Showdown #27: Scorch on the Rocks



15 October 2014


Hello all and welcome again to Showdown, where I pit my current standard deck against those submitted to me by you, the members of TappedOut. Last time we were together 2 weeks ago (it felt like forever for me, too! D: ), we saw the beginning of Season 2. I showcased my new deck for the season, Temur Control, and we faced off against Femme_Fatale's Mardu aggro deck. Things did not go so well. In fact, I got ruthlessly stomped. And so, being the obsessed person that I am, I took all this time testing and brewing with the build until I was happy with it.

Since then, we've all witnessed Ari Lax's victory during PTKTK. I absolutely LOVED this latest pro tour. I love this meta, I love the cards, the decks, and the interactions. I may just be the happiest playing standard as I've been since I first began playing. Jeskai "wins" was one of the breakout decks and really took its claim on being the Aggro pillar of the format. Abzan midrange (and in that same boat) Abzan aggro came out to fight and ended up taking the win for the tournament. And that's essentially our midrange pillar of the format. Alongside it we can the Green devotion decks, splashing various colors for different cards. The most notable of these is the black splash for Doomwake Giant. The Superfriends deck of choice seemed to be Mardu, so that's the main one we'll need to watch out for there. And as for control, we saw a majority of the lists being strict UB, opting for Prognostic Sphinx or the new Pearl Lake Ancient as their win conditions. Lastly, we actually have a combo deck in standard! Jeskai Ascendancy makes itself known in a typically-4 color archetype and can win very early in the game. Keep an eye out for that!

One of the break out cards of the Pro Tour was definitely Dig Through Time. This was a card I had previously tested as a 1-of in my deck and found it to be good. I didn't realize it was even POSSIBLE to use it as a 3-4-of. And as for burn -- it was everywhere. I was expecting aggro decks to be of the mono-R or mono-B variety, but jeskai burn was the prominent one. Burn really seemed to be a useful strategy all around, and backing that up with the refueling capabilities of cards like Dig Through Time and Treasure Cruise just seemed sooo good. And so, I have adapted.

My deck now is prominently U/R Counterburn. I have 12 burn spells, 8 counterspells, and 6 card draw spells. I have dropped my number of win-con cards tremendously and am not even running a single planeswalker in the deck anymore. Instead of Sarkhan, I'm going for Stormbreath Dragon, since the pro white will help me against those Abzan Midrange decks. The one reason why I have decided that I need to stay green however, is Bow of Nylea. The card is bonkers good -- especially in a metagame full is so, so much burn. I hope I can show you all the success I've been having with my deck in this article.

But without further ado, let's get to my competitor. I decided it was best to showcase the new version of the deck against one of the pillars of the format. While there are plenty of Abzan builds suggested, I consider that one of my worst matchups. I really didn't want to get destroyed twice in a row when attempting to show this deck off, so I went for the next most difficult archetype . And so, I present to you all Tonberry333 and his Jeskai wins deck:

Jeskai Tempo/Burn

Standard* Tonberry333


Jeskai wins, or fireworks, or aggro, or burn, or tempo, or a very formidable foe for almost any deck in the standard environment. Being able to consistently deal large chucks of damage through burn spells and an assortment of incredibly aggressive creatures like Mantis Rider and Goblin Rabblemaster means that you really have to be protecting yourself right out of the gate. What I fear most out of this matchup is drawing the wrong spells at the wrong time. If my opponent is burning me and all I have are burn spells for their creatures, I'm dead. If they're pummeling me with dudes and all I have is a grip full of Negates, I'm dead. And most importantly, if I cannot find and stick a Bow of Nylea before too late, I'm also Just. Dead. That said, if I CAN stick that bow, I don't foresee the rest of the game to be too much of a difficulty. Let's head into the action.


Music for your head


Let the games begin!

Game one


Tonberry wins the flip and is on the play. He keeps an opening hand of 2x Temple of Enlightenment, Temple of Triumph, Battlefield Forge, Seeker of the Way, Banishing Light and Mantis Rider. This looks amazing.

Spooty keeps an opening hand of Temple of Epiphany, Temple of Abandon, Frontier Bivouac, forest, Negate and 2x Stoke the Flames. This isn't fantastic, but given the right draw could easily get the job done.

