Null Champion

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Null Champion

Creature — Zombie Warrior

Level up {{3}} ({{3}}: Put a level counter on this. Level up only as a sorcery.) [1/1]

Level 1-3 [4/2]

Level 4+ {{B}}: Regenerate Null Champion [7/3]

Lanzo493 on High-cost abilities

4 years ago

Almighty Brushwag, Anointed Chorister, Knight of the Ebon Legion and Spectral Sailor are good 1 drops due to their solid abilities. At 2 mana you have Coralhelm Guide that can get all that damage through, too. Knight of Cliffhaven is a good mana sink for extra mana you don’t use, as well as Null Champion. Oran-Rief Invoker is a decent card in the invoker cycle. You’ve also got Dawnglare Invoker, Flamewave Invoker, Starlight Invoker, and Frostwind Invoker. For a top end card there’s Shalai, Voice of Plenty.

I’m going to make an assumption that you’d play bant. This lets you play Training Grounds, Biomancer's Familiar and Zirda, the Dawnwaker using some of the best and most aggressive 1 drop and 2 drop creatures. That’s what I would do anyway.

mal099 on Hemoglobin Aggro

5 years ago

Awesome deck, I really enjoy cheap black aggro!

Augmenting Automaton , Dimir Guildmage , Grimclaw Bats , Order of the Ebon Hand and Null Champion are all cheap creatures that can help you use your mana if it ever gets to the mid or even late game. Guildmage is the most expensive, but would be extremely useful if your opponent forces you into a long drawn out stalemate. Grimclaw Bats can fly over many blockers, but is weak for its cost, Automaton is cheap and has "tomato" in its name but needs 2 Mana and is weak and Order is stronger, but less cheap and also needs 2 Mana. Can get First Strike though. Null Champion is weak and expensive at first, but will be extremely useful once you find the Mana to level him up.

In your Maybe Board, you have Twisted Experiment . Sinister Strength is probably better (unless you want to use Experiment as a possible removal).

drohack on Count from 5

6 years ago

Going by the "7 by 9" rule is a bit hard for this deck as most of it relies on the numbers of the cards. But here's a breakdown as close as I could get for it. There's only really 5 categories of effects. While the other 3 just break down the number of countdown numbers of random cards.

5 Countdown numbers (13)

4 Countdown numbers (13)

1-3 Countdown numbers (6)

Recusion (6)

Protection (8)

Destruction (6)

Card draw (8)

Mana rocks (6)

NobleGhost117 on Bontu the Tiny Glorified Zombie God

7 years ago

If you're worried about not having a low enough mana curve, I found the following zombies: Festering Mummy, Black Cat, Blood Scrivener, Boneknitter, Null Champion, Plaguebearer

TheMadRocketeer on

7 years ago

Perhaps things like Voracious Null and Null Champion would help. On the vampire side, perhaps things like Bloodthrone Vampire and Bloodflow Connoisseur. The idea being things that can grow to meet the late game power needs.

EssTea on Vernita Green, Codename: The Traitor

8 years ago

Hey I had promised to go have a look at your decks a month ago...better late than never!
Alright so what strikes me the most in your deck is your mana curve........19 3 drops! That's insanely high! Since this is a tribal deck options are quite limited but here's some options that may help lower your creature curve... Diregraf Ghoul, Llanowar Dead, Null Champion, Putrid Leech, Spiteful Returned...

I don't see Life from the Loam being that much of an all star in your deck... Also, what is Vesuva copying that's really worth entering tapped?

Even though this is tribal I would still play some solide black removal like Smother and Go for the Throat.

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