Ajani's Sunstriker

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Ajani's Sunstriker

Creature — Cat Cleric


junga on Mono white +1 counters and lifelink

3 years ago

So, ur deck is kind all over d place, no offense. U decided wat u want ur deck 2 do, but not How (+1 counters vs enchantments, win con etc) and some cards haver no place in there (some odd ones R d Soul's Attendant (fits swarm strategy better), Rhox Veteran (needs swarms and .. i really dont like dat card lol) and d Arcbound Mouser (needs other artifact creature 4 it's ability), Rising Populace (outclassed as far as cmc goes, and ia more of a aristocrat card)and u lack evasion (only d princess may avoid some blockers. Ill assume u want a more direct aggro strategy. Lets focus on creatures first, Sacred Cat os quite Nice, even better agains removal heavy, Healer's Hawk is another 1cmc slot and adds evasion. At d 2cmc u can fill with some 2/2 lifelinkers (LL) (there r some Functional reprints of Ajani's Sunstriker If u want other models and Sungrace Pegasus 1/2 flying LL. On a heavier cmc u can consider Seraph of Dawn as a finisher, a 2/4 LL with flying is Nice. u could consider ETBs pumpers like Dawnfeather Eagle so u can hit and still keep ur defenses up. On d +1 counter profit u could consider maybe Ainok Bond-Kin giving ur creatures with +1/+1 d first Strike ability. I would drop d enchantments pumps since u wont b protecting ur creatures. As Far as removals Go, 8 cards should b enough i Guess. U could use Oblivion Ring or Journey to Nowhere and Sunlance , there r some other Fun options like Weight of Conscience . I would also drop Battlefield Promotion , Moment of Triumph and Wanderer's Strike . Shoulder to Shoulder could be paired with Unbounded Potential for some card draw. White doesnt have dar many card advantage maybe Revitalize could help u 2, and drop 2 Idyllic Grange 4 2 Secluded Steppe . Dis r Just some random thoughts, d most important is 2 have Fun. Oh, and when starting a New deck, think about d rules of 4 (9-10 different non-land cards, 4 copies each so u can reproduce more consistent outcomes )

Idoneity on Life Drain

4 years ago

Alright, I have some suggestions. Now, never have I dipped in the complot of nocent life-gain, but I do see some follies withal the current decklist.

So, ramp and card draw are necessities of any commander strategy. I typically play decks that dump their hands aggressively, thus I have far more draw than normal. Around 34 slots grant me card advantage and 11 slots are for ramp. Here, you have four cards of ramp and five cards of draw. Granted, one of the draw engines is your commander, but that's six-mana afore it does so.

Furthermore, there are plenty of cards in here that just lack reach. Ajani's Sunstriker is horrid to draw turn 8 and onwards. It may be aggressive betime in the match, yet it is outclassed far too quickly.

So, what I'd cut due to card quality: Agent of Masks, Ajani's Sunstriker, Drana's Emissary, Fog Bank, Goldenglow Moth, Grim Guardian, Night Market Lookout, Oreskos Sun Guide, Pride Guardian, Servant of Tymaret, Wall of Essence, Elixir of Immortality, Fountain of Renewal, Narrow Escape, Spell Pierce, and Mana Leak.

Alright, same drill but I wish to offer some substantiation afore I denunciate these.

  1. Coastal Piracy is a very potent card in decks possessing cheap, evasive creatures. This deck does not, thence I would advise ablating it; merely too inutile.

  2. Sinister Possession and Stab Wound, no matter how much I love the Wound, are easily removed. A sacrifice outlet just negates this effect. The Possession in particular doesn't seem to do anything against certain creatures. Chainer, Dementia Master or Oracle of Mul Daya just don't oft attack or block. Even if, it is a mere two damage. Sure, it may stack quickly, but there are better ways to do so.

  3. Condescend is just outclassed so quickly. Counterspells above two mana must do something potent, and this is potentially more. Scrying 2 is fine, but that also doesn't do much.

