How do the new Zendikar Flip lands work in Oathbreaker?

Asked by moo1234 3 years ago

With Zendikar rising we got the new fliplands which you can play either side of. Let's say I wanted to use Turntimber Symbiosis as my signature spell.

firstly am I allowed to do this at all?

Am I allowed to play it as the land side? and if I'm allowed to do that do the land side and the spell side have different taxing rules.

(and I know that's 3 ish question in 1 but they kind of answer each other)

Neotrup says... Accepted answer #1

Reading through the rules for Oathbreaker, it states you may "cast" the spell as long as the associated Oathbreaker is on the battlefield under your control. As playing a land is not casting, it means you will not be able to play it as a land. This may be revisited once the set comes out and the rules for Modal Double Face Cards are revealed, but given that the signature spells can't go to other zones already, it seems unlikely that they'll be allowed onto the battlefield.

September 17, 2020 1:12 a.m.

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