T1: Temple of enlightenment tapped, scrying Shivan Reef to the bottom.

S1: Draws Stoke the Flames. Yeah, alright. Well, I hope I can survive to T4. Temple of epiphany tapped, scrying mountain and keeping it. I think I'm going to need the untapped mana source since all my removal spells right now are 4-drops. Pass.

T2: Draws Lightning Strike. Battlefield forge, Seeker of the Way. Pass.

S2: Draws mountain. Forest, pass.

T3: Draws Steam Augury. He attacks with the Seeker for two, and before damage attempts to Lightning Strike me. I Negate it, but prowess does still activate. 6-point life swing. This is followed up by a temple of triumph, scrying Lightning Strike to the top. Pass. (s 17/22 t)

S3: Draws Lightning Strike. Perfect! I play my temple of abandon tapped and scry mountain to the bottom this time. I then strike the seeker while I have the chance. Pass.

T4: Draws Lightning Strike. Mantis time! He casts and attacks with Mantis Rider. Then it's another temple of enlightenment to scry a Jeskai Charm to the top. Pass. (s 14/21 t)

S4: Draws Perilous Vault. Ehh...not great here. I play the mountain and then stoke the Mantis Rider before passing.

T5: Draws Jeskai Charm. Welp, time for playing things on the opponent's turn I suppose. Pass.

S5: Draws Divination. Well, my only other plays here are burning him (not there yet) burning one of his creatures (which he may not play), playing the vault (which is not great against burn) or drawing cards and allowing him to have a free turn. Since I'm in desperate need of resources right now, I'm going to draw cards. I play divination and draw Jace's Ingenuity and Dig Through Time. That was a cruel joke, deck. I play a Frontier Bivouac and pass. EoT my opponent casts Steam Augury. Revealed is a Mantis Rider, plains, mountain, Temple of Triumph and Shivan Reef. Looks like both decks are having a good laugh right now. He places all the lands into one pile and the mantis in the other. I choose for him to keep the lands.

T6: Draws Chandra, Pyromaster. Interesting. Well, I think it's best to get in damage when it's free, so my opponent plays a mountain and then follows it up with a strike and a jeskai charm to deal a total of 7 damage to me directly. Pass. Also, ew. (s 7/21 t)

S6: Draws mountain. Plays mountain. I'm deck to the same sequence of events as last turn, but there's nothing I can do about it anyway. Pass.

T7: Draws Steam Augury. He plays the Shivan Reef and then passes, not wanting to play right into any number of counterspells. At EoT, I attempt to cast Jace's Ingenuity, which is responded to by Steam Augury. The augury reveals Searing Blood, Keranos, God of Storms, Magma Jet, Seeker of the Way, and Deflecting Palm. Dammmnnnn. He puts searing blood, seeker, and palm into one pile, and keranos with the jet. (I really can't perfectly make these piles right now). I choose for him to keep the first pile, but keep in mind that I'm giving him a deflecting palm. My ingenuity draws me into Divination, Courser of Kruphix and Dissolve.

S7: Draws Wooded Foothills. Let's get this headed back in my favor, please. I play the courser and reveal Lightning Strike from the top. I play the foothills and gain a life and pass. (s 8/21 t)

T8: Draws plains. He plays the seeker and I let it through. He then plays a plains and attempts to cast Banishing Light, which I decide to Dissolve. I scry the Lightning Strike to the top still. He passes.

S8: Draws Lightning Strike and reveals Bow of Nylea. YES. Can't wait for next turn. I strike the seeker (they know about it anyway). Pass.

T9: Draws Battlefield Forge. Hmm...This is getting out of reach quickly. Perhaps playing Chandra will get the ball rolling again? He does so and uses her 0 ability to exile Banishing Light from the top. Oh, that's so wrong...he needed that for the bow. Sorry man :/ Well, I guess he may as well use it, right? He plays it and exiles the courser, following up with a temple of triumph which scrys Mantis Rider to the top. Pass. EoT I delve 6 cards to cast Dig Through Time. I place Bow of Nylea and Lightning Strike into my hand. 2 jets, an island, a shivan reef, and a vault go to the bottom.