  4. I have never seen Dramatic Rescue ere now, but I know not why it would be run. Just put in a Swords.

  5. Dismiss into Dream is sweet, but this deck cannot deem to hent much from it.

Lovely! Now upon what I would add.

Given that the curve is rather high, I'd add Pristine Talisman; Arcane Signet; the talismans of dominance, progress, and hierarchy; Orzhov, Azorius, and Dimir signet; Mind Stone; and Worn Powerstone. This should grant you later plays far earlier in any match.

Unto thee, benison in card draw. Painful Truths is one I much enjoy. Sign in Blood or Night's Whisper are cheap and efficient. Phyrexian Arena and Underworld Connections go in quite a few decks. Well of Lost Dreams is just splendid. Fact or Fiction is never bad. Dawn of Hope is slow but on-theme. Erebos, God of the Dead seems all too perfect due to its static and activated abilities. Dream Trawler is awfully enticing for gameplans such as this. Lastly, Unfulfilled Desires is a hidden gem that I play in any deck that produces blue and black mana.

Of course, just some efficient engines and finishers. Debt to the Deathless and Exsanguinate are each nocent once resolved. K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth could also be fine, but lacking depending on your hand, for it cares only if the cost is black. Sorin, Vengeful Bloodlord fetches fallen utility creatures from the yard and proffers much in life-gain. Aetherflux Reservoir does much in murdering everyone, too.

I'd recommend some more wraths in this deck. Fumigate is perfect, Merciless Eviction or Austere Command deal with those pesky artifacts efficiently, Elspeth, Sun's Champion is never bad, Supreme Verdict is fine though pricey, or Kaya's Wrath is always lovely. Take your pick.

Okay, now for some other upgrades on the basics of the deck. Swords to Plowshares, Path to Exile, Abolish, Return to Dust, Murderous Rider, Anguished Unmaking, Despark, Hero's Downfall, Reality Shift, Generous Gift, Pongify, Rapid Hybridization, and Heliod's Intervention all remove permanents efficiently and at instant speed. Vindicate is fine but a sorcery.

As options for better counterspells, Absorb, Counterspell, Negate, Countersquall, and Dovin's Veto are all cheap whiles bearing value at all moments in the game.

Finally, some more life gain payoffs as consideration: Authority of the Consuls has oft shut down my strategies, Ajani's Pridemate gets far too large, Blind Obedience does something similar, Divinity of Pride and Serra Ascendant are giant threats in their own right, Bloodthirsty Aerialist does the same, Propaganda and Ghostly Prison make opponents pay to deal damage, Soul Warden and Soul's Attendant are early drops that allow for quite a bit of life to be gained, Archangel of Thune is always potent, Vona, Butcher of Magan is spicey, Angel of Vitality bolsters your engine, Boon Reflection doubles it, Twilight Prophet can get out of hand, Beacon of Immortality puts you heavensly ahead, Ajani, Strength of the Pride can win games on its own, and Felidar Sovereign demands an immediate answer.

That's all from me! Have a lovely day.

Oh, and I suppose I'll put a deck of my own here. Let the Nightmare Go On.. is a constant favourite of mine and The Lands Restored offers commensurate enjoyment.

Thank you and farewell.

bryan93 on

5 years ago

Thanks Texan_Reverend! I had considered the upgrade of Brave the Elements , but hadn't thought about the division of the damage type. I will probably change them for Ajani's Sunstriker , as lifegain has never hurt anyone (until a wild False Cure appears).

Texan_Reverend on

5 years ago

I think Brave the Elements would be a significant upgrade to Gods Willing by trading the scry for applying the same effect to your entire board for greater impact. This can save them from sweeper effects, allow you to block safely, or make your creatures unblockable by the chosen color. Also, the Lost Leonin splits your deck's attack focus between regular damage and poison counters. If you want to keep it at 2 CMC or less, great alternatives could be Ajani's Sunstriker , Ajani's Pridemate , or even Metallic Mimic

Disciple_of_Doran on

6 years ago

Good work on the deck! This is already remarkably close to an old competitive modern deck, Soul Sisters. I think leaning into that a bit more would be a good way to power this up.

