Seedcradle Witch

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Seedcradle Witch

Creature — Elf Shaman

(2)(Green)(White): Target creature gets +3/+3 until end of turn. Untap that creature.

Sylvanrush on Rhys, Lord of Squirrels

5 years ago

Nathan_of_the_Gilt_leaf on Selvala "Twiddlestorm Explorer" cEDH Primer

5 years ago

Hi SP3CTR3_chelts,

I think I might try Gaddock Teeg ; it seems good against a lot of the cEDH meta. I'm just concerned with it preventing my own spells from being cast.

As for Seedcradle Witch , I don't think its combo with only Wirewood Channeler makes it good enough. I'd rather play Sword of the Paruns if I wanted a combo piece that also is good at reusing Selvala, and I cut that a while ago for being to slow and mana intensive.

Finally, as fun as Panglacial Wurm sounds, I enjoy being friends with the judges and players at my LGS, and would like to not give them this headache of an interaction. In addition, it would only work once before people knew how to deal with it, and the free scry whenever I search my library doesn't seem worth the card slot.

Thank you for your suggestions!

SP3CTR3_chelts on Selvala cedh

5 years ago

Hi I have a very similar selvala deck, but i run a small amount of stax.

Gaddock Teeg i find is a great little interference piece and would definitely recommend considering it. even though i run cards that he stops, it definitely stops other people more than me and i can easily win when he is still on the battlefield.

Seedcradle Witch is my other recommendation. due to its white mana requirement it does only fully combo off with wirewood channelers but it is a good way of re using selvala a couple of times.

and lastly Panglacial Wurm ! This is the way to give your opponents a headache (and possibly a nearby judge). If you ever search your library when selvala is untapped look at the top card of your library (without changing the order as you look though) if you want it in your hand declare that you are attempting to cast Panglacial Wurm and tap for mana (including selvala). This will put the top card of your deck into your hand thanks to selvala. If you have enough mana it will be cast, if you do not as per selvalas ruling you can reverse the activation of all other mana abilities (not selvala's) and return the card attempted to be cast to its original zone (your deck) [for use later]. This is literally the best way to get a free scry. =

the rulings for both cards are here:

SP3CTR3_chelts on Selvala "Twiddlestorm Explorer" cEDH Primer

5 years ago

Hi I have a very similar selvala deck, but i run a small amount of stax (i am still debating if all of the cards i use for it are worth it). Personally i have kept in the winters orb and Armageddon as it stops people without lots of mana rocks/mana dorks

Gaddock Teeg i find is a great little interference piece and would definitely recommend considering it. even though i run cards that he stops, it definitely stops other people more than me and i can easily win when he is still on the battlefield.

Seedcradle Witch is my other recommendation. due to its white mana requirement it does only fully combo off with wirewood channelers but it is a good way of re using selvala a couple of times.

and lastly Panglacial Wurm ! This is the way to give your opponents a headache (and possibly a nearby judge). If you ever search your library when selvala is untapped look at the top card of your library (without changing the order as you look though) if you want it in your hand declare that you are attempting to cast Panglacial Wurm and tap for mana (including selvala). This will put the top card of your deck into your hand thanks to selvala. If you have enough mana it will be cast, if you do not as per selvalas ruling you can reverse the activation of all other mana abilities (not selvala's) and return the card attempted to be cast to its original zone (your deck) [for use later]. This is literally the best way to get a free scry. =

the rulings for both cards are here:

SP3CTR3_chelts on Selvala, Explorer Returned (cEDH)

6 years ago

I know white mana is less common than green in a deck like this however Seedcradle Witch has done wonders for my selvala deck. It is great untapping and goes infinite with Wirewood Channeler (also it is very cheep £/$ wise). I also use Gyre Sage as another less good Marwyn, the Nurturer to make sure I hit infinite mana as it only needs 4 or 5 +1/+1 counters.

Vasseer on MagicalHacker - List of All 2-Card Infinite Combos

6 years ago

Infinite Reflection doesn't go infinite with any of the indicated cards as far as I can tell (doesn't affect tokens).

Wake Thrasher gets infinite power with Tidewater Minion and Aphetto Alchemist, (while all the cards are listed, the combo isn't)

Filigree Sages makes infinite mana with Prismatic Geoscope

Worldgorger Dragon makes infinite mana with Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker (again cards are there combo isn't)

Seedcradle Witch makes infinite mana with Bloom Tender

Palinchron makes infinite mana with Mana Flare and Heartbeat of Spring

Aetherwind Basker makes infinite energy and combat steps with Lightning Runner

Reality Spasm makes infinite mana with Meletis Charlatan, Echo Mage, Reiterate, Mischievous Quanar and probably a bunch of other cards I can't remember.

deemberdom on

8 years ago

Hi, I saw your deck help forum about Planeswalker deck ideas and that brought me here. I don't have a brand new deck idea but I have some ideas for this one.

I really like what you have going on here, but I think you can take it to the next level by focusing on GW hybrid creatures. Tolsimir Wolfblood and Wilt-Leaf Liege both anthem for green AND white creatures. Fleecemane Lion is a solid choice that I love, but I would maybe replace the Outlast creatures with stuff like Dryad Militant, Safehold Elite, Watchwolf, Selesnya Guildmage, Wilt-Leaf Cavaliers, and possibly Seedcradle Witch. The Outlast creatures do benefit from the Ajanis placing +1/+1 counters, but by themselves are somewhat slow and mana intensive. If you instead loaded up on GW hybrid creatures, you could focus on really benefiting from the various anthem effects and the Ajanis would further that even more. One other benefit from playing hybrid creatures is that they are really easy on your manabase. If you played enough hybrids you could replace some of your ETB tapped lands with more basics which would allow for faster starts. If you did go down this route, I would probably go up to 4 copies of Wilt-Leaf Liege to ensure you draw one quickly.

If you want to stick to the +1/+1 theme then I would suggest trading out some of your existing non-creature pump spells for ones that give counters such as: Lead by Example, Shoulder to Shoulder, Burst of Strength, or Hunger of the Howlpack. You could also consider creatures like Relief Captain and Saddleback Lagac.

I would also try and get your land count to at least 22. 20 is a bit low if you're trying to cast high CMC spells and trying to Outlast your creatures.

Anyway, I like the deck idea. Have fun!

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