S9: Draws Temple of Abandon. I fetch a forest with my land and then cast Bow of Nylea. I play my tempel and scry a Disdainful Stroke to the bottom. It isn't great here. I then Lightning Strike Chandra just to get her a bit closer to death before passing. (s 7/21 t)

T10: Draws Mantis Rider. He plays and attacks with the mantis for 3. Then he uses Chandra's 0 to exile Banishing Light. AH RETRIBUTION. He casts it, which I then respond to by using it to gain 3 life. Pass.

S10: Draws Stoke the Flames. So many stokes this game. I play Divination and draw Shivan Reef and mountain. I play the reef and then pass.

T11: Draws Mountain. He attacks with the mantis, and before damage I stoke it. He uses Chandra's 0 to exile Shivan Reef, which he plays. He passes the turn.

S11: Draws Temple of Abandon. I play it and scry Negate to the top. I play my Perilous Vault and then exile al non-land permanents with it, ridding my opponent of their chandra and both banishing lights, and giving me back both my courser and bow. (and yes, I should've waited to play my land. Oops.) The Negate is revealed. Pass.

T12: Draws Searing Blood. Plays mountain. He casts both Searing Bloods on my courser, killing it and dealing 6 damage to me. Woah. Pass. (s 1/21 t)

S12: Draws Negate. I play a mountain and pass.

T13: Draws another reef. He plays the forge and passes. EoT I gain 3, then cast stoke targeting him, he attempts to palm it, but I negate that. (s 4/17 t).

S13: Draws another Bow of Nylea. I pass.

T14: Draws Deflecting Palm. Plays plains. Pass. EoT I gain 3. (s 7/17 t)

S14: Draws mountain. Plays mountain. Pass.

T15: Satyr Firedancer. Plays the satyr. Pass. I gain 3. (s 10/17 t)

S15: Draws Magma Jet. I jet the satyr and scry two lands to the bottom. pass.

T16: Draws another forge. pass. I gain 3 (s 13/17 t)

S16: Draws Courser of Kruphix. I play it and reveal a temple, which I play, gain a life, scry Magma Jet to the top. Pass. (s 14/17 t)

T17: Draws Seeker of the Way. That just dies to the jet upcoming. I don't think this game can be won by him -- especially with my other bow in toe that he doesn't know about. I'm going to have him concede so we can get on with the next game, alright?




Spooty Wins Game 1!!

Sideboard tech with Spooty:


Hooray! I got to show how important the bow is! My sideboarding here is simple. Perilous Vault is not great here, and Destructive Revelry kills Banishing Light and Satyr Firedancer. That's it!

Sideboard tech with Tonberry333:


Ugh. That was so close! He even got me down to a SINGLE life point at that one moment. He needs to bring in more resilient threats. Banishing Light can be replaced by Erase, Searing Blood can be replaced by Goblin Rabblemaster and 2x Satyr Firedancer can be replaced by a couple Brimaz, King of Oreskos. Let's see how this does.

Ironically, those Destructive Revelry have little to no targets now. Heh...

Game 2


Tonberry is on the play again and mulligans a hand of white cards and no white mana. The six card hand is unfortunately the same exact way. The kept hand contains 2x Seeker of the Way, mountain, Battlefield Forge and Chandra, Pyromaster. I know this hand isn't great but hopefully he can draw out of it.

I mulligan a my 7 card hand not because it's bad, but because it's bad against my opponent's deck. I can't keep a hand that has a curve starting at Dissolve and Divination if my opponent is playing aggro. My kept hand contains island, mountain, Shivan Reef, Temple of Epiphany, Negate and Lightning Strike. Yeah, this is about as good a 6 as I can ask for.

T1: Battlefield Forge, pass.

S1: Draws Temple of Epiphany. I play the temple and scry a Divination on top. With my opponent having mulliganed and me as well, cards are going to be super important. Pass.

T2: Draws Brimaz, King of Oreskos. He plays a mountain and the seeker before passing. (s 20/19 t)

S2: Draws Divination. I play a mountain, strike the seeker, and pass.

