.)

March 20, 2018 9:44 a.m.

Homelessguy says... #15

I lot of the cards you listed have been in the deck at one point or another.

Sun champion was exchanged for Samut, the Tested and I switched out my alter for a Utopia Mycon it's easier to tutor 4 in the deck and cheaper to cast provides colored Mana which becomes kind of necessary (and by necessary I mean a pain in the a**), and so on.

and yes you're right I completely missed [ Duelist's Heritage ] Thanks!

March 20, 2018 11:21 a.m.

Gleeock says... #16

March 30, 2018 7:02 a.m.

Gleeock says... #17

March 30, 2018 7:05 a.m.

Homelessguy says... #18

They're all really good cards but I feel they're too slow Phyrexian Swarmlord is a 6 drop that makes one infect token on each of my end steps.

So I think I'd rather just used Triumph of the Hordes.

Same for Assemble the Legion and Sun's champion.

May 4, 2018 2:29 p.m.

KingZamiel says... #19

I absolutely love this! I never thought I'd see the day that my previous saprolings would make a good EDH deck. Of course, I never knew that Tana, the Bloodsower existed until now.

I only have a few suggestions that I hope helps. Have you considered Verdeloth the Ancient? He's a little steep, but his anthem effect and the kicker cost are definitely useful.

Life and Limb would be good here too, not only to increase your mana sources, but to increase your creature count too. On a side note, if you pair that with Cryptolith Rite, you'll essentially allow all of your forests to tap for any color mana.

Earth Surge is gimmicky and heavily reliant on L&L, but it's an option.

Mirage Mirror is pretty cheap and versatile. Good if you get only one token doubler or if one is destroyed.

Lastly, I'd recommend Panharmonicon since you have a decent amount of enter-the-battlefield effects (most notably Anointed Procession and Parallel Lives). It also doubles Aura Shards, Impact Tremors, and Huatli's emblem.

I hope this helps!

May 15, 2018 12:30 p.m.

Homelessguy says... #20

I'm only running 3 forests so I don't know if Life and Limb would be worth it.

Mirage Mirror could be dope though.


May 15, 2018 2:46 p.m.

KingZamiel says... #21

Whoops totally did not see that, my bad!

Well since I'm back, I remembered a gimmicky combo I like: Naya Hushblade + Shield of the Oversoul . There's no real synergy with your deck, but if you get that going, you've got a 4/3 with flying, indestructible, and shroud for good measure. At the very least maybe the shield might be useful?

May 15, 2018 3:29 p.m.

xram666 says... #22

Maybe run some effects that pump after blockers are declared like Leonin Sun Standard.

And for Saproling Tolen Generation Saproling Burst

October 4, 2018 8:53 a.m.

Homelessguy says... #23

I feel between wolf run Mirror Entity,Elder of Laurels and others I got a pretty good set of that already.

And it's not that the the card is not good I just wouldn't be willing to take anything out for it.

And while burst is very I feel that the leaving play clause makes it 2 unreliable

October 4, 2018 9:29 a.m.

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