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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal


Creature — Elemental

(U/R)(U/R), Tap, Tap two untapped red creatures you control: Crackleburr deals 3 damage to target creature or player.

(U/R)(U/R), Untap, Untap two tapped blue creatures you control: Return target creature to its owner's hand.

ottoballes on My booty, your booty anybody’s booty for the win.

2 years ago

Love me some Crackleburr. I feel like maybe you could drop the cloning tho, not sure that it makes sense. Also maybe have some bigger drops / {x} value cards to use those treasure tokens?

DurdleMTG on Dynaheir, and the fox

2 years ago

Looking at this commander myself. I'm trying to work in a card called Crackleburr. I'm sure there is potential in there somewhere.

Kederekt on Untap?

6 years ago

The risk is always that they will get killed during an attack. Luckily abilities can be activated whenever so you can attack and then untap before damage is dealt. Also, in case you haven’t seen him, Crackleburr.

chromiumthemutable on

6 years ago

Niv-Mizzet, Parun, Djinn Illuminatus, Melek, Izzet Paragon, Galvanoth, and Crackling Drake are some creatures. Curiosity, Ophidian Eye, and Tandem Lookout go well with Niv-Mizzet, Parun, and as does Enter the Infinite. I've always thought that Crackleburr is fun. Stitch in Time/Ral Zarek and Krark's Thumb go together, and some good instants and sorceries are Risk Factor, Epic Experiment, Blast of Genius, Prophetic Bolt and Opt. My favorite Izzet enchantments are Firemind's Research, Future Sight, Counterbalance, and Telepathy.

Icbrgr on The Izzet Guild

6 years ago

Here is a list of all of the remaining Hybrid mana cost izzet spells from the Shadowmoor/eventide and Return to ravinca/Dragons maze/Dissension Blocks.

Call the Skybreaker Inside Out Unnerving Assault Turn / Burn Crackleburr Crag Puca Noggle Bandit Noggle Bridgebreaker Noggle Hedge-Mage Noggle Ransacker Nucklavee Stream Hopper

enchantmentsMirror Sheen

xyr0s on Grimoire: Radial Control

6 years ago

Yeah, I guess something must be missing from a sentence like this ;) "Before to start, i would like to remind few things, i learnt some changes from about some changes from , and totally change some strategies/sinergy from ." Whatever you learned, I hope it is useful.

I guess you learned something about manabase, since you've changed a bunch of lands. Looks a lot better now.

My points, made simple:

  • You play a lot of cards with extra options. Those extra options comes at a mana-cost. That cost makes the cards weaker than cards with a similar, but more limited, effect. Examples: Crackleburr has roughly the same effect as Lightning Bolt, but look at the cost: 3 mana to play Crackleburr, wait for next turn, then you need 2 other creatures in play (to tap for activation cost), and another 2 mana, before you get your first Lightning Bolt out of Crackleburr. Oh, but Crackleburr has an Unsummon option too. Yes, at the same, very high cost. 5 mana for the first Unsummon, and you need Crackleburr to be tapped to play this. You have so many options with Crackleburr, but paying them is a challenge (and since it has 2 toughness, it is easy for opponents with boring removal cards to simply kill it). And most likely, your deck will simply be better for bringing 4 Lightning Bolt instead of Crackleburr.

  • Anything that says "opponent chooses" in one form or another, is a card you should read as if you always get the worst option on. You might occasionally meet an opponent, who'll give you the choice that's best for you by mistake, but you should never assume that your opponent is stupid enough to help you.

  • Have you heard the term "win-more" used to describe cards? If not, it describes cards that are only good when you are already in a winning position, but which are incapable of helping you if your opponent has the upper hand. Pain Magnification is such a card. It is only good when you are so far ahead of your opponent, that you can deal 3 damage at will. In this deck, 3 damage is either from Slagstorm or from attacking creatures.

  • Early pressure is not made by a single aggro card. You have to follow up with more, right away. I mean... do you seriously think that anybody plays a deck, that can't either handle 4 damage, or a creature with toughness 3 in the early part of the game? Esper Stormblade looks like it supports this strategy a bit more. Early pressure, at least the way I understand it, is when you have enough of those low-costed threats to overwhelm the cards any opponent might bring to survive early game.

Upyron on Grimoire: Radial Control

6 years ago

xyr0s man, is quiet hard make a sense your reply but i understand more or less...

Before to start, i would like to remind few things, i learnt some changes from about some changes from , and totally change some strategies/sinergy from .

You tried to say i have some wrongs cards, because they're in a wrong archetype deck, but isn't true, any can work well in any deck, is depending on it combo if stay well or not.

Exemple OP Guys usually work well on burn deck or Aggro like, but here i use to create pressure during early phase, this kind of creature, i used previously, i used only colors is a kind of speciality) and have a combo with Pain Magnification, combos in this deck is very important this is a deck is a control, and a bit burn/aggro same time but flexible, can do at the same time both.

about costing, isn't a big problem, i have many pain land with double color or multicolor can enter not tapped, cards like Reflecting Pool Steam Vents.

Crackleburr can be good or not is depend of the situations if i see it'll not working with an opponent, i looking for cards like Demigod of Revenge or creatures, easily ignore burn combo or removal effects( those creature are in Alpha some improvement will come, demigood isnt best but at the moment is just an avatar just to reminder ;) )

Good card to be work well, old or not doesn't matter, is necessary have many chain.

also cheaper cards (mana) isnt always best option, is depend on combo... you make an exemple Spell Pierce.anyway thank for info was useful this deck will be upgrade soon the main problem now is few creature to change and few spells like 10 more or less is near to finish!!!thank for comments, is very usefull i think for any Users.bye

Icbrgr on

6 years ago

Stormchaser Mage is basically a variation of Frostburn Weird for what it is both having pros and cons imo... What do you think of this xyr0s? -1 each of Izzet Charm,Leap of Flame, Clout of the Dominus, Electrolyze and -2 Shrewd Hatchling and ditching Crackleburr altogether in favor of 4x ea. of Lightning Bolt and Spreading Seas/Serum Visions?

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