T3: Draws plains. Heyo! He plays the plains and Brimaz. (s 20/18 t)

S3: Draws mountain. I need an answer for that immediately. I play an island and then use divination to draw a mountain and a Dig Through Time. Not quite what I was looking for.

T4: Draws Shivan Reef. He plays the land and attacks with Brimaz, making a 1/1 token and dealing a total of 4 damage. He follows this up with Chandra, which +1s and deals another damage to me. Pass. (s 15/17 t)

S4: Draws Soul of Shandalar. I think I just lost this game. I play a temple to scry and push a Lightning Strike to the bottom. It's just not stoke. Pass.

T5: Draws Magma Jet. He draws have been spot on, man. He pluses Chandra, attacks with brimaz and the token, makes a cat and deals a total of 6. He then plays Seeker of the Way and passes.

S5: Draws Destructive Revelry. Ohhh noooo cmonnnn. I play a mountain and pass.

T6: Draws Deflecting Palm. He plays Magma Jet, which I Negate, but prowess triggers. He pluses Chandra to deal 1, then attacks with all his creatures including another token for 10. I am dead...




Tonberry333 Wins Game 2!!


I decide at this point to switch into my aggro board, simply because I'm on the play finally and I might be able to sneak out a G3 victory here. Divination comes out, Disdainful Stroke comes out, Jace's Ingenuity comes out, Soul of Shandalar comes out, and 2 Dissolve come out. I bring in a playset of Monastery Swiftspear and Goblin Rabblemaster. Cmoooon good 7.

Tonberry's deck remains the same as it seemed to do well in the matchup and Brimaz is great against my deck.

Game 3


I am on the play and keep an opening hand of Temple of Abandon, temple of myster, island, Lightning Strike, Dissolve, Stoke the Flames and Bow of Nylea. aggressive creatures whatsoever (which is rare), but having the bow and the mana to cast it already is something I cannot pass on.

Tonberry keeps an opening hand of Temple of Enlightenment, Battlefield Forge, 2x Jeskai Charm, Goblin Rabblemaster, Magma Jet and Chandra, Pyromaster. This seems decent, but needs another land soon.

S1: Temple of Abandon tapped, scrying Lightning Strike to remain on top. Pass.

T1: Draws Steam Augury. He plays his temple and scrys Deflecting Palm to the bottom. Pass.

S2: Draws Lightning Strike. I want this bow out ASAP so I play my other temple tapped and scry a mountain on top. I need the mana. Pass.

T2: Draws mountain. Got there! He plays the mountain and jets me while I don't have Negate mana up. He scrys a Chandra to the bottom and leaves a temple on top. Pass. (s 18/20 t)

S3: Draws mountain. I play the mountain and then the bow. Pass.

T3: Draws Temple of Triumph. He plays the Battlefield Forge and then Goblin Rabblemaster. Rabbles makes a 1/1 and it attacks. Pass. (s 17/20 t)

S4: Draws forest. I play an island and strike the rabblemaster before passing the turn.

T4: Draws Mantis Rider. Seems fine here. He plays the temple tapped and scrys another rabblemaster to the top. He casts his mantis and attacks with it and the goblin token. Before damage, I strike the mantis rider and I take 1. Pass. (s 16/19 t)

S5: Draws Magma Jet. Nice. I play the forest and pass.

T5: Draws Goblin Rabblemaster. He attempts to cast the rabblemaster, but I Dissolve it, scrying a Dig Through Time to remain on top. He attacks for one and passes. EoT I gain 3. (s 18/19 t)

S6: Draws Dig Through Time. Pass.

T6: Draws Brimaz, King of Oreskos. Nice. He attacks for 1 and then casts Brimaz. EoT I stoke Brimaz. All the answers! (s 17/19 t)

S7: Draws Temple of Mystery. I play it and scry a Negate on top. Pass.

T7: Draws Lightning Strike. Man, this doesn't seem to be going anywhere fast for him. He attacks for one. Casting Chandra here really can only better secure land drops, if it isn't countered, of course. Chandra is a bit more valuable given the boardstate, so I think I'll try to have him bait out a counterspell with something like Jeskai Charm or Steam Augury. He passes. I gain 3 (s 19/19 t)

S8: Draws Negate. I pass. EoT he attempts to Jeskai Charm me to deal 4 damage, which I Negate.

