Arbiter of Knollridge

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Arbiter of Knollridge

Creature — Giant Wizard


When Arbiter of Knollridge enters the battlefield, each player's life total becomes the highest life total among all players.

TheRealSpecialK on Ah Ah Ah Ah Stayin' Alive!!!

2 years ago

Legion5150 Thanks for the interest! All your suggestions are good - I've considered most of them in the past, but somehow I missed Invincible Hymn. Of your suggested cards, that is the one I am most interested in trying! I will try swapping something out for it. I think you'll find if you build this deck, there are lots of different flavors you can try out once you have the main structure in place. The the rest of the cards you suggested (Arbiter of Knollridge, The Golden Throne, Blessed Wind, Enduring Angel  Flip) all could defnitely see play in iterations of this deck. While I think they don't quite fit the build I currently have, you are more than welcome to try them out, and I think you'll be pleased with how they play!

Epicurus on Card creation challenge

2 years ago

Necrosis24 That's a very random prompt. I would think that the card would have to also have some way of exchanging life totals built into it, because otherwise there wouldn't be a whole lot of support for the requisite triggered ability. Are there even any cards out there that exchange life totals? Probably are, or you wouldn't have issued the challenge. But the fact that I can't name one means that they'd have to be fairly rare. Is it alright if I tweak the challenge a little?

Nature's Atonement


Whenever a player's life total changes, if that change wasn't the result of gaining life, losing life or taking damage, that player mills 10 cards and discards their hand

Whenever your life total would become zero or less, it becomes 10 instead. Then, sacrifice Nature's Atonement.

This would also trigger on cards like Tree of Perdition, Arbiter of Knollridge, Exquisite Archangel, Sorin Markov and so on.

I hope that satisfied the challenge. If someone has a better way of handling this, then please redo. Otherwise, wildcard.

Optimator on Giant's Deck

4 years ago

Some more giants that are worth considering:

Kalemne, Disciple of Iroas - Kalemne is bae, but I'm biased.

Realm-Cloaked Giant - this card is mandatory.

Hundred-Handed One

Quarry Colossus - this one is passable.

Grasping Giant - I love this one--just put it in my Giant deck

Oathsworn Giant - Good utility if you are wanting to swing out every turn

Swathcutter Giant - I actually kinda like this one a lot.

Sentinel of the Eternal Watch -

Taurean Mauler - one of the best giants, sadly

Bonecrusher Giant - pretend you're terrorizing Standard!

Arbiter of Knollridge - gimmicky but fun.

Boldwyr Intimidator - I have one in my Warrior deck. Very funny card. Not exactly a powerhouse at 7CMC but the unblockable aspect could win a game here and there.

Siegebreaker Giant - Pretty good for 5 mana IMO

Non-Boros Giants Show

One thing that's tricky with Giants is that they are traditionally commons and uncommons; usually rare large red creatures are Dragons. As such, many giants are pretty low-impact or poor deals for their mana (think of the classic Hill Giant). There are enough good ones to fill out a deck, though, but you gotta hunt for them.

MindAblaze on

4 years ago

How about Tainted Remedy then? It also combos nicely with Arbiter of Knollridge (if you happen to have the most life,) but if you’re playing against their life gain decks it will definitely help you in that race.

Tzefick on Ability challenge

5 years ago

Some quick 2 cents on other entries:

TypicalTimmy Show

Boza Show

As for my own suggestion on Hunt, I'm sitting on two versions and would like some feedback on the concept if possible before deciding a final route. I'll note which version will be the main entry until I change my mind or the challenge ends - when is that btw dbpunk?

Mechanic Show

Examples for model 1 Show

At the moment I will not make examples on the second variant.

vhpiasson on

6 years ago

I've reconsidered Mistmeadow Witch and Arbiter of Knollridge. The first can be used with the same purpose as Mystifying Maze, and I was dumb enough to forget about commander damage, so life totals doesn't matter XD

Did some tweaks to try more ETB triggers for blinks, will try to playtest sometime soon.

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