Vanish into Memory

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Vanish into Memory


Exile target creature. You draw cards equal to that creature's power. At the beginning of your next upkeep, return that card to the battlefield under its owner's control. If you do, discard cards equal to that creature's toughness.

Zugzou on Perrie, The Chopper

2 years ago

A few more that I've found:

Vanish into Memory - This is a flicker card that draws you a new hand. Use it after Perrie made something big so you draw 6+ cards and then discard 3 or fewer when it comes back in.

Parallax Wave - Flicker, removal, protection, combo engine, value engine, this card is bananas and criminally underplayed. Not to mention it comes with fade counters.

Elspeth Resplendent - Honestly a pretty standard walker, not amazing, but it potentially brings 7 types of counters to your board.

Vivien, Monsters' Advocate - Unlike the last one, this is an EDH playable walker, fits the theme.

Nissa, Voice of Zendikar - Three mana walkers are stupid

Endless Detour - Amazing removal that can only be run in these colors.

Glen Elendra Archmage - Most of the persist and undying creatures don't seem that good for this deck, this one seems like the best by a pretty wide margin.

Luminous Broodmoth - Flying counters and a powerful interaction with flicker effects.

Lion Sash - White Scavenging Ooze

Vanquish the Horde - Farewell - Day of Judgment - board wipes

Caerwyn on None

3 years ago

Just doing a quick look at the MTG Wiki:

The mechanic Overload arose out of a mechanic designed by Ken Nagle in the first round of the Great Designer Search 1.

Ethan Fleischer's Evolve Mechanic from the Great Designer Search 2 found its way into the game.

Shawn Main created a mechanic in the Great Designer Search 2 that would be renamed and placed in the game as Battalion )

Looting becoming part of Red's Color Identity has its birth in the Great Designer Search 2.

You Make the Creature contest resulted in the creation of Spiritmonger .

You Make the Card contests resulted in the creation of: Forgotten Ancient , Crucible of Worlds , Vanish into Memory , and Waste Not .

The Winners of the Magic Invitational were allowed to design a card that would feature their likeness. From that, we got:

  1. Olle Råde's Sylvan Safekeeper ;
  2. Darwin Kastle's Avalanche Riders ;
  3. Mike Long's Rootwater Thief ;
  4. Chris Pikula's Meddling Mage ;
  5. Jon Finkel's Shadowmage Infiltrator ;
  6. Kai Budde's Voidmage Prodigy ;
  7. Jens Thoren's Solemn Simulacrum ;
  8. Bob Maher's Dark Confidant ;
  9. Terry Soh's Rakdos Augermage ;
  10. Antoine Ruel's Ranger of Eos ; and
  11. Tiago Chan's Snapcaster Mage .

The 2005 Magic Invitational had a vote for a fan-submitted card. Tsuyoshi Fujita's winning entry would eventually become Gemstone Caverns .

Magic 2015 had a number of cards created by famous Magic fans. These cards are:

  1. George Fan's (Plants vs. Zombies) Genesis Hydra ;
  2. Penny Arcade's (of the Penny Arcade webcomic and creator of PAX) Avarice Amulet ;
  3. Markus Persson's (creator of Minecraft) Aggressive Mining ;
  4. Richard Garriot's (creator of Ultimata) Shield of the Avatar ;
  5. David Sirlin's (designer on Street Fighter II) Master of Predicaments ;
  6. Rob Pardo's (lead designer for WoW) Xathrid Slyblade ;
  7. Isaiah Cartwright's (lead designer for Guild Wars 2) Warden of the Beyond ;
  8. Justin Gary's (winner 2003's National Team Championship in Worlds) Spirit Bonds ;
  9. Stone Librande's (lead designer Diablo III) Goblin Kaboomist ;
  10. Brian Fargo's (Founder of Interplay Entertainment, which made the original Fallout games) Yisan, the Wanderer Bard ;
  11. Mike Neumann's (creative director for Borderlands) Chasm Skulker ;
  12. James Ernest's (creator of Cheapass Games) Hot Soup ;
  13. Edmund McMillen's (indie game designer) Cruel Sadist ; and
  14. Brad Muir's (game designer of Double Fine, which made Psychonauts) Ob Nixilis, Unshackled .

I think that should answer your question. There also have been a number of players who were hired directly as a result of their play in tournaments or performances in things like the Great Designer Search, so, in a sense, could be considered fans turned card creators. However, once they become part of the design team, they are no longer merely fan creators, so I am not sure they would be responsive to your question.

psionictemplar on Why yes, I am wearing niambi.

4 years ago

SinsOfTheMoon Going to # these points to try and keep my thoughts understandable.

  1. Emry is an interesting way to fuel my graveyard, but it comes with inherent risks like milling over some of my very limited recursion spells. Another concern I have with emry is needing to devote a decent portion of the deck to achieve the soft lock you suggested. Emry isn't much of a blocker and returning it to my hand by niambi may buy me some time, but runs into the problem of tapping down to recast her. When that happens I would not be able to activate the ability to recur an artifact (summoning sickness). Would I even have something worth recasting even if I did/could? My gut feeling is that it's not where I want to be with this deck.

  2. Having only 1 real discard outlet is something I had overlooked when building the deck originally. Good notice there. If I do keep on the current path, then I'll have to consider some other forms of draw/discard. Strangely enough Vanish into Memory comes to mind as an option.

-Pratstar- on cEDH Niv Mizzet Food Chain

5 years ago

Thoughts on Vanish into Memory ? Will draw you an insane amount of cards if you have Niv in play, and is fetchable by him.

Unfortunately he does have to be in play for this to happen.

Worst-case scenario is you have to target someone else's creature for a sub-par looting effect

the_unseen89 on The Sea is Woke - Noyan Dar Control

5 years ago

WhattheDeck Thanks for the suggestions and compliment! I have been thinking about removing a wipe but I really need to get either Mystic Speculation and/or Clockspinning into the deck. They are more reusable spells that I feel are needed to make this deck more consistent. I have also ordered a Vanish into Memory for testing purposes.

I do really like Peer Through Depths though as you are likely to hit a spell. Although, it would be awful to whiff.

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