Tivadar's Crusade

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Tivadar's Crusade


Destroy all Goblins.

Boza on None

4 years ago

The only one I can get behind is Invoke Prejudice - the artist is a white supremacist and the depiction of KKK members was never OK.

The rest are weird:

  • Pradesh Gypsies - how is it banned, but Jhoira of the Ghitu and all the other cards depictiping gypsies are fine?
  • Cleanse is extremely far-fetched. How is Absolute Grace not implying black people lack grace and white people are shining with it? Does Righteous War fuel racial conflict because it gives protection from the opposite race?
  • Stone-Throwing Devils - is it the reference to the bible or the reference to real world practises? Or is it neither of those at the same time?
  • crusade and jihad - while having references to the real world, these are far from connected to what the real events do. There are 21 cards with "crusade" or "crusader" in their name, none of them banned. Heck Tivadar's Crusade literally has a goblin being tortured on a cross.
  • Imprison - is this the way to honor the work of the late Christopher Rush, who made the Black Lotus and is singlehandedly responsible for much of Magic's popularity thanks to his super famous card? Even if it is OK to do, why is Oubliette not banned, despite being an extremely similar card in terms of theme. Or Wheel of Torture which directly conflates real-world game shows with torture for a laugh (it is a hilarious flavor text).

Most importantly, why now? Why after 3 weeks of protests and not 2 weeks? Why not in 2016 when similar protests were occurring? Or at any point prior to that? These have been part of the game for 20 years. How were these cards printed, when all of these were contentious topics even back then?

The bandwagon is strong with this announcement.

Lux_Lunar on Help With Protection Card Rules

6 years ago

Tivadar's Crusade for example.

Boardwipes in general, Fumigate may be helpful too since you gain life. Kor Firewalker is a card he can do absolutely nothing against.

and if he really relies on 1/1 tokens Illness in the Ranks is worth considering too.

Sismir on Krenk it up

7 years ago

ther is just not much to say +1 up for the gobbies, and Beware of that Tivadar's Crusade

dedbundy on

7 years ago

Tivadar's Crusade.

203995014 on Anti-Red? Nuff said!

7 years ago

That's why it's funny. Insane against most red decks you'll see, super trash against anything else. Even has Tivadar's Crusade for extra style points.

M_T_80 on Tivadar Hates Goblins

8 years ago

To combat the very real threat of Mono Red Goblins in modern I decided to make my casual Tivadar deck modern legal. Had to cut some funny cards, but one hurt more than any other... Rest in peace Tivadar's Crusade! May you destroy all goblins again someday!