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Suicide Cult (Aristocrat Board Wipes)

Modern Aristocrats Lifegain WB (Orzhov)




Artifact (1)


After some tinkering, and the addition of Vengeful Bloodwitch, I decided to make this deck pretty straight forward with its strategy. 14 creatures that are like Blood Artist, [5 board wipes + 2 Raise the Past + 3 Tutors], great sacrifice fodder, and some other goodies!

Aristocrat Gang! Blood Artist, Zulaport Cutthroat, Vengeful Bloodwitch, and Cruel Celebrant. The main strategy is to flood the board with these guys, and keep control over the board, possibly winning, with board wipes. When I have a bunch of them out, each blocker can make my opponents lose a lot of life a piece when they die blocking.

The Fodder! Serrated Scorpion and Fear of Losing Teeth. Ideally, I block with these guys before I block with the Aristocracy, and I use these for Diabolic Intent.

Boardwipes! Damn and Meathook Massacre. Damn is great for spot removal when I need it, and serves as one of the two primary boardwipes. The other primary is Meathook Massacre, as it gets around indestructible, and works with the aristocracy to cause my enemy to die. If I have 4 aristocrats out, and pay 2 into X on Massacre, I can make my enemy lose 25 life, vs only 16 if I used Damn.

Support Cards! 1. Diabolic Tutor, for fetching a Board Wipe, or Athros 2. Athros, for blocking, and his sweet ability. In conjunction with the board wipes, and to make a Serrated Scorpion cost 3 more life when it dies, this is definitely worth fetching for. 3. Aether Vial, for playing double the amount of aristocratics. 4. Grim Hourspexs, for draw power! Draw engine GOAT 5. Ayara, also for drawing, but its other ability is pretty nice for a little extra oomph. 6. Viscera Seer, for a sac outlet and to help dig through the deck. Since its ability is free, I can sacrifice the aristocracy one by one, and with my lands still open, cast Raise the Past and bring them all back.

I think this a pretty consistent build, and the more guys you play, the better your defense. You can reach a stalemate when it gets to the point when clicking with 1 creature can make you gain 3+ life and they lose 3 life. Block with 3 Aristocrats, gain 9 life and they lose 9 life. I haven’t used this in any real matches, so idk what it works well against or what its weaknesses are. It might be a tad to slow for some control builds I image. Anyway, I hope you like it as much as my other decks!


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91% Competitive

Top Ranked
  • Achieved #15 position in Modern 1 month ago
Date added 2 years
Last updated 4 weeks

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 3 Mythic Rares

24 - 3 Rares

17 - 3 Uncommons

7 - 6 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.98
Tokens Morph 2/2 C
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