
Asked by Liszt 9 years ago


  1. Does 'Double Strike' on a creature equipped with Umezawa's Jitte/Sword of Fire and Ice trigger the equipment two times?

  2. Let's say I have Sword of Light and Shadow in play and cast another creature. My opponent then wants to Hero's Downfall my creature. Can I quickly equip this creature with the sword to prevent this effect or do I need something like Leonin Shikari?

  3. Which leads to this question: Do I get it right that with Leonin Shikari in play I can switch equipments between creatures any time I could play an instant?

billpasdmf says... Accepted answer #1

  1. Yes. Creatures with double strike will deal damage twice. Unless they deal lethal damage to the blocking creature in the first round of damage and do not have trample.

  2. Equipment can only be equipped at sorcery speed (during your mainphase, while nothing is on the stack). You would need something like Leonin Shikari to get around this restriction.

  3. You are essentially correct. As long as you have priority and are capable of paying the costs, you would be able to equip a piece of equipment to a different creature while it is currently on another.

May 4, 2015 11:28 a.m.

HorridBEAST says... #2

1) IF you are unblocked then yes, they will each trigger twice. However, Unless you have trample, if your opponent blocks and you kill the blocker on first strike then you will deal no damage on the second hit. So Umezawa's Jitte will only trigger once. And you will not deal any damage to player so Sword of Fire and Ice will not trigger at all

2) Normally equipping is sorcery speed, so you cannot do it in response to another card, but because Leonin Shikari lets you equip at instant speed then you can equip Sword of Light and Shadow in response to Hero's Downfall

3) Yes, with Leonin Shikari in play, as long as you can pay the equip cost you can move your equipment around any time you would be able to cast an instant

May 4, 2015 11:37 a.m.

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