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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pauper | Legal |
Pauper Duel Commander | Legal |
Pauper EDH | Legal |
Pioneer | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Brilliant Spectrum
Converge — Draw X cards, where X is the number of colors of mana spent to cast Brilliant Spectrum. Then discard two cards.

Simerix on
Ally Commanders
4 years ago
Bad: Brilliant Spectrum Dutiful Return Cancel Unsummon Retreat to Hagra Saving Grace Reliquary Tower Bloodbond Vampire Coralhelm Guide Drana's Emissary Hagra Sharpshooter Halimar Tidecaller Infantry Veteran Kalastria Nightwatch Lifespring Druid Ondu War Cleric Reckless Cohort Tajuru Pathwarden Umara Entangler Zulaport Chainmage
Recommendations: Sea Gate Loremaster Turntimber Ranger Beastcaller Savant Tajuru Warcaller Agadeem Occultist Angelic Captain Irregular Cohort Akoum Battlesinger Kazandu Blademaster Tajuru Archer Graveshifter Unsettled Mariner Unified Front Distant Melody Oblivion Ring Gideon, Ally of Zendikar Pillar of Origins Mana Geode Prismatic Lens Ally Encampment Evolving Wilds Terramorphic Expanse
mabakerbauer on
pauper spirits
5 years ago
Thanks for the feedback Robster. The deck has gradually gone down from 4 Thief of Hope as I've been underwhelmed by the card in playtesting. One copy is enough to tutor for and gives me a wincon when I go infinite. I've found he is not that amazing to draw. I win in the late game against practically every deck, and the life gain is a bit slow. It's probably nice against delver and boros, but it seems useless otherwise.
When I was first making this deck it was more spirit tribal and I was considering all of those cards, but I've found that control is a better strategy, as I have infinite card advantage. As of now, the deck has only 16 spirits, and I end up sacrificing them a lot, and Petalmane Baku ends up eating kill spells. Distant Melody is incredible when it works, but so often I won't have many spirits. Brilliant Spectrum is safe as I will practically always have 4 different colors, and I can recur whatever I discard as I'm mostly just digging for a combo piece or interaction.
I think Shred Memory is better than Beckon Apparition as grave hate. Shred Memory can transmute or be transmuted for, and trading 1 for 4 is better than 1 for 1.
The spirit tokens are nice with Distant Melody, and Devouring Greed, but otherwise they might as well be any other token.
What you mention does seem like a really cool way to take the deck. Making a bunch of spirit tokens, using 2 or 3 Distant Melody and winning with one of the 2 or 3 copies of Devouring Greed. Triplicate Spirits could be super good with infinite grave recursion and costing essentially 0 mana. I didn't even think of that card while I was making this deck. Splash in a Mountain for Path of Anger's Flame and Gorilla Shaman. That would make Dizzy Spell worth including. I'll probably test that out eventually, but I feel this is better as it can win through loads of every form of interaction.
Robster4911 on
pauper spirits
5 years ago
I made a clumsy error and I dont know how to edit comments haha. I meant to say the spirits add value to Distant Melody not Brilliant Spectrum.
Robster4911 on
pauper spirits
5 years ago
I'm somewhat surprised you're only running one Thief of Hope, conidering it's only 3 mana, and considering that they stack. I'd recommend running 2 or 3, not sure what you would take out though.
Next, probably you want to take out Brilliant Spectrum for a second Distant Melody, mainly because in a tribal deck Distant Melody is strictly better than Brilliant Spectrum. If you want to make Brilliant Spectrum even more valuable, run some token generators like Triplicate Spirits which typically ends up being 2 white for 3 spirits, which then you draw 7 or more cards from Brilliant Spectrum. Beckon Apparition might be something you'd want to sidebar for graveyard hate plus some extra tribal value. Spiritual Visit is good for value as well.
Other than that, deck looks pretty fun.
Rivenor on
Ramos, The Cheap Engine
7 years ago
The Triple blue of Zenith and doubles for Revelation might be a pain to work with for such a gold deck. Might I suggest Brilliant Spectrum and/or Painful Truths oh and Pull from Tomorrow
Mint0055 on
UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT | Victoria Angelica!
7 years ago
I'm also working on an atraxa angel tribal. A few things ive found that might help your deck:
Enchantments:Cradle of Vitality will help you throw alot of counters on your angels making them even bigger threats that will only grow bigger with Atraxa.
Angelic Accord since you can gain at least 4 life every time you deal damage with Atraxa you can throw down some mean angel tokens. There is also the better known Luminarch Ascension but that is a huge target. Your running decent protection though so may work for you. My favorite is Entreat the Angels cast it for Its miracle cost and just sweep the board with angels. These are obviously all weak to board wipes which the rest of your deck seems to benefit from so I could see you not including these but I find them great since most angels cost so much mana.
