Smaug's Everlasting Avarice | Primer

Commander / EDH* Fenryr


Donevan says... #1

Nice deck, I especially like the Animation Module combo! what about some green ramp spells like Farseek , Kodama's Reach or Skyshroud Claim instead of the Llanowar Elves and mana artifacts (they are quite fragile to removal or board wipes). I would also consider more draw spells like Rishkar's Expertise .

September 10, 2019 2:18 a.m.

Fenryr says... #3

Donevan Thanks for the suggestions! I really was focusing on wincon stuff when I first put it together, so I kinda let ramp fall by the wayside lol. I think it's in a good place, ramp wise, with the most recent additions, but lmk if you think otherwise.

September 10, 2019 3:59 p.m.

Fenryr says... #4

Also Donevan card draw isn’t really an issue because of the ability of the commander itself so I’d like to steer clear of such expensive draw spells. Thanks though!

September 10, 2019 4:27 p.m.

RNR_Gaming says... #5

Saw you wanted to chat. I'm assuming because we're both brewing this monster. You've definitely made a good deck already. Are you sure your knowledge is limited when it comes to this format? The main differences in our deck seem to be our win conditions. My advice is to make upgrade Painful Truths to something like Necropotence or Phyrexian Arena ; repeatable and diverse card draw is very important in keeping a fat hand. Sure, Korvold provides an excellent card engine but don't ever entirely rely on your commander. Additionally, this is personal preferance but I like cards that double as a utility and ramp over ramp spells. Deathrite Shaman is a much better top deck than Farseek in most cases and it doubles as graveyard hate.

September 10, 2019 4:45 p.m.

Fenryr says... #6

RNR_Gaming hey thanks a lot for the detailed post and for the compliment! Yeah, I'm pretty sure I know only a small bit lol, but my lack of knowledge is more on the side of lack of experience with common competitive/semi-competitive (literally have no clue if this deck can handle a cEDH environment; I know Food Chain can, but that's a combo I'm not too fond of lol) interaction, especially in a deck without blue. It seems the only way it'd be able to play comfortably is if Boseiju or Veil are at my disposal during the turn I'd go off. Also I'm probably going to replace Truths with either Necro or Ad Naus--Phyrexian Arena seems like an outstanding card but in my ideal game it'd only draw me 2 or 3 cards (key word ideal lol). Also I'll definitely be swapping Farseek for Deathrite.

September 10, 2019 8:22 p.m.

RNR_Gaming says... #7

I think he fits in the high power teir. He doesn't do much Prossh cannot and Prossh requires less to go off. That being said I do think Korvold, Fae-Cursed King could snatch a few wins in a CEDH game. I'll probably re-vist this commander once I get a chance to toy with it a bit more.

September 10, 2019 8:42 p.m.

Fenryr says... #8

That's good enough for me. Common enemies are Kess, Derevi Stax, Rashmi, Godo, and (ugh) Urza, which kinda sucks but that also means I'll be more of an underdog in most games and probably scrape by unnoticed lol.

September 10, 2019 8:48 p.m.

RNR_Gaming says... #9

Oof. Competitive bunch there. I've found Collector Ouphe and Null Rod to be MVPs against artifact centric decks. Collector Ouphe would probably be better because he's easier for you to get rid of when you dont need him anymore. The storm players are a tad harder to deal with especially if you're not in white. Damping Sphere could be funny though.

September 10, 2019 9:24 p.m.

Fenryr says... #10

lllol I was literally just tryna remember the '2 or 3 mana artifact that was monumental in anti storm from Dominaria that I still haven't seen in a deck yet' so thanks a lot for that. I haven't actually seen the Godo deck win yet, so I'm not too worried about that. As for Urza, I've found Cursed Totem to be game changing and hate inducing. Thanks again for the suggestions, I think I'll hold off on Ouphe and Null Rod and the Sphere until I can test the deck on Friday, but thanks for reminding me about stax lol!

September 10, 2019 10:09 p.m.

