Song of Dragons

Standard Davie_Bones


V-1.0 —April 6, 2021

Added Gadrak, the Crown-Scourge and Goldspan Dragon in for the upcoming set. Trying to make it more Dragon concentrated for Draconic Intervention.

Considering Opportunistic Dragon... even Shimmer Dragon if I decide to increase the curve of my deck.

Davie_Bones says... #1

This is an adaptation of my original A little Rum & Sprite

I have gotten Song of Creation out, and just exploded!

March 27, 2021 2:57 p.m.

Cool idea! I was thinking of trying something similar once STX comes out and we get that green magecraft 2-drop to stack counters on alongside Spritey.

I also have a current Song deck that might give you some ideas- Song of Krakens. As the name suggests I'm also going for Ominous Seas triggers, but also there's an emphasis on spells that get around the discard on Song so you are never depending on topdecking a spell to get things started each turn.

April 4, 2021 4:06 p.m.

Davie_Bones says... #3

ChrisHansonBiomancin, check out my other songs deck Song of Land Distractions. I tried using Ominous Seas and I felt like it is super slow. I have found that Midnight Clock is almost required when playing Song of Creation . I'm also running Yorion, Sky Nomad to help me have more cards in my deck so that I don't potentially deck out against mill. Lemme know what you think!

April 5, 2021 11:55 p.m.