Nigrescence says... #2
If you want them to not be able to attack because of summoning sickness, a big weakness is haste creatures. The only ones people run are the ones you really need to watch out against. I'd suggest putting in Blind Obedience .
Consider running 4x Azorius Charm . It's even better than going to their hand, because it kills their draw, too. Optionally you can use it to give your stuff lifelink or to draw a card, so it's almost always got a use for your board position.
Consider Niblis of the Breath to keep tapped down haste stuff that comes out, or to recycle your Nephalia Smuggler ability if you get enough mana to use it twice in a turn (likely late game if your stalling hasn't given you enough to take them out).
March 27, 2013 2:16 p.m.
TheLameSauce says... #3
I would seriously consider running a playset of Ghostly Flicker and pull out one of your cloudshifts. Also, think about switching your Suture Priest s and Stonehorn Dignitary s out for Azorius Arrester , Champion of the Parish , Geist-Honored Monk , Healer of the Pride , Mentor of the Meek , or Seller of Songbirds , and possibly sideboarding War Priest of Thune
March 27, 2013 2:40 p.m.
TheLameSauce says... #4
To elaborate on why Ghostly Flicker is better in this deck, with one in your graveyard and a Archaeomancer and a mistraven on the field, you have an infinitely repeatable Unsummon
March 27, 2013 2:42 p.m.
TheLameSauce says... #5
Oh, and you really don't need 4 Nephalia Smuggler s, I'd take at least 2 of them out.
March 27, 2013 2:43 p.m.
I am confused how it becomes infinite. Can you please elaborate the steps to trigger this?
March 27, 2013 2:58 p.m.
TheLameSauce says... #7
You cast Ghostly Flicker targeting the Archaeomancer and the Mist Raven . When it resolves, target the other Ghostly Flicker in your graveyard with Archaeomancer, getting it back to do it again. You can use this same strategy to repeatedly flicker any of your other useful ETB guys.
March 27, 2013 3:08 p.m.
TheLameSauce says... #8
Talrand, Sky Summoner is also really good in these kinds of decks. He generates a bunch of drakes while you're getting your flicker effects, and every time someone tries to deal with him, you just flicker him in response, making even more drakes.
March 27, 2013 3:11 p.m.
@TheLameSauce, perhaps I still don't understand what you are saying so correct me if I am wrong. I can only repeat it as many times as I can afford to cast Ghostly Flicker . Correct?
March 28, 2013 1:17 a.m.
TheLameSauce says... #10
Correct. That's how I like my "infinite" combos to run. Anything legitimately infinite is just obnoxious.
March 28, 2013 6:21 p.m.
Nigrescence says... #11
Then they're just combos. They're only infinite if they're infinite.
March 28, 2013 10:49 p.m.
Azorius Charm should be a four-of. Being able to put stuff back on top of its library is really strong against aggro, while the lifelink is game changing.
I'd also run Detention Sphere over Oblivion Ring , but that might depend more on personal preference.
Your deck could also use four Think Twice and a few Supreme Verdict s. Sphinx's Revelation is an obvious four-of, too, but they're really expensive right now ($26 I think?). Augur of Bolas would be a nice blocker for your deck, in addition to giving you the potential extra card. Definitely cut Archaeomancer for him. Niblis of the Breath isn't doing much for you, either.
The mana base is also out of whack. About 65% of your deck is blue, but only 50% of your lands produce blue mana. 20 lands is also too low. I'd suggest 12 Island , 8 Plains , and four Azorius Guildgate . Ideally, you'd run four Hallowed Fountain and four Glacial Fortress .
April 1, 2013 3:28 a.m.
detentionsphere says... #13
Mostly what Sylvannos said; Azorius Charm , Supreme Verdict , Sphinx's Revelation , Augur of Bolas , duals. Also Ghostly Flicker and Cloudshift are extremely dependant on you having creatures in play and are dead cards without. Snapcaster Mage is better than Archaeomancer . Conjurer's Closet is too slow. I would also cut Mist Raven s for more Restoration Angel s and Dungeon Geists s.
Basically the problem right now with running a deck like this is the number of good enters-the-battlefield (ETB) effects/haste... bouncing Huntmaster of the Fells Flip , Thragtusk , Falkenrath Aristocrat , or Flinthoof Boar is just terrible... you need more permanent removal Detention Sphere , Supreme Verdict than bounce...
April 1, 2013 4:47 a.m.
Right off the bat I'd cut Last Thoughts and Scroll of Avacyn and add four Think Twice . Augur of Bolas would be better for your deck than Hussar Patrol and Attended Knight .
Have you seen American Flash/Control lists? Here's one that got 2nd. place at a Pro Tour. Your deck is headed in that direction.
Relatively inexpensive cards you could add to your deck:
Detention Sphere Supreme Verdict 3x more Boros Charm 1x more Azorius Charm Izzet Charm Pillar of Flame Glacial Fortress
Since your creatures are on the higher end of the curve and you have a lot of control spells, I think your best bet would be to go pure control.
