Eutropia the Twice-Favored
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Eutropia the Twice-Favored

Legendary Creature — Human Wizard

Constellation — Whenever an enchantment enters the battlefield under your control, put a +1/+1 counter on target creature. That creature gains flying until end of turn.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Shattered Ego
Arnjlot's Ascent
Setessan Skirmisher
Eidolon of Philosophy
Cycle of Life
Burden of Proof

legendofa on Which commander for a Simic …

3 months ago

hyalopterouslemur I'm pretty much locked into Eutropia the Twice-Favored enchantments at this point, but I do like your thinking. Prime Speaker Zegana might find her way into the deck.

Crow_Umbra on Which commander for a Simic …

5 months ago

I used to play Eutropia the Twice-Favored a few years ago and had a lot of fun with her at the time. The recent addition of Role tokens and all the new Enchantment stuff from Duskmourn opens up new support that could be interesting.

Being able to stack counters on creatures and give them temporary Flying made damage feel much more doable and inevitable.

legendofa on Which commander for a Simic …

5 months ago

I have a deck series on here that's all about making decks as low-budget as possible--like, below $3 on TCGPlayer, below $25 on CardKingdom cheap. I'm looking in a couple of different directions for , and I'd like to get some ideas of what option would get more people interested. My main thoughts right now are

The outside thoughts are

Which of these sounds the most interesting for a ultra-budget deck? For some examples of what I've done so far, check these out.

Crow_Umbra on Countdown to Infinity [Counters Primer]

9 months ago

I like the direction you have with The Millennium Calendar, which is why I mostly wanted to recommend stuff that also had Proliferate stapled onto it. The last time I played Simic +1/+1 counters was a few years ago with Eutropia the Twice-Favored at the helm of an Enchantress/Counters deck.

You and I have similar approaches, in that I also focus on what I have in binders for initial drafts before making dedicated (and pricey) upgrades. It feels good to flip through binders and mostly find what you need lol.

All that being said, looking forward to keeping tabs on your deck's development.

Crow_Umbra on Fun Deck/Builds to try

10 months ago

Hey Tsukimi, always good to see you around! I saw your post a bit ago and have been thinking of a decent response. Theory crafting decks is so much fun; I took a peek at the decks I have brewed up, and I'm somewhere around 150-160. Mind you, some are duplicates of others, and this is spanning the last 3ish years I've been on Moxfield.

Brewing and play-testing solo can be a lot of fun to see what a deck can do in a vacuum. I'll play-test the shit out of decks before I decide to put it together irl, as I've had a few instances of putting something together, only to discover it wasn't as fun as I thought it was going to be.

I think for me, my parallel journey might be with Aura/Voltron strats. When I first started playing janky 60 card table top with college friends, about 10 years ago, one of my first decks was a mix of Bogles with Heroic and Auras. Fast forward to about 2019, when our playgroup started playing EDH, & I took my first deckbuilding stab at Tuvasa the Sunlit. The more I played her & tinkered, the more overwhelmed I became at the options available to Aura/Enchantress decks in Bant.

Eventually, Tuvasa got split into Siona, Captain of the Pyleas and Eutropia the Twice-Favored. The more I played those two decks, the more I enjoyed the aggro element of turning threats sideways, but wasn't enjoying something which I couldn't figure out. Siona & Eutropia didn't last more than 6 months, & eventually got turned into Mazzy, Truesword Paladin. Mazzy lasted even less, and she got binned. Now, I'm finally re-enjoying Auras again with Gylwain, Casting Director (for now lol).

In this roundabout and convoluted history with Auras/Voltron/Enchantress, I really picked apart what I was and wasn't enjoying most: I loved turning dudes sideways, but didn't enjoy how the strategies faired in my playgroups against wider boards. I dug even deeper and discovered - I just didn't really like playing Green all that much either. The more I played EDH, the more I gravitated to the Mardu portions of the color pie.

I started focusing more on strategies that compromised the Mardu chunk of the pie, as it felt like a challenge to build without Blue and Green, as someone that mostly played Bant for the first few years. What initially felt like a color pie restriction helped me discover the colors I enjoy playing with most. I think at this point, it's fairly obvious which deck is my favorite, but I digress lol.

I think like with any hobby where you aren't feeling the same joy, sometimes it's necessary to take a step back and reflect on what generates the most enjoyment for you, and focus on how to maximize that. Maybe the reality is that you enjoy brewing more than you do playing. It might be helpful to also dig into what you found boring about the decks that you played recently, or what if anything, was fun about playing them. Maybe take a break from brewing and playing for a bit and try out another hobby; I find that sometimes revisiting my other hobbies can inspired how I approach and practice with the others. My dad used to tell me, "How you do anything, is how you do everything" when it came to practice and effort.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Custom Ability Word: Apex

1 year ago

FormOverFunction: I mean, you could definitely find ways to play them. I'm currently shaping a commander build around Eutropia the Twice-Favored. I propably won't include So Tiny or similar cards in here, but I could see a build playing some or many versions of that effect.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Green Timmy

1 year ago

That actually makes quite a lot of sense. Btw, I just kept on wondering why new Thrun ist considered so much better than the old one, but I obviously have never properly read him. Pretty great protection on Breaker.

Also, I'm in the process of building Eutropia the Twice-Favored as a Bogles EDH, and Gaea's Revenge will totally go from my binder into that list. Thanks!

Blackheart426 on

1 year ago

There's some great stuff here! What do you think about Slip Out the Back and Withstand Death for a little boardwipe protection? Orvar, the All-Form might be fun, letting you drum up a few extra bodies, too. Venomthrope and Eutropia the Twice-Favored also might be fun in a deck like this!

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