Prosperous Thief

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Prosperous Thief

Creature — Human Ninja

LynxGoddess on Fairish Faeries (Alela Budget EDH)

1 year ago

Well, as at seems some cards have dropped pretty dramatically in price since my last update, I think it's about time I revise a bit! And those are some excellent suggestions! Treasures, I feel, are way more of a practical mana resource than spell discounts if the cost of the spells is not key to any combos. And look at that, none of the key combos in this deck relies on repeatedly casting any instants or sorceries!

So I think it sounds absolutely great to switch out Mocking Sprite for Grim Hireling, and to swap Mindsplice Apparatus for Prosperous Thief. It will make us more inclined to turn sideways, but we want to do that anyways and the current mana reducers are not really fast cards in the first place. So I don't think the deck would really lose much speed either.

Tsukimi on Fairish Faeries (Alela Budget EDH)

1 year ago

I know you're more focused on combo with this deck but wanted to mention Prosperous Thief and Grim Hireling have been working really well.

Lokotor on Marchesa, The Black Rose - Primer

1 year ago

dlombart I am mainly using Moxfield these days for deckbuilding, but I do keep this list updated here since a lot of people still use it.

I think Bitterblossom would be a good option if you are leaning more heavily into the rogue theme. As it stands I have ~2 cards that care about rogues and that's not quite enough I think for it to matter that much, so I'd consider it more in a vacuum, and at that point I've always thought of the card as being mostly just "Okay".

1 life and a 1/1 flier every turn is the kind of slow value we are generally looking for, and early game, or when Marchesa isn't out, it can be useful as a source of disposable sacrifice fodder. But since it's a pretty slow card, later in the game you're unlikely to get that much value from it. Especially where you usually have your engines built anyway.

Ultimately I've been thinking leaning into the rogue subtheme isn't the way to go as far as optimization, but I've just got a soft spot for the strategy for whatever reason.

The good news is that Gonti, Lord of Luxury and Faerie Mastermind are testing pretty well (though I am likely going to kick mastermind to another deck of mine), so the strategy isn't wholly without merit. I might give BB a shot if I push more in that direction, but it's just missing a few pieces still i think.

As of now, the only real payoffs I've seen are Mari, the Killing Quill and Prosperous Thief, with the latter not being that great really. There are a couple lords and some marginal payoff cards like Notorious Throng that are perhaps playable, but require a bit more commitment than I think they deserve.

Mari has the upside of being one sided grave hate (and even with nothing else going on that's pretty valuable) and she is self enabling, so even without much support it at least sort of works. Also, since she has deathtouch, she is relatively nice to have out as an attacker or blocker. overall, I find that she's a good enough card to play without supporting cards, but having a few pieces like Bitterblossom, Gonti, Faerie Mastermind, and Dauthi Voidwalker generally is just gravy on top.

Overall, that's a long way of saying Bitterblossom is reasonable to include in your list, especially with cards like Mari, the Killing Quill and Oona's Blackguard hanging around. I'd give it a shot sometime and see how it plays.

azja on Yuriko (Optimized) Primer

2 years ago

@Agieryna Apologies for taking so long to reply! I play edh less frequently these days, so I didn't have enough reps with my new Yuriko list to get back to you until now.

Starting with the ninjas, I've been very impressed by Moon-Circuit Hacker and Prosperous Thief; They have powerful combat damage triggers and cheap ninjutsu costs. I've also been liking Inkrise Infiltrator and Thousand-Faced Shadow which are easy to hard cast and evasive. I ended up cutting Dokuchi Silencer because I often didn't have a creature I wanted to discard, and if there is a problematic creature on board I'd rather just use a removal spell. I also found Nashi, Moon Sage's Scion pretty underwhelming, but I think it's reasonable to include if you play it with the Enter the Infinite/Thassa's Oracle combo.

I've also been pleased with Memnite and Phyrexian Walker. I didn't play them before because they don't have any evasion, but the tempo advantage they provide is so much higher than a 1-mana enabler that they're worth including. Network Disruptor has been amazing: A 1/1 flyer that also taps down a blocker is really powerful.