T8: Draws Erase. There is it! And perfect timing, too. He attacks for 1. To attempt to bait out counters again, he plays the lightning strike to me, and it goes through. He then plays Erase on my Bow of Nylea. I use it to gain 3 in response and then it is exiled. Pass. EoT I use Magma Jet on his 1/1 and scry both a Negate and a Dig Through Time on top. (s 18/19 t)

S9: Draws Negate. I play dig through time for 2 with delve to place Stormbreath Dragon and Goblin Rabblemaster in my hand (I gotta close out this game NOW). 2 lands, a revelry and a strike go to the bottom. I don't want to not have Negate mana up, though. I pass.

T9: Draws Temple of Triumph. He plays it and scrys a Magma Jet on top. It's a spell and all. Both Steam Augury and Chandra are good here, but I think Chandra has more potential. He attempts to cast the augury (baiting counters), but I Negate it. Pass.

S10: Draws Stoke the Flames. Good, good. I cast Stormbreath Dragon and attack for 4 with it. Pass. (s 18/15 t)

T10: Draws Magma Jet. Well...there's a dragon on the field, now. Playing the charm on it does basically nothing. Jetting it does nothing. Chandra might even die to it if it goes monstrous next turn. Blech. I guess he'll try to race it. He deals 4 to me with Jeskai Charm and then 2 more with Magma Jet, scrying Erase to the bottom and Mantis Rider on top. Pass. (s 12/15 t)

S11: Draws Magma Jet. This seems like it's going well so right now. I play Goblin Rabblemaster and go to attacks, making a 1/1 token. I attack for 5 with it and Stormbreath. During 2nd main, I convoke for Stoke the Flames to my opponent. Pass. (s 12/6 t)

T11: Draws Mantis Rider. Um.. Mantis Rider can't block Stormbreath and the goblin tokens put him at lethal. He has no outs and concedes.




Spooty Wins the Match!!





Hey hey! I got one! It seems like it's been a while, at least to me. Okay, let's talk about my opponent's deck. First things first, I don't think it's a great idea right now to mainboard 4x searing blood. I think I'd personally go down to 2-3 copies and potentially put the rest in the side. When you come up against an opponent with little to no creatures like myself, having those in hand is a really bad feeling. I think that, similarly, Satyr Firedancer could be a sideboard choice and that something like Goblin Rabblemaster could come into the MB. The card is just so good at keeping up pressure and demanding an answer from your opponent.

Game 1 was a great showcase of how my deck can take a beating but manage to stabilize as long as things go smoothly and I draw into a Bow of Nylea. I also loved that Perilous Vault was able to destroy those enchantments, because without doing so I probably would've lost. Game 2 was an even better example of how a Jeskai Aggro deck can absolutely punish a deck without answers for its threats. And furthermore, it shows why people have Brimaz in their sideboard. The card is very good at resisting removal in the form of burn. Luckily, in game 3, I had the Stoke the Flames needed to take care of him on curve, and Stormbreath Dragon alongside Goblin Rabblemaster really took care of the game once they hit the field.

If there were any single card that stood out to me in Ton's deck, it was Steam Augury. The puts the rest into the graveyard. The graveyard, people! That synergizes SO WELL with delve cards! Ever heard of a little thing called Dig Through Time? Yeah, I think there might just be an obvious couple here. Not only will I recommend that Tonberry put the card into HIS deck (because getting those last two burn spells for 2 mana is great), but I'm actually going to place some in my deck. I was already thinking about playing Weave Fate over Divination just so I could draw at instant speed, but Steam Augury is simply better for my deck, I think. I'm simply infatuated by the card already.

I want to thank Tonberry333 for his great submission. Good luck to you on continuing with this deck! And thanks for inadvertently telling me how awesome Steam Augury is!


Contest Winner!

Thank you to the handful of people who ended up partaking in the username design contest. I had a bit of a hard time choosing, but I went with my gut feeling on it. I decided to base my Username on the submission by Matsi883. Additionally, I think I'm going to tweak it slightly so that I can add my personal touch to it. Thank you in advance for the help, Matsi883. And thank you additionally to the other people who submitted entries. Look forward to the next contest! I'm thinking...custom card?


