Copper Carapace

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Copper Carapace

Artifact — Equipment

Equipped creature gets +2/+2 and can't block. Equip 3

Spell_Slam on Suffering and Smiling: Grixis PDH

4 years ago

PDH needs a good grixis control deck.

I like a lot of the elements in your deck; mass discard, ETB creatures, board wipes and some of the most effective card draw and removal in Pauper.

Now, being in Blue and Black, I wonder about some of your card draw choices. You seem to play a lot of the rummaging spells like Cathartic Reunion when you could just be playing better Divination effects. Artificer's Epiphany seenms like a solid choice since you have a good number of artifacts. Compulsive Research is excellent for raw card draw. If you're going to rummage, you might as well be looting... for free. Frantic Search is great. I am not sure you run enough islands for it, but Gush is a busted card to have if you can pull it off. You could also run Hypothesizzle which does a lot of what you want to be doing. This deck in particular might be a good home for Krovikan Sorcerer. Also, no Mulldrifter? It seems perfect for this deck! I've been Probed a few more times then I'd like and I think your opponents would feel the same way. Tragic Lesson has a pretty soft drawback that you can actually take advantage of. Rhystic Study should be in your maindeck!

There's tons of good card draw out there, so it would be pretty easy to replace Cathartic Reunion, Wild Guess, Scarscale Ritual Tormenting Voice, Thrill of Possibility and Funeral Rites with basically strict upgrades.

So your main win condition is to kill the opponent with Commander damage on an empty board? You're scraping the bottom of the barrel for equipment to get there. Cranial Plating would be an excellent option for you. Copper Carapace is just as good as Vulshok Morninstar since you probably won't do much blocking and it can also be fetched with Trinket Mage. Giant's Skewer seems like it could be good with your first-striking commander. Neurok Stealthsuit is pretty much an auto-include in my deck as soon as I play Blue. Lastly Vorrac Battlehorns is great on a first-strike Creature and prevents you from being gang-blocked or chump-blocked, which is often equal to (or better than) a Bonesplitter effect.

landofMordor on First deck you Built

6 years ago

I built a terrible UG Metalcraft deck with Carapace Forger, Copper Carapace, Scrapdiver Serpent, and so first cards were built from a blind box with Magmaw as the only rare and 50 copies of Sky-Eel School. (After that, I built a UW Auras deck when Sphere of Safety came out.)

But I guess it did inspire a love of the Scars block for me, so I owe that humble little UG deck one.

sonnet666 on buildingadeck

7 years ago

Ok, cool. I actually have a few of the little artifacts you need.

I'd be willing to trade a Lightning Greaves, Chromatic Star, Blade of the Bloodchief, Ghostfire Blade, Codex Shredder, Conjurer's Bauble, Slagwurm Armor, Sylvok Lifestaff, and Copper Carapace for your Chrome Mox.

However, full disclosure: I've gotten some reports from other users of you scamming them out of cards. I'm willing to extend the benefit of the doubt, but as a precaution I'm going to insist that you send first if we end up trading. Hope that's ok with you.

buildingadeck on maR2307

7 years ago

maR2307: Interested in your Conqueror's Flail, Lightning Greaves, Chromatic Star, Sylvok Lifestaff, and Copper Carapace. Check out my binder, and let me know if you're interested in making a trade.

sonnet666 on [List] The MTG Weapons Arsenal

7 years ago

Don't stop now. I believe in you!

brokendwarf on Radiant PDH (Pauper EDH)

8 years ago

Seraph of Dawn, a solid flyer with lifelink and a booty for blocking. Custodi Squire will let you get things back. Journey to Nowhere, Celestial Flare, Dispeller's Capsule/Seal of Cleansing, because more removal is good. Some buffing equipment would be good, things like Bonesplitter, Copper Carapace, or Vulshok Morningstar. Though not actually a flyer, Guardian of the Guildpact resists a lot of things since its pro-monocolored.

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