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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
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Duel Commander | Legal |
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Historic Brawl | Legal |
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Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
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Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pioneer | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Sphinx Mindbreaker
Creature — Sphinx
When Sphinx Mindbreaker enters the battlefield, each opponent puts the top ten cards of their library into their graveyard.

kasimr on
Volo's Historia Animalium [PRIMER]
3 years ago
Have you considered Consecrated Sphinx instead of Sphinx Mindbreaker? I feel it would be a much better pick in the sphinx slot for the card draw instead of milling opponents
libraryjoy on
Nose to the Grindstone, Boi! Budget Mill EDH
3 years ago
Nemesis of Reason got dropped because of its price and how it targets a single person. But it could definitely go in the upgrades board if you wanted it. It just looked like the kind of thing that would put a big fat target on your head. I kept Soaring Thought-Thief because it triggers the mill by itself. If IT attacks, then the mill to everyone. But it could definitely be dropped for any other card. I would say Sphinx's Tutelage is definitely a highly efficient card. Mind Grind could be insane in Commander, and I would choose that over Traumatize. My other top picks would be Vela the Night-Clad , Sphinx Mindbreaker , Startled Awake Flip, and Ashiok, Sculptor of Fears .
DanMcSharp on
Control Mill 2021 (Arena Tested)
4 years ago
Interesting take on the mill plan.
I'm glad to see Sphinx Mindbreaker used here, and mixing it with Obsessive Stitcher and Malakir Rebirth Flip seems promising. I do feel like running 4 Sphinx Mindbreaker seems like a lot though since Obsessive Stitcher is your only reliable way to cheat it into play. Using a 6 mana Ashiok, Sculptor of Fears (that's pretty bad otherwise) that might still be there to play it from the graveyard on the next turn doesn't seem like the greatest idea. I think 3 would be more reasonable.
I like the inclusion of Ghostly Pilferer since it should line-up nicely against all the foretell cards in the meta, but I feel like Vantress Gargoyle would serve you better in the main board both for staying alive, your mill plan, or winning with damage.
You are running very few lands at 21 for a deck that means that runs a bunch of high CMC cards that also wants to keep up mana for instants and creature abilities. Personally I would remove the 2 Ashiok, Sculptor of Fears and add 2 lands, probably a Castle Vantress and a Castle Locthwain .
Drown in the Loch is an amazing card in here, but it being your only counterspell and your only removal, it will have a lot of heavy lifting to do. A few Saw It Coming or Heartless Act could go a long way. You could probably cut a few Relic Golem or Ghostly Pilferer since you won't get much value out of too many creatures out at the same time with abilities you need to pay for anyway.
Hopefully these are useful, cheers!
CasualFocusedEDH92 on
Atris Advisor of Thieves
4 years ago
The deck aims to take advantage of ETB triggers. We can repeat them with Thassa, Deep-Dwelling, Conjurer's Closet and Panharmonicon.
There are some powerful (infinite) combo's in here that can close out the game:
Duskmantle Guildmage + Mindcrank = infinite mill. With Memory Erosion on the battlefield this combo is even easier - as in, less mana intensive - to pull off.
Peregrine Drake + Archaeomancer + Displace or Ghostly Flicker = Infinite mana. Once we have infinite mana we can continuously blink Mulldrifter or Atris, Oracle of Half-Truths to draw our whole deck. Before winning with Jace, Wielder of Mysteries or Thassa's Oracle. Alternatively, we can mill all our opponents with Sphinx Mindbreaker (possibly turning it into damage with Mindcrank), or steal all our opponent's permanents with Agent of Treachery.
Of course, it is also fun to not combo off and just fill our opponent's graveyards, resurrect their stuff under our control and kill them with their own creatures.
Peoni on
Bruvac Mill Brew
4 years ago
This is good stuff. You've pretty much got all the good mill you'd want in a deck like this. Here's a list of things I'd take out and put in and I'll explain after:
Take out - 1 Arcane Denial, 2 Nyx Lotus, 3 Sky Diamond, 4 Soul-Guide Lantern, 5 Tribute Mage, 6 Solemn Simulacrum, 7 Fraying Sanity, 8 Fleet Swallower or 9 Sphinx Mindbreaker, 10 Reality Shift, 11 Dig Through Time.