April 3, 2013 5:19 a.m.
That is the nearly the exact deck I started out trying to make but I could not afford all the Creatures and Sphinx's Revelation .
I can't find a good synergy to run my creatures around besides, bouncing my Attended Knight and securing a lot of human tokens for Angelic Overseer . And if I push more for that synergy which is mostly white can I justify having a three color deck or being competitive while I obtain the higher priced cards?
I am open to revamping it but I just can't afford 20 $20 cards right up front.
What can you suggest I run while I collect those higher end cards?
April 3, 2013 5:38 a.m.
Attended Knight doesn't make human tokens, even though she doesn't make 2 humans to extra protect the overseer she's probably the best budget option to make value with resto angel.
I would suggest taking sylvannos' budget card options,but this archetype is overall expensive (if you discount the fact that all land bases are a good hit to the wallet anyway) as it's difficult to make a control deck function well without the expensive revelations and snapcasters. You may find it easier to try and build one of the decks this article covers all of them involve playing little white humans and beating face.
April 3, 2013 9:09 a.m.
perfidious says... #17
Fog Bank is good for stalling some attacks but it can be easily taken care of with a Searing Spear I would recommend adding some Dispel to prolong the life of it. I would drop Thought Scour in place of Think Twice add in a few Augur of Bolas
April 3, 2013 12:48 p.m.
daveandkenz says... #18
I would probably drop 2x Last Thoughts and 1x Rewind for 3x Augur of Bolas . Yeah, Last Thoughts works well with Invisible Stalker , but it costs four to play. Then take out 3x Mist Raven and add 3x Unsummon . The Unsummon s cost less and they can also help your own creatures if you want to re-cast them, and they're three less than Mist Raven . I think I would trade the 4x Thought Scour for 2x or 3x Think Twice . Yeah, they cost one more, but you can use those twice rather than once, and milling doesn't really help your deck, plus you've already got quite a bit of draw cards. Plus, you will probably had played one or two instants or sorceries by the time you get to play Archaeomancer , so milling wouldn't be very effective for that, especially if you accidentally put a Restoration Angel in the graveyard. Augur of Bolas is kinda like a draw card, so it helps replace them too. Then I would put in one more Searing Spear . I might even drop one of the Invisible Stalker s for another Searing Spear . Maybe even trade the Invisible Stalker s for Delver of Secrets Flip . It seems like it would go along with the deck a little better. With a small amount of all these cards, it's untelling what you'll get and when you'll get it, so you need a plan. I see this moving towards the "prevent them from getting many creatures and deal direct damage with instants" type deck.The deck is pretty good, but it seems too slow to handle most standard decks I've played. So I would probably speed it up a little. :o
April 4, 2013 10:25 a.m.
daveandkenz says... #19
I would probably also consider some creature steal cards like Act of Treason or Traitorous Blood or something. They're pretty good for control and will help with your lack of creatures.
April 4, 2013 10:50 a.m.
cartwheelnurd says... #20
Most decks contend at FNM. THis is a high-tier standard deck, so you'll be set for an FNM, the most casual of tournaments.
April 8, 2013 7:48 p.m.
You don't really have the right cards for this archetype to work effectively, it was built to abuse the fact that Sphinx's Revelation , Snapcaster Mage and Restoration Angel all are instant speed and powerful, the rest of the deck is used to utilize those cards to their fullest (well aside from Boros Reckoner 's utility spells, but even they are greatly improved with the other spells). Overall W/U/R flash probably isn't a deck to try if you don't run it's powerful spells.
But if that doesn't discourage you then I'd recommend you run 16 or more creatures, otherwise you'll often run into an issue of not being able to apply enough pressure.
April 8, 2013 7:51 p.m.
Uhmazingphil says... #22
This looks like budget American Control. The comment you left on my page doesn't seem to match this deck, but I'll give you all of the tips I can.
Right now this deck seems to be all over the place. A little bit of control, a little bit of destruction, a little bit of aggro. But all in all it doesn't really have synergy.
I find the easiest way for me to understand a deck is to playtest it. I can't tell you how many times I've had that Boros Reckoner
on the field and I've drawn into Supreme Verdict
It seems to me that the win con here is to sandbag Harvest Pyre and Boros Reckoner . If you want to win with the Reckoner Combo I suggest adding 3 more Harvest Pyre , 4 Blasphemous Act , or maybe 4 Into the Maw of Hell .
Outside of that, perhaps you should bring in a little more control like Dissipate , Feeling of Dread to help beat in some, or maybe Searing Spear or Thunderous Wrath for some removal/burn.
Whichever you decide, try to get playsets of things for a little more consistency.
Nigrescence says... #1
Stonehorn Dignitary is not standard.
March 27, 2013 2:10 p.m.