RNR_Gaming says... #11

Funny because the Godo player at my store always T2s. Well, at least when I'm not there.

September 10, 2019 10:26 p.m.

Fenryr says... #12

' least when I'm not there.'

Ey lol nice, yeah the Godo deck is one FNM old so I've only seen it played thrice. (I think the guy is still figuring out his combos or the deck itself or something)

September 10, 2019 10:44 p.m. Edited.

RNR_Gaming says... #13

Its counting to I believe 11 mana and jamming the commander. I play yisan mainly I can usually shit down artifact strategies on verse 2 lol. He'll figure it out. Best of luck with the brew though.

September 10, 2019 11:51 p.m.

Fenryr says... #14

Thanks, you too.

September 10, 2019 11:57 p.m.

ybn- says... #15

Really cool list! I'm guessing you're reaching for a competitive environment, which is why slower items like Lord Windgrace might not work, but I'd suggest trying him instead of Splendid Reclamation just because Reclamation is extremely slow under most circumstances. I'm guessing it's also why you have Amulet of Vigor in there, too, which I'd also suggest taking another look at. And why no Mox Diamond? It seems this list is optimized enough to warrant it would really benefit from inclusion.

September 11, 2019 5:51 p.m.

Fenryr says... #16

Hey thanks for the feedback ybn-, I appreciate it!

That sounds like a good idea, but I was thinking of cutting Reclamation and Scapeshift altogether. They were just spells I threw in without a second thought so I’m not sure how much the deck actually benefits from them. I will say, that Reclamation is quite useful with all the land sac but the problem is that once I’m saccing lands I’ve probably already got my wincons out, in which case I’d probably be in a position to win before the start of the next turn. Otherwise, I wouldn’t do anything too risky with lands.

Hah, I actually forgot about Diamond, ima add that now. I wanted to keep costs down below two grand for the most part, so there’s that..

September 11, 2019 6:01 p.m.

ybn- says... #17

Sure. Also, I think Ghoulcaller might be a bit slow and Blood Artist seems a bit extraneous. Maybe consider Lightning Greaves ?

September 11, 2019 6:05 p.m.

Fenryr says... #18

I’ll try greaves but I feel it might be too clunky. Ima hold off on Windgrace for now and try Yagmoths Will instead.

September 11, 2019 6:17 p.m.

ybn- says... #19

I like Bitterblossom, maybe re-add Mycoloth? Asceticism seems pretty slow, so it might be a good swap.

Happy deckbuilding!

September 11, 2019 6:37 p.m.

Fenryr says... #20

I’ll check it out. I haven’t been able to properly test it yet so I’m happy that I’ve got so many considerations for when I do lol. Thanks!

September 12, 2019 8:59 a.m.

ToxicMCTV says... #21

I suggest a "volden pariah" who's transform cost is "sacrafice 3 other creatures".

September 13, 2019 10:05 p.m.

Fenryr says... #22

Thanks for the upvote and suggestion! Unfortunately I don’t think I run enough creatures or token creation to warrant adding pariah, but I appreciate the thought!!

Also RNR_Gaming does running Scapeshift, Boseiju, and Primal Resurgence warrant the inclusion of Amulet of Vigor ? At the very least it’s sac fodder for Korvie or Krark Ironworks.

September 14, 2019 9:13 p.m.

RNR_Gaming says... #23

It sounds spicy. Typically I'm using scapeshift to just out right win that turn; I'd say play test some and see if it's worth the slots. I like both of those cards but you could just run Deserted Temple for land untap shenanigans. Also, did you mean Primal Surge ? Because if you ran that you'd probably want to cut all instants and sorceries and become more permanent based interaction.

September 14, 2019 9:17 p.m.

Fenryr says... #24

Oh my bad I meant Splendid Reclamation lol.

September 14, 2019 9:20 p.m.

RNR_Gaming says... #25

Ah. I think Scapeshift is a neat idea. I love it in my tatyova deck and it seems like a great value play assuming your commander is out.

September 14, 2019 9:23 p.m.

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