Ideally this Modern Deck Would be Epic

Modern TauralCW


Time to dust off the cobwebs —March 12, 2019

Getting back into the Modern groove again and so figured it was time to update the numbers within this deck once more and tidy up a few cards.

I've finally acquired a 4th Runed Halo so that has been introduced, along with trying out Sphere of Safety once again. Luminarch Ascension has made way as there have been very few games in which this card ended up being relevant. Greater Auramancy has moved to the sideboard completely now for the same reason, sometimes being a dead card in game 1.

Will be hoping to try this out this week, but early tests on MTGO have been promising at least.

Caerwyn says... #1

Since you used to run this deck with Blue, have you already tried Paradox Haze? If not, it might be worth testing the deck with a splash of Blue just for that card.

January 27, 2018 11:35 a.m.

TauralCW says... #2


Thanks for the suggestion. I have run the deck with Paradox Haze in the past, but rarely found myself a position where I could take a turn off to cast or tutor for P.Haze to get the benefit of an extra upkeep so dropped it.

January 27, 2018 11:41 a.m.

Managem says... #3

This looks like an impressively annoying deck. So awesome I enjoy decks like these.

The first thing to come to mind for grabbing Boseiju within white is Weathered Wayfarer but even that is cicumstantial idk how well it would work.

Besides that all I can think of us using one of your Lotus Blooms for say a black tutor. Ik Vampiric is not legal. But Grim Tutor, Demonic Tutor, Diabolic Intent, Rhystic Tutor, Cruel Tutor. I would think one, or some of those are legal and within the CMC range from your Lotus

January 28, 2018 8:22 a.m.

TauralCW says... #4


Thanks for the suggestions and also the +1, both very much appreciated.

Weathered Wayfarer is an interesting idea and not something I'd considered. I do feel that its chances of actually being able to tap for its ability are low in this format, however I might just test it out to to bolster my control match-up.

I do recognise the benefits of running additional tutors to Enduring Ideal, but my preference would be Idyllic Tutor as it wouldn't require the splash that I can only really get from the Lotus Blooms. I know Idyllic Tutor can't get Enduring Ideal, but tutoring using a Bloom for the splash means it wouldn't be available to cast Enduring Ideal.

February 2, 2018 1:03 p.m.

ModernVisage says... #5

If you added black you can deal with any dovescape birbs or swarm aggro with curse of death's hold, effectively boardwipes are best, there is also an enchantment that resurrects another enchantment each turn.

Try Paradox Haze to add upkeeps for your EPIC spells. Perhaps find a way to apply your mana once you can no longer cast spells, work around the limit of 'cast'.

April 7, 2018 1:15 p.m.

TauralCW says... #6


Thanks for the input. In the past I have tried all the things that you have suggested, but for one reason or another they just haven't worked or I've found a better way to go. I'll try and explain my thinking below.

Night of Souls' Betrayal is a strictly better version of Curse of Death's Hold in this deck, but even then the presence of a taxation effect like Ghostly Prison is much more efficient and doesn't require the additional colour.

Paradox Haze has seen play in a UW version of this deck, but I found it too slow for Modern as I can rarely take a turn off to get the benefit of 2x upkeeps in the future.

Luminarch Ascension is a way to use additional mana and I have tried Heliod, God of the Sun for that reason too. Peace of Mind has also appeared in the deck list, but it hasn't performed well. In the early days of the deck I tried Knollspine Invocation, but it wasn't very efficient. Back then the deck was WRB though so it could be worth a revisit.

Thanks again for your suggestions though.

April 7, 2018 1:42 p.m.