If you'd like to be the next contender in Showdown, please leave your decks linked into the comments below! Be sure to use the "deck-large" option so I don't miss them! Hope you all enjoyed the match and I'll see you all again in two weeks! :)


Until next time, may you never get mana-screwed. And as always, thanks for reading!


Feeling generous? Wanna help out? It's easy! Donating even a small amount really helps make these happen, and I will always be overly appreciative of it. Plus, you can get rewards for doing so!


  • $5.00 = You will receive a personal thank you and mention in the next article I release!

  • $10.00 = I will do an in-depth analysis of the deck of your choice, giving my advice and opinions in detail (Note: this will need to be limited to Standard and EDH for the time being as I grow my skills and knowledge in other formats). Additionally, you will receive the mention in the next article!

  • $25.00 = In addition to the deck analysis, I will run a 5-game playtesting match between your chosen deck and any other of your choice, be it your own, a pillar of the format, or even one of my own creations! Afterwards, I will provide you with a detailed synopsis of how things went, and give my opinions and suggestions about the chosen deck. This will be in addition to the notation in the next article.

  • $50.00 = If you are generous enough to donate 50 or more dollars, you and I will set up a meeting via Skype, Google Hangouts, etc. to discuss archetypes, cards, formats, or anything even remotely MTG-related. Afterwards, we will meet up on Cockatrice to have our very own Speedbrew where you can challenge me to anything you'd like! (This will be purely for fun -- not an actual episode of Speedbrewers). Due to time restraints, I'll have to keep this portion to ~ 2 hours long. In addition to all this, you will still receive the 5-game playtesting match of your choice, in-depth deck analysis, and mention in the next article I send out!

Some thanks are in order!

  • Thank you to benjamin_is_nuts for the donation of $25.00. You never forget your first <3

  • Thank you to gro0ve for the donation of $25.00. You can bet I'll be gro0vin with your help!

Keep up with all the showdown action and more!

Email: [email protected]

Twitter: @Spootyone

Web Counters
This article is a follow-up to Showdown #26: Season 2 HYPE The next article in this series is Showdown #28: Rebirth

miracleHat says... #1

Wow, i had forgotten about Bow of Nylea . Great games! Is the custom card right now, or for next showdown?

October 16, 2014 12:12 a.m.

Nigeltastic says... #2

Nice writeup as always, good to see you got some much deserved donations :)

Here's my deck, I've refined it quite a lot, especially after TCG states, and I think it's in a better spot, though I'm still tweaking.

Mauler Sleeperhold Playtest

Standard* Nigeltastic


October 16, 2014 12:27 a.m.

Blizzicane says... #3

This Showdown was a pretty close one as for Steam Augury , too bad they won't reprint Fact or Fiction in standard. XP

Anyways I am currently running Mono-Black Aggro (because I can't play one standard without using black in some way or form) and have finally made a stable version after figuring out the meta.

Wrapped in Black Playtest

Standard* Blizzicane


Don't know if a white splash would be worth it for Chief of the Edge and some other sideboard goodies or even Sorin but this is fine for now. :3

October 16, 2014 12:28 a.m.

-Fulcrum says... #4

Great article, fun to read as always. Congratulations on the victory, and I look forward to seeing how Steam Augury works for you. As for custom cards, all I can think about is that ZZ Top Hornet Nest from that one thread a while back. Good times.

October 16, 2014 12:32 a.m.

Scytec says... #5

My favorite deck to play in this new meta. I decided to run rakdos for consistency and my black fliers. Flight is something most people just don't have an answer here it is: F*** You Wedge, I'm Playing Rakdos

October 16, 2014 1:02 a.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #6

This deck is MUCH more of what a control deck should be! Not the shenanigan blizz-goop that was the midrange deck trying to mask itself as a control deck in our match. On that regard, I really suggest you remove Soul of Shandalar for Keranos, God of Storms . Keranos really beats down aggro decks and can deal with both Mantis Rider and Goblin Rabblemaster with ease, and really helps get other creatures and planeswalkers within range of your Lightning Strike s. Not too mention no dead land draws. It would seem to me that you would want to play some counterspells instead of spending all that mana on 3 damage and maybe a creature removal. Keranos is also a lot harder to remove. I mean you can keep Soul of Shandalar if you want the beater ... but I think Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker would be an even better choice instead of the soul.

