Arlinn, Voice of the Pack

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Arlinn, Voice of the Pack

Legendary Planeswalker — Arlinn

Each creature you control that's a Wolf or a Werewolf enters the battlefield with an additional +1/+1 counter on it.

-2: Create a 2/2 green Wolf creature token.

TypicalTimmy on Card creation challenge

2 years ago

Well by default that challenge is impossible to properly fulfil as "fun" is subjective. So I'm going to step outside my comfort zone and make the biggest and baddest counterspell possible.

Douse in Heavenfire

Instant (Absolutely worthy of a Mythic)

Douse in Heavenfire can't be countered.

Radiance - Exile target spell and each other spell that shares a color with it.

As Bolas' invasion drew toward the heart of Ravnica, the Firemane Avengers knew they must enact their most dangerous military tactic. Though hundreds of thousands of lives would be baptized in flames so hot that even stone and metal would evaporate, millions more would be saved.

Speaking of War of the Spark; I'm going to give you the option here:

  • Either take one of the newer Planeswalkers who was created after War of the Spark, and give them a card for that set. For example, how would Tyvar Kell look in WAR? Or,
  • Take a Planeswalker who was at Uncommon or Rare level and give them an appropriate Mythic version for War of the Spark. For example, you could give Arlinn, Voice of the Pack a Mythic WAR version.

BeholdTheKing on Arlinn's Wolf Pack

3 years ago

I don't like Arlinn, Voice of the Pack. You should dump her for something better.

multimedia on Werewolf Commander

3 years ago

Hey, good work in process on a budget.

There's a few cards here that are not as good as others. Werewolf Horrors who can't transform from Tovolar are quite subpar. Vildin-Pack Outcast  Flip, Smoldering Werewolf  Flip, Shrill Howler  Flip, Conduit of Storms  Flip, Ulvenwald Captive  Flip, Kessig Prowler  Flip

Three, four and five drop Human Werewolves who don't have any abilities or just have a single ability like reach or trample, but don't any other abilities on the backside of the card just aren't good enough. Tireless Hauler  Flip, Convicted Killer  Flip

Arlinn, Voice of the Pack for a six drop doesn't do much without other cards which is not what you want with a six drop. Tovolar's Huntmaster  Flip in comparison is so much better than Arlinn at six mana.

Some budget cards to consider adding:

Cinder Glade, Unclaimed Territory, Naya Panorama, Rogue's Passage, Tyrite Sanctum are some budget land upgrades to consider replacing some basic lands. Path of Ancestry could replace Timber Gorge.

Good luck with your deck.

multimedia on Tovolar's Wolfpack

3 years ago

Hey, well done on a budget for your first deck, nice Huntmaster of the Fells  Flip.

Some budget cards to consider adding:

Some cards to consider cutting:

Some budget land upgrades to consider:

Good luck with your deck.

Helgrind on Tovolar

3 years ago

Ik denk niet dat Mana Flare en Dictate of Karametra veel voor je gaan doen, meer voor je tegenstanders. Daarnaast denk ik dat Fearless Pup, Ferocious Pup, Wandering Wolf en Young Wolf relatief zwak zijn.

Mogelijk includes zijn Unnatural Moonrise, Somberwald Beastmaster, Varis, Silverymoon Ranger, Arlinn, Voice of the Pack en Wolfcaller's Howl

Tovolar's Huntmaster  Flip, Immerwolf, Full Moon's Rise en Duskwatch Recruiter  Flip zouden voor mij autoincludes zijn.

Ze zijn bij cardmarket geloof ik allemaal goedkoper dan een euro, behalve Immerwolf, die is 1.50

Ziabo on The Music of the Nighthowling

3 years ago

I'd drop Burly Breaker  Flip he's a heavy cost for little to no reward.

Arlinn, Voice of the Pack cost quite a bit for what she does.

Sword of Body and Mind I see why you added it but it has pro green which means you lose interaction with equipped creature as well. The token creation is cute but has to make contact with a player which might not always happen.

Waxing Moon Just cuz you need 1 more card out and Idk what else I'd drop lol.

Hopefully this helps. This is just my opinion.

Gadianten on

3 years ago

You really need at least 36 lands so to make room for them I would drop Descendants' Path, Sensei's Divining Top, Herald's Horn, Arlinn, Voice of the Pack, Jeska's Will and Unnatural Moonrise. The reasons for these drops are because your commander will often render slow incremental advantage pointless from cards like Sensei's Divining Top when you will be drawing two or more cards a turn, Herald's Horn and Descendants' Path do not really warrant a spot considering the explosive potential of your deck, you are better off with impactful cards like Shamanic Revelation instead. Unnatural Moonrise is very disappointing as its not even instant removing combat tricks and half your werewolves wont care about this effect anyway, its literally a weaker version of your cheap, cheap commanders passive but at the price of mana and a card slot.

Arlinn, the Pack's Hope  Flip is hard to control and does not really add much, although I understand the desire to have werewolf planeswalkers in the deck. I think Beastmaster Ascension however, would be pretty nasty, is not hard to activate and inexpensive to get out. You really want your creature enablers and spell effects make people flinch when they hit board.

Elmoisamac is very much on point about green fetch land spells and using basic lands with Blood Moon, don't underestimate Blood Moon in its abilty to cripple decks. You should have at least 16 basic lands so as not to be a victim of your own Blood Moon.

Lhurgyof on The Sagas of Muldrotha and her Mediocre-Friends

4 years ago

How do you feel about Destiny Spinner ? I feel like it would help protect some of your big plays. I think Sphinx of the Second Sun might be cool in here too if you think you could fit it. Another draw and untap is useful, plus you'd trigger your sagas twice a turn. The only downside I can see are cumulative upkeep cards like Elephant Grass and Mystic Remora .

I'd replace Mental Discipline with Compulsion . Compulsion is a straight upgrade in that it costs less and it can sac itself for a card too.

Getting into more expensive stuff, I feel like Squandered Resources would allow for some absolute bomb plays in here. City of Solitude and the much more affordable Dosan the Falling Leaf would protect you quite well, considering you only run two instants I don't think they would hold you back much at all.

As far as cuts go, I would look at Ob Nixilis, the Hate-Twisted , Davriel, Rogue Shadowmage , and Arlinn, Voice of the Pack look/feel weak to me. I don't think they offer much to the deck and while Arlinn does make tokens it feels kind of meh compared to other walkers like Vraska.

Medomai's Prophecy seems pretty weak to me as well, maybe you have different experiences than I do but it feels really weak compared to other sagas. Having to name your next play could be risky too depending on what you have for options in your hand.

+1 from me, really cool take on Muldrotha!

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