Oloro White Blue Black Creatureless Control

Commander / EDH hootsnag


Brothers' War Update —Nov. 16, 2022

Removed Ghostly Prison, Propaganda, and Perilous Vault. Added Humility, Tainted AEther, and Legions to Ashes.

bkcrosson says... #1

Esper has tons of win cons that are exceptional. Mechanized production is soooo slow that anyone not able to stop this combo should quit magic.

Exquisite Blood + Sanguine Bond. (Really slow but faster than Mechanized production.

Aetherflux Reservoir + Bolas citadel + sensei's top or...

Doomsday + Commander's Sphere + Bolas's Citadel + Aetherflux Reservoir + Black Sun's Zenith

Stasis + Tmoothering Tithe or + Isochron Septer/ Dramatic Reversal

As far as creature hate; Humility is tops; your friends should learn how it works (etbs don't work) Propaganda, Ghostly Prison, and No Mercy are reasonable pillow fort.

But, Rest in Peace + Web of Inertia or + Energy Field

Rest in Peace + Helm of obedience is a win con

Toxic Deluge and Damn are the only real creature board wipes. Toxic will get indestructible and damn is versatile.

Path to Exile, Sword to Plowshares, Imprisoned in the Moon

For targeted removal

Play all tutors that cost less than 3. Play counter spells.

And that should be a deck

October 22, 2022 5:30 p.m.

hootsnag says... #3

Great suggestions! I have looked at all of the mentioned cards and MANY others not listed before I settled on my final build for this deck. I will never run Doomsday in any deck...ever. It's a bad card. I chose not to run cards like Stasis, Aetherflux Reservoir, Humility, No Mercy, Rest in Peace and most board wipes or targeted creature removal for a good reason. Are those cards good in other Stax or Control decks? Yes, absolutely. Are they good for the deck I chose to make? No. My win conditions are very slow or very fast depending on which you use. Also, I made this deck specifically to make any permanents that other players put on the battlefield pretty much useless. Who needs to add in Humility when I have cards like Moat, Torpor Orb, and Cursed Totem? I neutralize creatures plenty well without having to add even more creature hate. Farewell is a card I can rely on also if things get out of hand on the board state. I have plenty of tutors and counterspells as well. Also, I need to manipulate my graveyard so I will not use Rest in Peace. I'm sure this deck isn't perfect but it does exactly what it's designed to do and quite well. To be fair, Web of Inertia, Tainted Aether, Spreading Plague, and Overburden, Toxic Deluge, Wrath of God, and Damnation were just some of the cards that I wound up cutting because I already had enough ways to deal with creatures or I needed room for other things. I appreciate you taking the time to leave feedback and card suggestions. Good luck to you in your games!

October 22, 2022 8:29 p.m.