I'mma just going to repost the same deck I posted last time. Really curious on how it handles with a proper control build now :3

What's a Girl to Do ... Playtest

Standard Femme_Fatale

SCORE: 53 | 29 COMMENTS | 6209 VIEWS

October 16, 2014 2:57 a.m.

nighthawk101 says... #7

Yet another great article!

I've finally been able to update my decks, especially this one, for post rotation and it's looking pretty good!

All You Need Is Kill Playtest

Standard williamgp99


October 16, 2014 7:16 a.m.

Great as always Spooty, I should probably find time to actually write my own article. In the meantime, I've drifted back into Standard, so here's hoping I get picked.

Shinobi's Standard Sultai! Playtest

Standard CanadianShinobi


October 16, 2014 9:04 a.m.

sujrondc says... #9

Awesome match, I definitely agree about Bow of Nylea . It is a serious card. I'm liking the new build, and I'm thinking my Kraken deck might stand a bit of a chance against it.

Anyways, here it is:

Digging for Krakens Playtest

Standard sujrondc


October 16, 2014 10:30 a.m.

weisemanjohn says... #10

well, I can definitely tell it has been some time since I looked at your decklist Spootyone. Mine, hasn't changed nearly as dramatically, but I did speed it up a bit more after having a chance to test it at a FNM. I have yet to see it in action against a control deck though, as my match-ups were against aggro and midrange. I feel like I could break through your burn though with my build considering I have pretty tough creatures to begin with requiring multiple burn-per-creature tactics. So, want to go for a two-sided Temur face-off of RU style vs UG style?

the key word is temur Playtest

Standard weisemanjohn


October 16, 2014 12:15 p.m.

Spootyone says... #11

Quick comment time!

To those asking, the custom card contest will not be held for a little bit. I want to space them out and such. Plus, I think I want to get a bit larger fanbase since the last contest only had 3 submissions, and that's a pretty poor showing.

Thank you to everyone for the positive feedback! I'm loving the new build and I'm actually working towards trading for cards so that I can run it IRL at FNM! Once I do, I'll be sure to give update as needed.

And lastly, I have awarded you your tokens Matsi883. Sorry. I forgot to do it before bed last night.

October 16, 2014 4:45 p.m.

adventfaith says... #12

Well, I recently jumped back into control for this set. It's about as right ass I can get it, working on my mana balance at the moment.

if you're looking for a challenge, it's pretty far up there.

October 16, 2014 7:34 p.m.

golffore297 says... #13

Hey Spooty, I thought I'd drop in and show off my sub-$30 White-Weenie powerhouse deck. By using Abzan Falconer and Abzan Battle Priest to buff up Fabled Hero and Favored Hoplite with flavors of Heliod, God of the Sun and Phalanx Leader and a fistful of combat tricks:

We Don't Need No Colors Playtest

Standard golffore297


Playtesting for it has gone really well, as it catches my local meta off-guard and doesn't require the slow fixing in the current environment.

Anyways, the meta seems to have taken an interesting turn, and I'm really glad to seeing it diversify and there's lots of good homebrewing going on out there, I've been quite impressed. I've seen everything from Jeskai Tempo to G/B Devotion to my local meta winner 2 weeks runnings Empty the Pits and Villainous Wealth with Kruphix, God of Horizons combo deck.

October 16, 2014 8:31 p.m.

Frayace says... #14

The Turtle Carries On Playtest

Standard* Frayace


October 16, 2014 8:47 p.m.

MattTheNinja says... #15

Junky Midrange Playtest

Standard* MattTheNinja


October 16, 2014 9:23 p.m.

-MisterJ- says... #16

I always love reading these articles and I can't wait for next weeks.

I know Temur is getting a lot of posts but I would still love to see mine showcased and to see how it does against such strong control and answers for everything.

This deck has been doing really well in my local meta quickly getting me intoevery top 8 almost every time I play. X cost spells just seem to be so powerful right now!

