Diabolic Edict

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Diabolic Edict


Target player sacrifices a creature.

DreadKhan on Voice of the Emperor

1 year ago

I'm not really sure how you'd protect against it, but a deck that runs a lot of edicts (Diabolic Edict is the OG I think, it's easy to run more of these than you run creatures) would burn through 12 creatures pretty quickly, I guess you mulligan for a hand with both Light Paws and multiple free creatures?

I am a fairly big fan of Vault Skirge, evasive lifelink for only 1 mana seems like it would fit in, maybe sideboard material vs decks that run tons of removal? Skirge is also an Artifact fwiw, so it'll help All That Glitters, playing Skirge turn 1 and Glitters turn 2 seems like a pretty solid start?

Really out there idea, have you thought about throwing in some artifact lands, probably just Ancient Den to squeeze a bit of extra damage out of your All That Glitters? Probably not a good idea if people run a lot of artifact hate in your meta, in some areas there are no drawbacks to them, in others they're big liabilities.

I'm not sure how long your games end up going, but Single Combat might be a helpful card vs decks going wide (with creatures and/or planeswalkers), I figure few decks will have a better single creature than you, and yours can have evasion and vigilance. Maybe another sideboard idea?

Profet93 on Mono black, pauper, control, burn, and combat

1 year ago

I actually think you want some cheaper removal all around. I havent played Pauper in 5 years but back then the common decks were Aggro, Hexproof (boggles? Basically hexproof with enchantments), MBC, Mono blue control and others.

Cruel Edict/Diabolic Edict. Some people prefer the instant speed, others prefer flashback. Also note, Geth's Verdict

I would cut 1 drinker and 1 agent for 2x Phyrexian Rager to help you maintain gas in the late game. or 1x rager and 1x Gurmag Angler as a beater for late game.

Profet93 on Mono Black Control - 2022

1 year ago

Diabolic Edict > Chainers if you like instant speed over flashback. Maybe 1 less Barren moor. U have a lot of lifeloss, perhaps a smidge 2 much? Do u just plan on killing everyone before your life total disappears like Kaibi into the Shadow Realm?

+1 , really good pauper deck. Lowkey want to just copy and paste urs.

Gidgetimer on kenrith

1 year ago

I am operating under the assumption that this is intended to be a Door to Nothingness gimmick deck on a budget. With that assumption I would actually have to disagree about it looking like a bunch of cards thrown together. There six broad categories that cards fall into. Black tutors that let you get anything either to graveyard or hand. Control elements since Door to Nothingness is a slow wincon. Ramp and fixing since you need WWUUBBRRGG. Draw to find the other pieces. Recursion to reuse vital pieces. Combo to win/generate value.

Under the same assumption you need to ramp to get double of each of your colors and then find and loop Door to Nothingness with recursion effects. And loop the recursion effects with sac outlets and Kenrith, the Returned King's last ability. Any mana not used for ramping during the early game should be put into drawing to find more ramp or playing control pieces to slow down opponents. One of the most effective control moves against creature-based decks is going to be having 4 mana worth of creature ability cost reduction and loop Plaguecrafter with Kenrith to Diabolic Edict each opponent for only .

dnthymamai on Taborax and his Apostles

2 years ago

Seeing the old Dark Supplicant + Scion of Darkness combo brought back some memories..!

I would suggest that you think about adding Rotlung Reanimator in your deck as well!!

Apart from the fact that they belonged together back in the day, imagine the army of Zombies that you will now have! Plus, you 'll protect your Demons from Diabolic Edict effects even further :-)

Very nice, and powerful, deck!

Chasmolinker on Goryo's Toys - Modern

2 years ago

Yea. I really like how Ilharg brings it in tapped and attacking.

For Emrakul I don't think it matters since it can't really be destroyed by something like Murder and the like. Settle the Wreckage?? If they somehow survive the attacks of both Ilharg, the Raze-Boar and Emrakul, the Aeons Torn, You could play Thud second main phase. I don't think Sorcery speed has any real hindrance on the effect unless you find Diabolic Edict in your meta.

to_regatha_and_beyond on The pauper Fairytale (new and Improved)

2 years ago

Nice deck design! This covers some ground most of these pauper faerie decks don't, which is great to see.

I might get rid of the Mukotai Ambusher as it doesn't do all that much in the deck. Maybe in its place put in another Ninja of the Deep Hours?

Diabolic Edict seems pretty weak since it can't target, maybe replace it with another Go for the Throat? Artifact decks aren't super popular at the moment so the ability to target seems a lot more powerful to me.

Echoing Decay is really a sideboard card, since it's main use is for matchups against decks that make a lot of tokens. In your main deck, it often ends up hitting only 1-2 creatures, which isn't that powerful.

Some cards I might consider for the deck are Winter Eladrin and Mutagenic Growth. They can be pretty useful, especially Mutagenic Growth.

What do you think of those cards?

Chasmolinker on G/W +1/+1 counters exile

2 years ago

Green has a good amount of hexproof creatures. You'll still need a way around edict effects. Running cards with graveyard mechanics like Escape or Flashback could be useful. Kitchen Finks is a nice card for grindy match-ups and is a win-con with Vizier.

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