Duelist's Heritage can really help you hit for crazy damage with any of your bigger angels.
Cathars' Crusade I'm sure you have already considered this and I know the deck isnt built around Atraxas proliferate but I feel Angels are just meant to have counters placed on them to truly dominate the skies over dragons and other big creatures. Pair this card with one of the token generators I mentioned above plus Atraxa and you will have some serious threats.
I have found Frontier Siege useful in helping with mana. You also get the option to use your flyers to take out your opponents blockers and other pesky creatures without using up your control cards or risky combat. Its sister card Citadel Siege helps either throw more counters on angels or tap down blockers (or the scary Eldrazi eyeing you across the table).
Removal:I dont know many good ones that arent in white (and you have more than enough cards running white) but I will still recommend a half white card Sylvan Reclamation because of the options to exile stuff or landcylcle. And in 4 colors, you need dem lands.
Recursion:You have most of the best ones so I can only suggest Necromantic Summons since you get more counters to exploit. The high manna cost weighs against it compared to your cheaper options so this is definitely a 50/50.
Card draw:I definitely recommend you get at least 3-5 more card draw cards since that's a big game decider often in EDH. There are too many good ones to list here but I will say Brilliant Spectrum since you have 4 colors (though there are many cards that will let you draw that many cards without discarding that are more expensive) and Tezzeret's Gambit since proliferating is important for those mana rocks and lands with counters on them. Mana is huge in an angel deck. Speaking of which...
Mana Ramp:There are the obvious green ramp spells like Cultivate and Rampant Growth (personally I go with Map the Wastes for that bolster counter) and I recommend any of them if You can since 4 color decks need help with the mana base. Having Astral Cornucopia is a great choice, but you should also swing Everflowing Chalice since it does the same with colorless mana. Mana is really important in a deck with so many high costing creatures, even if your cheating them out alot with reanimation cards. Also lands like Dreadship Reef that can be proliferated. If you have room for it, I find Alchemist's Refuge useful for flashing in big angels as blockers or on my opponents end step so I get to attack with it on my turn without it risking being removed off the board (angels are big targets after all).
Cards to remove: Avacyn, Angel of Hope and Akroma, Angel of Wrath are very good angels, but their very high mana cost combined with them having 3 white in the casting cost really hurts in a 4 color deck. Cards like reanimation do help you cheat them out, but you aren't going to be able to do that often enough to balance it out. If you dont run into a mana problem when you play the deck however then they are fine additions.
Sublime Archangel very good angel but maybe not good in this deck since you may not ever have more than 3 or 4 angels out at once and you will want to be able to attack with all of them.
Sigarda, Host of Herons also a great angel, but since you have so much graveyard recursion, may not be the worst thing to have to sacrifice them. She is amazing still though and only take her out if you have nothing else to take out and you have an even better angel to replace her with.Fractured Identity I like this card a lot but doesnt seem to have anything to do with the deck. Maybe replace it with something like Crackling Counterpart? Then you have 2-3 awesome versions of one of your own angels.
I hope this was helpful. Angels are what got me into commander and are my absolute favorite type of card. Atraxa is perfect for filling in the weak points of an angel deck and is an amazing commander. Flavor is also extremely important to me when I build decks and you have alot of it in yours which is good to see. Atraxa is the single most popular commander in EDH right now and with good reason, but with all the proliferate and infect decks people are making you can swing in out of no where with angels and just wreck people. Now go destroy everyone with the best creature type in the game!
Geralf_Cecani on Scornful Egotist Deck help
7 years ago
I recently talked to my playgroup, and they said that they would let me use the Scornful Egotist as my commander, even though he isn't legendary. This has cleared the way for my new deck plan. What I'm planning on doing is building a deck full of those seriously OP creatures that exist in colourless and blue, such as Millennial Gargoyle , Welkin Tern , Tattered Haunter and Curio Vendor . I also want to use blue's amazing card advantage to its full potential, using spells such as Think Twice, Coastal Discovery and Brilliant Spectrum . Im also thinking of throwing in a counterspell or two, such as Countermand or Censor. Im not really going with any sort of synergy, just trying to beat them to death with the sheer quality of the cards Im using.
Please add any suggestions that you think would work well with this deck type. Remember Im not looking for merely Ok spells, like Jace's Ingenuity. They have to be amazing, like, Storm Crow quality, nothing less.
NOTE TO ADMINS: Pls dont ban me, Im actually making this deck: as a joke and as a spare deck my playgroup can punish people who forget to bring their own decks with; and Im actually having a bit of trouble finding cards bad enough to go in here
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