As for the evasion package, Cover of Darkness is much stronger than it used to be due to the higher number of playable ninjas, same goes for Wonder. And like you mentioned, Entomb is strictly for grabbing Wonder. I haven't run into the situation where I don't have a target for Entomb yet, but that's something you sign up for when you play a tutor that has only one good target.

I think that covers most of the new changes, let me know if you have any other questions/comments!

Epicurus on Always Loot the Bodies

2 years ago

dfbenj Thanks for the comments!

First off, you're spot on with Dauthi Voidwalker; Reanimation is the major theme of the deck, and exiling kills that plan. There's a similar issue with Mari, though that one could be interesting. Most of the fodder for reanimation is gained through mill, so it wouldn't necessarily be counterproductive the same way that the Voidwalker is. Worth playtesting.

I definitely want to make room for Prosperous Thief, and will be looking into something to cut for that. However, Grim Hireling is really just one mana too many for me to feel comfortable about considering it to be ramp. To reference an analogy, I had a brief love affair with Smothering Tithe, because yay white ramp. But after running it in basically every deck I made with white I noticed that by the time I started to benefit from it I really didn't need the mana. So a lot of the time it was a dead draw. I could forsee the same issue with the Hireling.

As for the staples you mentioned, in this particular deck Drown in the Loch is a better card to have than Counterspell for many reasons, and while the other counters I have in here cost more they also feed the theme. If there was room for another counter, the OG would be the top choice. For that matter, if milling was a major wincon (which it is not), I would include Arcane Denial.

Finally, I abhor Cyclonic Rift. I refuse to use it, ever. If I was building cEDH, it would be an automatic include. But, then again, so would be a lot of things. Rogue tribal is not competitive enough to do stuff like that.


dfbenj on Always Loot the Bodies

2 years ago

Really fun decklist and deck name, haha! I was curious what you've thought about these Rogue rampy cards - Grim Hireling and Prosperous Thief and Mari, the Killing Quill? I'm also generally a fan of Dauthi Voidwalker, but could see the exile causing bad synergy with reanimation

Spirits on Yuriko, Shadow of Fate EDH

2 years ago

Hey Virlym,

Thanks for all the great information, very much appreciated.

I've removed River of Tears and replaced with Tarnished Citadel. I prefer not to rely on an Island or Swamp for something like Drowned Catacomb (Not a T1 land) or Choked Estuary. Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth is out, likely helps opponents more than me anyway. Can't decide if Ancient Tomb any good here or if it's better than Tarnished Citadel, I think the T1 is more important than .

Wingcrafter T1, and then Commander Ninjitsu doesn't give it flying? T3 it's paired with Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow. It's unlikely it won't have a target to attack T2 though without flying, not 100% but pretty likely.

Tormented Soul totally makes sense with the number of cards that need to pitch blue cards, and with how many CMC1 unblockables there are.

Prosperous Thief feels ok with the treasure, but only creating one is borderline. Am I missing any other key ninjas? There are a couple with ninjitsu with CMC1 which isn't bad for the draw, but their own abilities not that exciting?

Scheming Symmetry in Fallen Shinobi as you suggested or even a Opposition Agent or Nashi, Moon Sage's Scion will deliver maximum value for after Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow punches for 12 damage.

I think Thassa's Oracle will be the main win-con, and Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow damage with control/turns will be the alt. Avoid diluting any more cards. If Thassa's Oracle is exiled, likely games over before could get to a second anyway, Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow is always there and can be taken advantage of.

Should Moon-Circuit Hacker be in here too for another drawing ninja? Or just try and tutor the best ninjas and try an win?

Kaito Shizuki feels wrong tempo / timing for the deck to me. I'll let others test him lol.

Scry 3 seems good, adding the Augury Owl to my maybeboard.

I'm thinking this is v1 for testing? Any glaring misses I should fill before spending a million bucks ehre lol.

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