Let's start with the elephant in the room though. Daybreak Coronet has to go. It will only enchant creatures that already have another aura, but you have no other auras, so it does literal nothing here. I'd probably replace it with Spectral Procession. Getting three flying tokens is already good, but because of your cards like Soul Warden this will also turbo charge your creatures that grow when you gain life.

Speaking of, you should probably have more of those effects. Dropping Ajani's Mantra and Ajani's Sunstriker for Soul's Attendant and Auriok Champion will give you more frequent triggers, while also triggering off of one another.

GoodGolly on Heliod

6 years ago

Hey, man. Finally got the chance to look at it, thanks for linking it to me. Here are my suggestions:


There are a few really good upgrades you can make on the cheap. I'd say almost all the upgrades below are strictly better except Divine Visitation which is new to MtG, since it's a part of the new Guilds of Ravnica block. Trading out Sigil is just personal preference.


You've got too many enchantments eating up space for things that are more important like your land base. White has a really hard time ramping and tends to be the most costly color, so you want to draw as much of it as possible. I'd aim for 35 lands minimum, but 36 is probably preferable. Every land counts.


Six of the eight add-ins below are lands. You need a hard to deal with board wipe like Wrath of God and I'm really surprised you didn't immediately go for Riot Control, since it's a table staple. If you really don't want it, I'd go straight for the Path to Exile.

Expensive Upgrades

Mono-colors can get some crazy mana numbers going, but white has terrible ramp, cards like Land Tax and Thawing Glaciers will help you get lands on the board, while the multiplier artifacts will keep your mana plentiful.

Spirits on Arahbo, Xenagos... for Cats EDH

7 years ago

Posting this Cats that don't suck list to research later, as MegaMatt13 commented, Pride Sovereign is a little weak, plus I find that 24 cats is a little short, although I've won games without playing a cat Stonehewer Giant + Puresteel Paladin + Grafted Exoskeleton.

I excluded many aggro cats because I feel that's not the right way to win in a multi-player format.

I'm sure I've missed some cats. I also have added some cats that do suck, but evaluating combos with them.


Loam Lion, Sacred Cat, Trained Caracal, Wily Bandar


Adorned Pouncer, Ajani's Pridemate, Ajani's Sunstriker, Felidar Cub, Fleecemane Lion, Hungry Lynx, Initiate's Companion, Leonin Arbiter, Leonin Relic-Warder, Leonin Shikari, Lost Leonin, Metallic Mimic, Qasali Pridemage, Scrounging Bandar, Sunspear Shikari, Whitemane Lion


Brimaz, King of Oreskos, Fleetfoot Panther, Kemba, Kha Regent, Mirri, Cat Warrior, Mirri, Weatherlight Duelist, Mirror Entity, Pride Sovereign, Prowling Serpopard, Qasali Ambusher, Skyhunter Skirmisher, Stalking Leonin


Ajani's Chosen, Alms Collector, Balan, Wandering Knight, Chameleon Colossus, Felidar Guardian, Jazal Goldmane, Leonin Abunas, Leonin Battlemage, Seht's Tiger, Taj-Nar Swordsmith, Temur Sabertooth


Arahbo, Roar of the World, Changeling Hero, Changeling Titan, Pride of Lions, Qasali Slingers, Regal Caracal


Felidar Sovereign, Jareth, Leonine Titan, Jedit Ojanen of Efrava, Nacatl War-Pride, Nazahn, Revered Bladesmith


Phantom Nishoba, Raksha Golden Cub, Spirit of the Hearth

Please recommend any cats i've missed!

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