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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pauper | Legal |
Pauper Duel Commander | Legal |
Pauper EDH | Legal |
Pioneer | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Sinister Possession
Enchantment — Aura
Enchant creature
Whenever enchanted creature attacks or blocks, its controller loses 2 life.
Kazierts on Monoblack Burn [Budget/Casual/Jank]
2 years ago
wallisface, I'm sorry. I actually thought aggro meant closing the gams quickly with creatures. I'll keep that in mind.
Same as with the Chancellor, Clawing Torment is very cheap, so buying a few copies to playtest wouldn't hurt. I'll also consider a few Sinister Possession copies too. I guess I can just put other options to deal with control in the side.
Thanks for explaining things better. I've always heard burn decks had issues in the late game due to not having gas. From the way you explained, it seems like this is something almost inherent to the archetype. Monoblack is definitely way weaker than the red version, but it's also funnier, which is why I'm not really worried about optimizing it too much.
Kazierts on Monoblack Burn [Budget/Casual/Jank]
2 years ago
wallisface, in regards to your thoughts:
Yes, Fruit of Tizerus isn't great, just as Shock isn't for . However, doesn't have many equivalents to Lightning Bolt.
Following on the topic of a Bolt equivalent, I considered Chancellor of the Dross, but it's a problematic card. It's really only useful on the first turn, becoming even worse on later turns, since its only utility would be Smallpox fodder.
Again I have to agree with your assessment, but just with Sword-Point Diplomacy. 3 mana is kinda slow for burn decks, but I also know one of the main problems with burn decks is they tend to run out of gas. Sword-Point Diplomacy can burn and provide card advantage. Sign in Blood on the other hand is a bit better, being 2 mana. Probably the better option would be Night's Whisper, but it's a bit out of budget.
Clawing Torment, as well as some cards like Sinister Possession and Contaminated Bond, can be pretty decent against more aggressive decks, but useless against more control decks. For this reason I opted to run card draw. I'll still consider you suggestion and add the Chancellor to the maybe, just to playtest and see how well it works.
The deck isn't meant to be aggro. I'm just dumb and wrote something in the descprition that isn't what I wanted to meant. I'll change it to aggressive.
Really appreciate the suggestions!
BrassLord on
3 years ago
There's a few Legacy Ninja lists running around, same idea with the 0 CMC creatures! I'd recommend giving Modern Horizons a look through, they printed a LOT of ninja support in there!
Just a few creature upgrade suggestions, Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow can put in a lot of work, drawing you cards and draining your opponent (I think a lot of people overlook this due to "Commander Ninjitsu," but it states you can either play it from your hand or the command zone, so it's all good!). Same goes with Ingenious Infiltrator .
If you end up going that route, Changeling Outcast is another unblockable ninja enabler.
Aether Tunnel and Aqueous Form are lower CMC replacements for Tricks of the Trade .
Depends on how cutthroat of a playgroup you're playing against, but I would suggest cutting the bounce lands for some fetches (whatever you can afford). A LOT of legacy decks run things like Strip Mine , and having your bounceland destroyed is setting you back almost two turns, making it a steep climb to catch back up.
Overall, the ninja strategy is pretty quick! In your current build, I don't see a lot of interaction with what your opponent is doing. Since you're running Dimir, you have a PLETHORA of interaction options, from Counterspell to Go for the Throat or Dismember and Thoughtseize . I'd recommend at least having some permission, removal, and hand control effects in your sideboard. If you'd like to double down on the aggressive ninja strat, Smoke Shroud can help with evasion and a small power boost.
In terms of specific cuts, I'd recommend cutting Minamo Sightbender , Sinister Possession Bladed Pinions Shuriken . I think there are more recent cards out there that do the same thing these do with a lower CMC!
BrassLord on Firja's Dark Disciples
3 years ago
Looks like a fun starter commander! Black White lifegain is a definite fun archtype to build, maybe work up towards something like Karlov of the Ghost Council or Oloro, Ageless Ascetic ! I know starting out budget is important as you don't want to invest in cards you might not like, so I've made the recommendations with that in mind!
On the first look, your commander can filter through your deck fairly consistently, so some reanimation spells like Dread Return Unburial Rites Victimize might work out for you!
Revival / Revenge and Light of Promise are both fun cards that offer some utility and can get out of hand.
Spirit Loop seems like it could have a home in your deck, as it's a consistent 2cmc spell that you can keep casting and getting back to trigger your commander.
