Nirlana Revenant Glistening Oil combo ruling on upkeep

Asked by Wolf_Lightning 9 years ago

I've looked this up and found that I should be able to tap a swamp at my upkeep before my draw step to add +2+2 to Nirkana Revenant to negate the -1-1 counter that Glistening Oil would otherwise place on her set HP. Just need confirmation on this card interaction please. Thanks

BlueScope says... Accepted answer #1

Well, you're right in that you can give her +1/+1 for each you deicde to pay in response to Glistening Oil's upkeep trigger. That doesn't change that -1/-1 counters will be put on Nirkana as soon as the ability finally resolves.

Let's say you start your turn with a virgin Nirkana, and at the beginning of your upkeep, Glistening Oil triggers. You tap a Swamp to add to your mana pool, spend both on her +1/+1 ability to make her a 6/6. As soon as Glistening Oil resolves, it will put a -1/-1 counter on her, making her a 5/5.
At the end of the turn, the temporary boost will end, and she'll be a 3/3. If you do the same next turn, at the end of the turn she'll be a 2/2, and so forth.

If by 'negate' you meant the -1/-1 counters get removed in pairs with +1/+1 - that only works for +1/+1 counters, not for temporary buffs. Even then, the counters would be put on her, and removed next time state-based actions were checked.

June 12, 2015 2:11 p.m.

Sam_I_am says... #2

yes, you can give her +2/+2 before she gets the -1/-1 counter, at which point she will become a 5/5, given that she has no other effects on her.

It won't ,however, negate the -1/-1 counter.

the -1/-1 counter will remain indefinitely, and at the end of your turn, she will go back to being a 3/3.

June 12, 2015 4:07 p.m. Edited.

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