Add in - Extraplanar Lens, Muddle the Mixture, Crawlspace, Propaganda, Stroke of Genius, Blue Sun's Zenith, Sapphire Medallion, Thassa's Oracle, and Dramatic Reversal + Isochron Scepter .
I'll try to be brief with all of this. For 1 I think Muddle is better for your deck, especially if you decide to add in Grindstone + Painter's Servant . 2 I don't think is a great source of ramp (It costs 4 mana to cast AND comes in tapped AND you aren't even guaranteed to get value out of it. It all depends on whether or not you're having a good game. You could play this turn 4, not get to use it til turn 5 since it's tapped, AND still maybe only get 1 or 2 mana out of it. Oh, and because of its high cost it's going to be a juicy target for removal. If it gets blown up you basically just skipped a turn. So much for being brief huh lol). 3 same as 2. Extraplanar Lens (not at all a budget buy I know) is killer in mono decks with snow lands, and you've already got the snows. Sapphire Medallion would just be better than 3. 4 you have enough graveyard hate. 5 you don't have impactful enough 2 cost artifacts to warrant this. Also Muddle. 6 you have enough ramp and don't need to mana fix. 7 I just feel is too targeted and might turn you into the table's bad guy if you weren't already. I'd just focus on the effects that apply to everyone or don't necessarily only apply to one player. 8 and 9 I don't feel like these are particularly necessary for winning but they're big and fun so I'd keep one and lose the other. 10 I just don't think you need. 11 some of your mills synergize with drawing and this doesn't draw. Good card, but I think for you Stroke of Genius and Blue Sun's Zenith will do you better. Additionally they can be combined with invite mana i.e. Dramatic Reversal + Isochron Scepter to mill out your opponents or mill out yourself. Crawlspace and Propaganda I feel do too much for you to pass up. I know you already have one of them in your maybeboard, but I think you need more defensive cards in your 99 so you don't get tag teamed as soon as you drop some of your more threatening toys. You know as soon as you play something like Mindcrank or Mesmeric Orb or hell even your commander, the table probably isn't going to be cool with you doing that lol. You just want to make attacking you a pain and use counters to handle the rest. Finally, Thassa's Oracle is good for self mill.
Sorry if I'm a bit all over the place, but I wrote this little by little throughout the day in between doing different things so I'd have to keep coming back and remember where I was and yeah lol. Hope I helped though. It's a cool deck and I'd hope to at least give you some ideas to work with. :^)
MetaN on
Blue Mill
4 years ago
Here's a few suggestions from a mill specialist,
add 1 Didn't Say Please - i don't see why you wouldn't run a playset of milling counterspells in a mill deck
replace the 3x Brazen Borrower with 3x Unsummon - this is a mill deck theres no need for attackers and brazen is a pretty bad blocker
remove the Kiora Bests the Sea God - this makes room for an additional counterspell
replace the 2x Sphinx Mindbreaker and 1x Thassa, Deep-Dwelling with 3x Teferi's Protege - since this is a Teferi's Tutelage oriented deck you will need permanents that draw to trigger Tutelage.
I hope you can try out these changes and decide if you will keep some or all of them :3
Barbarian_Sun_Pope on
Blink it
4 years ago
If you need cheap card draw you should probably go with Fblthp, the Lost as he's cheaper than the Elite Instructor. Frost Lynx can be pretty good control with Thassa. It looks like you're trying to win with milling. I would suggest Sphinx Mindbreaker Though it is a bit expensive, but if you can use Eidolon of Philosophy's ability, this shouldn't be a problem. Plus it is probably the fastest way you can mill someone by blinking since you can probably mill someone for 20 the turn it comes out with Thassa on the field. Also, I think Wall of Lost Thoughts is probably going to do a lot more work for you than Towering-Wave Mystic, which very little defense, has to hit, and even then only mills for two while the wall mills reliably for four and again with Thassa. Hope this helps.