Jacksonville Jaguars - 4C Aristocrats

Canadian Highlander julius1768

SCORE: 3 | 583 VIEWS

8-14-2021 Changelog —Aug. 14, 2021

-Krenko, Tin-Street Kingpin

+Varolz, the Scar-Striped

Krenko was fun and could take the game over by himself if left unchecked. However, he was a little too cute, and didn't usually perform how I wanted him to. Often it was tougher than anticipated to land a hit with him, and coming in as a 3 mana 1/2 was rough. Varolz plays a much needed role as a sac outlet on a green creature. Many times I was in the position of needing to get a sac outlet off of Green Sun's Zenith or Natural order and not having the option to do so. Varolz fills that role nicely, as well as being our only sac outlet that we can now fetch off of podding for 3. He also provides a bit of late game staying power with his scavenge ability, but that is definitely just icing on the cake.