Talrand - Durdle Summoner

Commander / EDH NoNeedToBragoBoutIt


Profet93 says... #1

I like your deck but there isNoNeedToBragoBoutIt..... :D

Leyline of Anticipation seems unnecessary as 1/3rd of your deck can be played at instant speed already. Perhaps replace it with Isochron Scepter for a repeatable counterspell? Maybe even a Fabricate to search for the artfact you need at the time?

Gravitational Shift seems overcosted for what it does but I can see how it can help you beat face. Idk your budget, but a good budget option is Blatant Thievery as you said you play multiplayer as well.

+1 from me since your build seems pretty cool. If you get a chance, I would love your feedback on my deck Tisk Tisk Talrand. Feel free to take a look at the deck (specifically the sideboard) for the potential upgrades you can add to your deck given enough cash.

November 4, 2016 4:29 p.m.

Thanks for your comment Profet93, but where did your +1 go? :D

As for Isochron Scepter, i don't think it would do too great. There's "only" 16 Instants i'd be able to copy with it without losing full potential (see Cyclonic Rift & Blustersquall). Plus, as you might have noticed, i don't run a single counterspell that doesn't allow me to overtake or at least copy the spell.Fabricate is way too narrow with only 4 Artifacts in the deck.

Gravitational Shift might not be cheap, but it gives insane mileage. With this deck it feels like a blue Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite. Combined with Coastal Piracy/Bident of Thassa it's normally gg after 1-2 swings.

I have several copies of Blatant Thievery and it's a great card, yet it costs way too much mana. Normally Talrand, Sky Summoner works best for me when i'm able to flood the board with tokens quickly or get the storm count up as soon as Curious Homunculus  Flip transformed or Soulblade Djinn hit the board.

As for your deck; i like it but it's a way different play style. You run a lot of counters and i generally avoid them, as i prefer pro-active gameplay over denial schemes - yes, even in mono-U. :D Only counter i don't have yet but want is Cryptic Command for its insane flexibility. Your deck runs more non-Instants/Sorceries than mine as i'm a theme over strength player to some extend. Sure, a Snapcaster Mage is insane value, but without a lot of counters Relearn and Call to Mind do just fine and grant me 2 additional triggers. With one in the graveyard and the other in hand it even is a wheel of triggers.

Anyway, thanks again, +1 for your deck, as it is well suited for your playstyle.

November 5, 2016 6:41 a.m.

Profet93 says... #3


I'm so sorry! I have no idea what happened. You make good points, I hadn't noticed the lack of "proper" instant. If you think Gravitational Shift is that good then perhaps I might need to give it a try myself :)

Yea we do have a different playstyle, but I enjoy learning from you. Best of luck!

November 5, 2016 12:53 p.m.

Anachoret13 says... #4

Nice Deck Man!!! :)

November 9, 2016 7:37 p.m.

Thanks a lot, Anachoret13! :)

November 10, 2016 5:56 a.m.
December 24, 2016 10:02 a.m.

Thx Samuel_Antao_Amazonas for your suggestion.When Metallurgic Summonings was spoiled i was amidst of brewing this deck and i'd love to play it for it's activated ability, but the triggered ability is a pain in the ass in a paper EDH deck... Maybe i'll get a copy and try it out when it's a little cheaper though.

December 24, 2016 11:25 a.m.

Vash13 says... #8

Awsome deck, looks like its a real monkey wrench in the other players gears, does it play well? It looks very well constructed.

January 15, 2019 6:13 p.m.

Thanks for your kind words, Vash13!

The deck's controlish nature is more or less just there to make sure i can pull off the token durdle. That's why i'm only running 6 Counterspell s, most of which come with alternative or additional functionality.

It does play really well, especially if you get to swing with Bident of Thassa , Coastal Piracy or Kindred Discovery in play. I'd characterize it as a midrange deck, because it doesn't escalate within the first few turns but can establish itself amazingly after that. Overall it's a common mono- control deck, with a built-in win con - Drakes!

January 24, 2019 9:44 a.m.

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