Well of Lost Dreams Dawn of Hope Cosmos Elixir Are all sources of card draw that synergize with your lifegain gameplan! Your commander's colors are notoriously known for lacking card draw and ramp, so these might help keep you in the game!
Soul Warden Soul's Attendant and Suture Priest are decent lifegain triggers, as they trigger on each creature entering the battlefield.
Blind Obedience seems perfect for your deck!
Vampire Nighthawk Indulging Patrician Basilica Bell-Haunt Angel of Vitality are creatures that seem to fit with your gameplan.
Lurrus of the Dream-Den offers consistent recursion and allows you to cast lower cmc permanents. Kami of False Hope could also pair with this really well, as it's basically a fog effect that you can cast for cheap over and over!
In your current list, it appears a little removal light (which to be fair is meta dependent). since you're playing white, you have access to cards like Darksteel Mutation and Reprobation , which can be a headache for your opponents to deal with if you enchant their commander. Also Victimize is a great catchall removal spell.
Colored mana seems at a premium in your deck, so I'd also look into getting some cheaper artifact ramp like Marble Diamond and Charcoal Diamond .
For cuts, I'd recommend evaluating your cards in terms of whether they actively win the game or help you do what you want. In your current list Fortified Rampart I've found to be underwhelming and doesn't further your gameplan. I'd also recommend replacing the following: Star-Crowned Stag Skeleton Archer Reaper of Night Kor Scythemaster Inspiring Captain Hailstorm Valkyrie Gargoyle Sentinel Fiend Binder Angel of the Dawn Courier Griffin Silverflame Ritual Chaplain's Blessing Splendid Agony Djeru's Renunciation Sinister Possession .
That being said, it can sometimes be fun just trying your best with whatever cards are lying around! Hopefully the suggestions can give your deck a little pep!
Idoneity on Life Drain
4 years ago
Alright, I have some suggestions. Now, never have I dipped in the complot of nocent life-gain, but I do see some follies withal the current decklist.
So, ramp and card draw are necessities of any commander strategy. I typically play decks that dump their hands aggressively, thus I have far more draw than normal. Around 34 slots grant me card advantage and 11 slots are for ramp. Here, you have four cards of ramp and five cards of draw. Granted, one of the draw engines is your commander, but that's six-mana afore it does so.
Furthermore, there are plenty of cards in here that just lack reach. Ajani's Sunstriker is horrid to draw turn 8 and onwards. It may be aggressive betime in the match, yet it is outclassed far too quickly.
So, what I'd cut due to card quality: Agent of Masks, Ajani's Sunstriker, Drana's Emissary, Fog Bank, Goldenglow Moth, Grim Guardian, Night Market Lookout, Oreskos Sun Guide, Pride Guardian, Servant of Tymaret, Wall of Essence, Elixir of Immortality, Fountain of Renewal, Narrow Escape, Spell Pierce, and Mana Leak.
Alright, same drill but I wish to offer some substantiation afore I denunciate these.
Coastal Piracy is a very potent card in decks possessing cheap, evasive creatures. This deck does not, thence I would advise ablating it; merely too inutile.
Sinister Possession and Stab Wound, no matter how much I love the Wound, are easily removed. A sacrifice outlet just negates this effect. The Possession in particular doesn't seem to do anything against certain creatures. Chainer, Dementia Master or Oracle of Mul Daya just don't oft attack or block. Even if, it is a mere two damage. Sure, it may stack quickly, but there are better ways to do so.
Condescend is just outclassed so quickly. Counterspells above two mana must do something potent, and this is potentially more. Scrying 2 is fine, but that also doesn't do much.
I have never seen Dramatic Rescue ere now, but I know not why it would be run. Just put in a Swords.
Dismiss into Dream is sweet, but this deck cannot deem to hent much from it.
Lovely! Now upon what I would add.
Given that the curve is rather high, I'd add Pristine Talisman; Arcane Signet; the talismans of dominance, progress, and hierarchy; Orzhov, Azorius, and Dimir signet; Mind Stone; and Worn Powerstone. This should grant you later plays far earlier in any match.
