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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Premodern | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Sivvi's Valor
If you control a Plains, you may tap an untapped creature you control rather than pay the mana cost of Sivvi's Valor.
All damage that would be dealt to target creature this turn is dealt to you instead.
king-saproling on Honestly, What Am I Thinking with This?
3 years ago
This looks really fun! You might like these: Personal Incarnation , Vassal's Duty , Sivvi's Valor , Blood of the Martyr , Palace Jailer , Lightmine Field , Bullwhip , Arcum's Whistle , Inventors' Fair , Arch of Orazca , Bonders' Enclave , Throne of the High City , Archon of Coronation , Court of Grace , Palace Sentinels , Coveted Jewel
CarefulStudy_SweetOlBob on Shu Yun, Hidden Fister
4 years ago
Free Spells:
Marrow Shards, Gitaxian Probe, Mental Misstep, Gut Shot
Alternative Cast
Blazing Shoal, Cave-In, Crash, Downhill Charge, Fireblast, Fury of the Horde Mogg Salvage, Pact of the Titan, Abolish, Intervention Pact, Patrician's Scorn, Reverent Mantra Shining Shoal, Sivvi's Ruse, Sivvi's Valor, Sunscour Commandeer Daze, Disrupting Shoal Gush Mindbreak Trap, Misdirection, Pact of Negation, Snapback, Submerge, Tidal Bore, Veil of Secrecy
crabclaw on King of Pain
5 years ago
theplotthinnens - As far as I know, the multiple categories thing just works now. I just re-checked the formatting I used, and it's as you have it:
1x Mobilization (C14) #Anthem #Tokens
And that puts Mobilization in both categories. If you want two words for one category, you'd format that as:
1x City of Brass (5ED) #Land #Self_Flagellate
Thanks for mentioning that, though. For some reason half of my deck was goofed up with an accidental category.
And also, thanks for the suggestons, Sivvi's Valor is a neat one-time thing and could be useful. Jade Monolith works similarly but is of course telegraphed to the rest of the table.
I would probably add in a more symmetrical effect like Angel's Trumpet or Dingus Staff before Jinxed Choker . It does grow on its own which is nice, but I'm not sure how useful it would prove.
Dealing 2-3 damage on an opponent's upkeep isn't a strong use of a card slot, since I find it unlikely that the choker would be passed back to me with Darien on the board.
theplotthinnens on King of Pain
5 years ago
I just decided to pick up my plans for a Darien deck that have sitting for about a year, and this looks like a great list. Sivvi's Valor is a gem of a find. You might like Jinxed Choker for the masochism.
I had a question about how you pulled off some of your formatting. In your custom categories, you're able to have many of your cards show up in more than one category; but when category is type, each card in the deck has only one copy. I tried to do that in my own lists a few years back but it didn't work (with a format like '1x CardName #Category1 #Category2' in the deck entry, it would only show up in Category 1) and TappedOut said that they didn't know how to solve it. What sort of workaround did you find, or did the site figure it out while I wasn't looking?
MonkeySit on Damage Prevention Payoffs?
6 years ago
You could perhaps redirect the damage instead of preventing it entirely but you would preventing it from hitting you which would help boost your Selfless Squire. I'll try keep to the white theme for you as much as possible but what I have found is: Captain's Maneuver, Empyrial Archangel, Hazduhr the Abbot, Mirror Strike, Sivvi's Valor - I'm not sure on the play of this but my assumption is that damage may start targeting the above creatures so that they may target you instead, so this instant could have that damage target you which you could then activate one of the previous cards to have it target them? due to the low cost of the instant of course as there are other creatures out there that you can have the damage target another target creature such as Oracle's Attendants for example. Turn the Tables is an excellent way to have the opponent punished for attacking. As mentioned above, I think Azor's Elocutors could be a great Win Con.
As you can see there are quite a few examples of what you could go with. I have just used!%5Bprevent%5D&color=+%5BW%5D (I'm sorry, I'm still new here and I can't figure out how to use the link function lol) and i'm sure that you could find something among this list that might be of more help to you :)
ShreddedByCrows on Firesong and Sunspeaker
6 years ago
lance4224130 It seems a lot better now with those changes. How has it worked out recently?
For Deflecting Palm, you can just switch it with another nice aoe/utility you could tutorize through Sunforger. Here are a bunch of possibilities : Teferi's Protection , Volcanic Fallout, Skred (if you opt for the snow-covered lands), Sulfurous Blast, Magma Jet, etc.
If you want something which ''looks like'' Deflecting Palm, you can always try out Divine Deflection. It's certainly a bit better there because you can, with a lot of mana, prevent the damages from all spells you're gonna cast this turn, and burn everyone. I'm not convinced though. It's pretty much a meh card.
That said, I think you could find a home for Sivvi's Valor in your deck, as you were seeking for ways to protect your commander. The loss of life doesn't really matter considering the absurd amount of lifegain you have.
Tithe is also an incredible card, if you manage to find the place for it.
Honor the Fallen is an interesting graveyard hate card, and it works pretty well with your strategy (lifegain) and the Sunforger.
JoeBlondie on Darien Suicide White
6 years ago
Wow your list is basically what my list should be if I had the money for the more expensive stuff.
Just a few tips:
I think Jade Monolith is not very good. I cut it because it really does nothing. None will risk a combat phase if they see it on the field. I tried Blood of the Martyr and Sivvi's Valor that have the same effect but you can use them to surprise the opponents. In the end I cut them too, which brings me to the next point,
in my opinion going all-in on Darien ability is not a good choice, because he is very expensive and if they kill it once or twice then your whole deck stops working. I think you should have a few more ways to generate an amount of tokens that can kill. Of course you already have Elspeth, Decree of Justice and Martial Coup, I'd suggest also:
The last four do not create soldiers though,
Anointed Procession, this a bit win more
Also, Mana Vault is dope as ramp and is a self-pain source when tapped
Expedition Map to find one of your sweet pain-lands or Nykhtos.
Finally, I think the mana doublers paint a target on your more than helping you. Either someone kills you or they get immediately blown up. I run only Extraplanar Lens because its cmc is low enough to do something else on the same turn I play it.
Ah, for the self-pain there is also Cold Snap, since you run snow lands. It's a bad card but I run it for flavor.