MTG Articles
Pattern Recognition #299 - White Commons Features Opinion Pattern Recognition
2023 October 05 by berryjon
After far too long, I am back to _Solle: The Rising Sun_, and this time, I am looking at the White Commons for the set. Come and read and look at my choices and justifications for them, and please provide feedback!Pattern Recognition #298 - Threads of Gold Features Opinion Pattern Recognition
2023 September 28 by berryjon
What makes a Gold or Multicolored card work? It's not just a card by itself, that's for sure. It's a whole arrangement of moving parts that needs to be balanced, lest it all fall apart. Read about the details today!Pattern Recognition #68 - Scry 1 Features Opinion Pattern Recognition
2023 September 21 by berryjon
Hey everyone, today's Pattern Recognition is a repeat as I missed real world deadlines that ate my time. So here is an article originally published 24 May 2018, over five years ago! Let's Opt for a Scry, shall we?Pattern Recognition #297 - Relentless Features Opinion Pattern Recognition
2023 September 14 by berryjon
Rats! Err... I mean, today, berryjon examines a rarely used mechanic - of which there are only 5 actual examples in the game, and attempts to persistently explain their history. Or at least an approach to it.Pattern Recognition #296 - Enchanté Features Opinion Pattern Recognition
2023 September 07 by berryjon
Welcome back! Today, I will regale you with an enchanted story of an old archetype, who had the groundwork laid out in the earliest days of Magic, and has only grown since then!Pattern Recognition #295 - Commander Samut Features Opinion Pattern Recognition
2023 August 31 by berryjon
Well, here it is, the culmination of my work! A 60 card Brawl deck upgraded to a 100 card Commander deck! Come in and see what additions I made, and then make your own suggestions about what I could have dine differently.Pattern Recognition #294 - Samut of the Brawl Video Features Opinion Pattern Recognition
2023 August 24 by berryjon
Hello! Today, berryjon plays out five rounds with his Brawl deck! How well does he do? Tune in, find out, and make suggestions for improvements! And stick around after for a couple extra rounds with a different deck.Pattern Recognition #293 - Samut of the Brawl Features Opinion Pattern Recognition
2023 August 17 by berryjon
Another year, another (non)Rotation, and that means it's time for a new BRAWL Deck! Hop on in and have a look as I design a janky deck that shouldn't work, and probably won't. But hey, it'll be fun, right?Pattern Recognition #292 - Soldier On Features Opinion Pattern Recognition
2023 August 10 by berryjon
One of Magic's most eternal Creature types, and not much about them that's special. So, what makes _Soldiers_ tick? AndPattern Recognition #291 - Some Banned Cards Features Opinion Pattern Recognition
2023 August 03 by berryjon
Today, berryjon looks at some cards that are banned in some formats, and why they were hit. Feel free to chime in with your own examples and opinions!Pattern Recognition #290 - The Cosmic Titans Features Opinion Pattern Recognition
2023 July 20 by berryjon
Who is the biggest, most awesome kid on the block? Is it Urza's legacy? Jace's Plot Armor? No? How about the Eldrazi? Today, berryjon takes a look at the (known) history of the Eldrazi, and relates what we know, and what we know we don't know about them.
And the Precon for them is going to be spoiled in a couple hours from release, so you'll be prepared!