Magicians and Monsters Playtest

Standard -MisterJ-


October 16, 2014 11:10 p.m.

Bellock86 says... #17

Another great article as always Spootyone. I'm actually going to link someone else's deck. I have been trying to build sultai deck for a very long time but mpeach1 has what I feel is a very solid build that is away from the normal route people are taking and I want to give just credit that I did NOT build this deck

You Are a Dream; I Hope I Never Meet You Playtest

Standard mpeach1


October 16, 2014 11:20 p.m.

TheFanatic says... #18

I would once again like to volunteer my Sultai dredge deck as tribute. It generally has a somewhat tough time against control, but I've been working on that aspect of the deck and I'd like to see how things play out.

Dredge in Standard? Yes, Please. Playtest

Standard TheFanatic

SCORE: 100 | 26 COMMENTS | 10758 VIEWS

October 17, 2014 5:44 p.m.

Ohnoeszz says... #19

Scaled Heros Playtest

Standard* Ohnoeszz


This is probably a different deck for you.

This is a 4-color deck that curves out at 3. 2 land hands can be fine depending on the colors. The deck is meant to abuse Hardened Scales , heroic and some other abilities to win combat......Spells like Feat of Resistance on a heroic creature like Fabled Hero activates Hardened Scales on both the heroic trigger and feat's counter for huge unblockable attackers, or invincible defenders or guys that just survived an Utter End . Abzan Charm can give Sage of Hours 5 counters instantly with a Hardened Scales in play.

The right sequence of plays is often important considering the color needs and disruption. Protection spells are vital - hence the 7 main.

The aggro sideboard elements are meant to match up against black based control and slower more controlling midrange. Against burn-trol, Triton Tactics would replace Warriors' Lesson and/or Gods Willing . Negate could find it's way in if you are creature light in the early games.

October 18, 2014 6:59 p.m.

Naronu says... #20

I would like to volunteer my deck to face yours because I would really like to see how it does against a strong control deck like yours.

The Savage Frontier Playtest

Standard Naronu


October 18, 2014 9:30 p.m.

Can you test out my token deck I've won FnM two weeks in a row but would like to see how it does against a more competitive deck.

W/U tokens Playtest

Standard* bluecontrolfreak


October 18, 2014 11:47 p.m.

PartyGoat says... #22

Abzan Tempo Playtest

Standard* PartyGoat


You have no idea how bad I would like you to play test my deck :)

October 19, 2014 2:56 a.m.

Dalektable says... #23

Another good write up. I'll submit this, which you just took a look at.

However, I feel like you should test against an abzan midrange deck pretty soon. Need to check off the big decks of the format ;D

October 19, 2014 1:16 p.m.

sewellius says... #24

Thanks for keeping these articles going, as they are fun and informative enough to get me by in the slow hours of the day. I'm working up a couple newly standard brews that I'd love to get feedback on or even a showdown with either Spooty or Apop:

Unity of the Abzan Playtest

Standard sewellius


This one probably fits most as Abzan Midrage, with a sideboard to convert to Tokens

Unshackled by Death Playtest

Standard sewellius


Not quite aggro, not quite constellation, but all very Mardu.

October 20, 2014 1:18 p.m.

Khaotica says... #25

Here are my two submissions for the next showdown:

For the Horde! Playtest

Standard Khaotica



Esper? I Hardly Know Her Playtest

Standard Khaotica


I really like the way the deck plays out Spootyone. I'm curious, how do all the one/two-ofs work out?

October 20, 2014 8:35 p.m.

PartyGoat says... #26


Hey man I have just bought a bunch of cards for my deck, and while I am missing some of the ones I want it has been realy succesful at my lgs. please give it a test.

Walk the Rhino Playtest

Standard* PartyGoat


October 25, 2014 9:06 p.m.

Nomp says... #27

Really enjoyed the article. Keep up the good work!

Enchantment Creature Good Stuff Playtest

Standard Nomp


October 29, 2014 5:34 a.m.

R5i3P says... #28

The Guards of Akros challenge the Planes of Tarkir in a battle! Do you accept?

Guards of Akros Playtest

Standard R5i3P


November 1, 2014 11:44 p.m.

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