Playing a Swamp after Mutilate?

Asked by Metroid_Hybrid 10 years ago

Will playing a Swamp after resolving a Mutilate cause the "-1/-1 until the end of turn" count to go up?

I hope not, because here's the scenario I had in mind..

Turn-4: I tap 4 Swamp s to play a Phyrexian Obliterator on curve..

Turn-5: (Move to combat) Swing with the Phyrexian Obliterator , then assuming it's not blocked/killed/etc., (post-combat main-phase) cast Mutilate effectively for -4/-4, the Obliterator survives as a 1/1, but what happens if I play another Swamp before I end my turn?

Epochalyptik says... Accepted answer #1

Always read the Gatherer rulings before asking a question.

7/1/2012: The effect is based on the number of Swamps you control when Mutilate resolves. Only creatures on the battlefield at that time will be affected. The effect won't change later in the turn, even if the number of Swamps you control changes.

June 10, 2014 6:18 p.m.

Metroid_Hybrid says... #2

Sorry Epoch.. I did go to click on the "View at Gatherer" button earlier before asking, but for some reason the site was down ATM..

June 10, 2014 9:13 p.m.

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