Wailing Ghoul

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Wailing Ghoul

Creature — Zombie

When this enters, mill two cards. (To mill a card, put the top card of your library into your graveyard.)

multimedia on Mono black

5 years ago

Hey, good start, but with Liliana as Commander consider expanding on the sacrifice theme? Sacrifice strategies with aristocrats can be good and powerful, but you need to commit to them with many sac outlets to make the payoffs for sacing creatures worth it. Cards such as Liliana herself, Pawn of Ulamog , Sifter of Skulls , Grim Haruspex , etc. are payoffs for sacing creatures, but they're lackluster without sac support.

Cards that are within your deck's budget to consider adding for sacrifice strategy:

Reanimation is a fine secondary strategy to use consider also expanding on it:

Other cards to consider adding:

Cards to consider cutting (no order):

Blakkhand on First Golgari EDH Deck

5 years ago

I might look into some higher quality self-mill to replace the tacky stuff like Wailing Ghoul . Some of my favorites are Nyx Weaver , Animal Magnetism , and Rot Farm Skeleton . Splinterfright also self mills effectively, but he can actually be sacced to Jarad for value on top of that mill.

shrapnel_ on A Dreadful Reanimation

6 years ago

Have you thought about graveyard loading from your library instead of your hand? Creatures like Wailing Ghoul and Necromancer's Assistant could act like chump blockers while helping you load your graveyard for a reanimate. Maybe even Millikin.

Also if you go that route you could splash with blue and load it really fast with cards like Tome Scour, Dream Twist, and Contingency Plan.

Might help you load faster and reduce mulligans.

Argy on Zombie Beat Down

7 years ago

You can't build a consistent Standard deck with only one copy of so many cards.

To start with, I would remove:

3x Drunau Corpse Trawler
1x Gisa and Geralf
1x Laboratory Brute
3x Stitched Mangler
1x Wailing Ghoul
1x Contingency Plan

Try to add:

3x Cryptbreaker
2x Diregraf Colossus
3x Relentless Dead
2x Fetid Pools
2x Sunken Hollow


4x Sunken Hollow if you have the cash

I would try to remove ALL the Sorceries and put in extra Fatal Push, Grasp of Darkness, and Turn Aside

Have a good look at this deck, as it's basically the best way to build Zombies at the moment, and should give you a few tips.

#1 Black Zombies

Standard Argeaux


complimentarycolors on Black/Blue Zombie *Surprise*

7 years ago

Thank you for the suggestions! blacksubaru I really appreciate the in-depth feedback. I definitely agree about Geralf's Mindcrusher. After a few test-runs I'm not getting any use out of him at all. Same with decreasing the amt of Increasing Ambition.

Otherwise, I've edited a bit to clarify. Everything in my Maybeboard are cards I don't have yet. Definitely want Grimgrin, Cryptbreaker & Gravecrawler in there ASAP.

Til then I added a few I found in booster packs yesterday: Zombie Creatures- Gavony Unhallowed, Haunted Dead, Unbreathing Horde, Wailing Ghoul; Instant- Undying Evil; Sorcery- Collective Brutality.

Typhoid Rats and Festering Mummy are really just in there as padding until I get better cards, as I have them on hand.

If any of the cards I recently acquired seem like decent adds, lemme know! Same goes for other cards to remove for Grimgrin, etc.

Thank you!!

MikooBo on Want some lip-embalm?

7 years ago

The deck you're trying to make here, in its simplest Archetype is B/W tokens, with a graveyard twist. With that being said, there is plenty that you can work off of here to make a viable modern deck.

Like all zombie decks, your deck HATES anything that flies. However, white tokens opens up one of the best answers to that problem with cards like Lingering Souls, or even Spectral Procession. Adding flying spirits to the mix will not only help against flying but they get hit by Intangible Virtue (or even something like Zealous Persecution making them a viable win-con if nothing else.

As far as revisiting what others have said, Gravedigger actually reverses what you want to be doing here and self mill zombies like Wailing Ghoul are the better choice here.

Cemetery Reaper is the weakest of zombie lords in my opinion, Death Baron is the more obvious choice here and will benefit the deck as a whole better.

Army of the Damned will never be playable here, and you're honestly better off just dropping it altogether. From Under the Floorboards or similar cards will perform much better and more reliably, and are worth switching in. Also consider Dark Salvation in that slot, as you not only net yourself zombies, but it is a decent removal card as well.

You have too many Graf Harvest because multiple copies are redundant. one copy is fine, two max, but even that is pushing it IMO.

Your land base looks pretty solid. You might even have too many lands haha. Cutting two or three will open up space for some more board effecting cards

You also have access to some very powerful planeswalkers here in the form of Gideon, Ally of Zendikar, Sorin, Solemn Visitor, Liliana, the Last Hope any of these are possible cards you could add to the deck to really pump up the power level a bit. Plus ult-ing a walker is always fun!

Good luck and best wishes from the Lord of the Undead -LithiumHD

emrakulinsmugglers on Want some lip-embalm?

7 years ago

i dont think you really need gravedigger, the whole point is exiling creatures in your graveyard, so you kinda don't return anything. so waste of mana. Wailing Ghoul is better.

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