Rograhk, Friend of Jeska - BUDGET

Commander / EDH Ardees


Budgeting —June 12, 2021

Added Worn Powerstone and Insult / Injury over Thran Dynamo and Furnace of Rath. Changes follow the budget logic of the deck, while also further lowering the deck's average cmc.

GsG_Esel_YT says... #1

Holy Moly, in 1v1 this is ridiculous, Killing turn 4 when not disrupted almost every testgame...

November 2, 2020 8:39 a.m.

E2mtg says... #2

played against it in, absoloute monster!

November 3, 2020 6:04 a.m.

Vivctius says... #3

Awesome story and even more awesome deck, could you make a more expensive version of the deck? I was indecise between boros or mono red for Rograkh but this definitely made up my mind. I'm putting mana crypt, some of the swords and some infinite combos but I'd love to see how would you build a better version of this deck with a bigger budget.

November 18, 2020 4:56 p.m.

Ardees says... #4

Vivctius Thanks for the feedback! I've tried it indeed, still working on it. Notable additions would definitely be mana crypt, mana vault, mox amber, champion's helm, a couple of swords. By adding all the 'fancy' equips I noticed the mana curve increased dramatically and I was much easier to counter, so I think the philosophy of low CMC with cheap enchantments and instant would be left unchanged. But it can definitely be improved for a competitive level, land-wise as well.

November 19, 2020 5:34 a.m.

DemMeowsephs says... #5

Hey there! I might have a few suggestions on ways to improve the ramp section whilst staying within budget. First off, I don't think you would consider this ramp, but as it will help get rid of some costs I figured you might like it: Brass Squire. You run 16+ equipment spells and if they are a big part of the deck, brass might do well. Hammer of Nazahn might be a bit out of your budget, but if you are willing to spend it, just like brass squire it could work quite well indeed. Treasonous Ogre is also super cheap but allows you to get at least ten red mana if you wanted to if not more, allowing you to possibly get everything you need out before winning! Simian Spirit Guide isn't as powerful, but can act as a sort of cheaper Lotus Petal in mono-red, thus it could be pretty good. Geosurge is like seething song, and I think it could work much better than Rite of Flame. Rite of flame literally costs one and gives you to, meaning its giving you one mana. But you could have had that one mana from just tapping a land. So I would definitely cut it since you can only have one copy. As for lands, I would certainly recommend a Dwarven Ruins and a Crystal Vein! Hope this helps, good luck on your deck, and have a wonderful day! Happy tapping!

November 23, 2020 7:56 a.m.

Profet93 says... #6

Sword of the animist, war room, endless atlass, a wheel or 2 couldn't hurt. Blast zone to deal with enchantments, deflecting swat for utility.

December 9, 2020 3:43 a.m.