Unto thee, benison in card draw. Painful Truths is one I much enjoy. Sign in Blood or Night's Whisper are cheap and efficient. Phyrexian Arena and Underworld Connections go in quite a few decks. Well of Lost Dreams is just splendid. Fact or Fiction is never bad. Dawn of Hope is slow but on-theme. Erebos, God of the Dead seems all too perfect due to its static and activated abilities. Dream Trawler is awfully enticing for gameplans such as this. Lastly, Unfulfilled Desires is a hidden gem that I play in any deck that produces blue and black mana.
Of course, just some efficient engines and finishers. Debt to the Deathless and Exsanguinate are each nocent once resolved. K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth could also be fine, but lacking depending on your hand, for it cares only if the cost is black. Sorin, Vengeful Bloodlord fetches fallen utility creatures from the yard and proffers much in life-gain. Aetherflux Reservoir does much in murdering everyone, too.
I'd recommend some more wraths in this deck. Fumigate is perfect, Merciless Eviction or Austere Command deal with those pesky artifacts efficiently, Elspeth, Sun's Champion is never bad, Supreme Verdict is fine though pricey, or Kaya's Wrath is always lovely. Take your pick.
Okay, now for some other upgrades on the basics of the deck. Swords to Plowshares, Path to Exile, Abolish, Return to Dust, Murderous Rider, Anguished Unmaking, Despark, Hero's Downfall, Reality Shift, Generous Gift, Pongify, Rapid Hybridization, and Heliod's Intervention all remove permanents efficiently and at instant speed. Vindicate is fine but a sorcery.
As options for better counterspells, Absorb, Counterspell, Negate, Countersquall, and Dovin's Veto are all cheap whiles bearing value at all moments in the game.
Finally, some more life gain payoffs as consideration: Authority of the Consuls has oft shut down my strategies, Ajani's Pridemate gets far too large, Blind Obedience does something similar, Divinity of Pride and Serra Ascendant are giant threats in their own right, Bloodthirsty Aerialist does the same, Propaganda and Ghostly Prison make opponents pay to deal damage, Soul Warden and Soul's Attendant are early drops that allow for quite a bit of life to be gained, Archangel of Thune is always potent, Vona, Butcher of Magan is spicey, Angel of Vitality bolsters your engine, Boon Reflection doubles it, Twilight Prophet can get out of hand, Beacon of Immortality puts you heavensly ahead, Ajani, Strength of the Pride can win games on its own, and Felidar Sovereign demands an immediate answer.
That's all from me! Have a lovely day.
Oh, and I suppose I'll put a deck of my own here. Let the Nightmare Go On.. is a constant favourite of mine and The Lands Restored offers commensurate enjoyment.
Thank you and farewell.
rarriaza on To Catch a Predator: Greven il-Vec edition
5 years ago
I would cut Sinister Possession as it only nets you 2 damage a turn and can be removed when Greven Dies. I
Silverdrake on
5 years ago
Big daddy
Erebos, God of the Dead
would be a perfect fit here.
Gatekeeper of Malakir
Geralf's Messenger
are both high-devotion powerhouses. If you feel like shelling out the cash,
Phyrexian Obliterator
would be disgusting in here.
You could also use some more efficient and effective removal.
Go for the Throat
Victim of Night
Fatal Push
, and
Hero's Downfall
are all great options you have available to you. I'd look to play 6-8 pieces of removal in a deck like this.
If I were you, my changes to the deck would look something like this:
OUT: 1x
Abhorrent Overlord
, 1x
Disciple of Phenax
, 2x
Korlash, Heir to Blackblade
, 2x
Squelching Leeches
, 1x
Barter in Blood
, 1x
, 1x
March of the Returned
, 1x
Mind Rot
, 1x
, 1x
Quag Sickness
, 2x
Sinister Possession
, 1x
, and 1x
Sands of Delirium
IN: 3x
Fatal Push
, 3x
Go for the Throat
, 2x
Erebos, God of the Dead
, 2x
Phyrexian Obliterator
, 3x
Gatekeeper of Malakir
, and 3x
Geralf's Messenger
That's my take, anyway. Whatever you decide to do, good luck and have fun!
PonchoLibre on Lifegain LOLZ
6 years ago
If you want to inch towards a more drain and gain over several turns here are a few ideas you might want to consider
Stab Wound, Pillory of the Sleepless, One Thousand Lashes, Visions of Brutality, Agent of Masks, and Sinister Possession
If you want to proceed along a more lifegain based creature buff type thing then you might want to consider
Fiendslayer Paladin, Authority of the Consuls, Fumigate, Blind Obedience, and Ajani's Pridemate
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