Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle!

Commander / EDH pokepower116


Coinman1863 says... #1

Me again, here are two cards that might help, Thran Dynamo and Mycosynth Golem, the first is great mana ramp plus it can be brought back via Goblin Welder. The second, well, This is an artifact deck right?

April 7, 2015 1:14 p.m.

pokepower116 says... #2

Coinman1863 You're 5/5 now! Haha

Thran Dynamo Is definitely an awesome card. Only problem I have with putting it in is that I don't know what to take out for it (maybe Commander's Sphere) and that I haven't had much of a problem with mana. Out of the 10 or so games I've gotten to play with my friends I've only been mana-screwed once. And that one time was because I didn't even get the 4 mana needed to cast Daretti. I feel like by the time I get 4 mana and can cast Daretti then I'm pretty solid from then on because I can start cycling for lands or mana ramp.

Mycosynth Golem is another odd one. I've seen it before and thought that my deck didn't have enough artifact creatures to justify putting it in. Looking at it now, I see that I actually have 16 artifact creatures which is more than enough. Now the only reservations I have are the same ones listed for Thran Dynamo. I just don't know what I'd take out to put that card in and I don't generally seem to have an issue with casting cards. The difference being if I can get this card out, I might be able to play 2-3 artifacts a turn instead of 1-2. If I get my hands on a copy of this I'll definitely try play-testing it.

April 7, 2015 1:43 p.m.

ComradeJim270 says... #3

Daretti is awesome fun!

Some cards to consider if you're willing to spend the mana; Staff of Domination and Metalworker is a combo that can easily win you the game (plus the staff is amazing in general)... and Rings of Brighthearth and Basalt Monolith is an easy-to-assemble infinite colorless mana combo.

Card draw looks a bit iffy to me. If you've got that Mind's Eye I'd throw it right in there. I'd take out the much more situational Ugin's Nexus for it.

When Origins comes out, keep an eye out for Chandra's Ignition. Target a Blightsteel with that and it's GG!

July 4, 2015 2:28 p.m.

pokepower116 says... #5

Hey ComradeJim270! Thanks so much for the suggestions! I really appreciate it =)

Honestly I agree with everything you just said. I don't have the money at the moment but Metalworker, Rings of Brighthearth, Blightsteel Colossus, and Mind's Eye are the cards I feel like this deck needs the most!

I never looked too much into Staff of Domination but I can see how that card leads into absolutely ridiculous combos; I'll have to look into it more! In addition, I've never heard of the Basalt Monolith + Rings of Brighthearth combo before; so awesome.

Thanks again!!

July 4, 2015 6:56 p.m.

ComradeJim270 says... #6

I totally get that! It's taken me a while to get the cards Daretti really wants, I still don't have a Blightsteel. I just pick them up one at a time. And the staff is definitely a thing, it was banned in this format for a time for its sheer combo potential.

Oh, another fun thing about the Rings; they can copy planeswalker abilities!

July 4, 2015 7:24 p.m.

LivingThing says... #7

This deck is criminally underrated. This deck was sooooooo much fun to play at my recent fnm, and yes, It lost to Stony Silence but the fun I had with this deck was incredible. awesome deck, man. as i said underrated af

imagine being the guy who views this deck like 30 times and doesn't drop a well deserved like

December 23, 2019 1:16 p.m. Edited.

pokepower116 says... #8

Whirlwind_2100 Thank you so much! I'm really glad to hear that you're having fun with the deck!

The list that I have there is the list that I currently run. It has enough stax-y elements that I can usually keep myself safe without running so many that I don't get to play the deck anymore.

If you wanted to improve on the deck I'd cut the planeswalker "package" ( Ugin, the Ineffable , Chandra, Flamecaller , The Chain Veil , and maybe even Karn Liberated ; I'd definitely keep Ugin, the Spirit Dragon though).

Coveted Jewel would also be a good cut to consider but I've been a big fan and it's become a pet card of mine.

The land count might also be 1 or 2 too high, but I've been pretty happy with it at 36. If you cut the planeswalker package you could probably shave off a land and be just fine due to their high CMC and inability to cheat them out.

To make the deck a bit better, it all depends on what you feel like the deck is lacking and what direction you want to take it in for your meta! Stax ( Jokulhaups , Sphere of Resistance , Ward of Bones ); protection ( Crawlspace , Glacial Crevasses ); infinite mana sinks ( Goblin Cannon ); mana rocks ( Mox Diamond , Fellwar Stone , Everflowing Chalice ); or just generally good cards ( Treasure Nabber , Quicksmith Genius , Sculpting Steel , Extraplanar Lens ); are just a few of the options you can choose to make this deck work better for you and your meta.

Best of luck with the deck and, once again, I'm glad you're enjoying it!!

December 23, 2019 3:15 p.m.

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