Does a creature's ability related to other creatures entering the battlefield simultaneous to the first trigger?

Asked by Ogrecorps 5 years ago

I apologize but that was the best way I could think of to concisely phrase the question. It'll make more sense with the cards: Lathliss, Dragon Queen , Scourge of Valkas , Sarkhan, Dragonsoul .

Let's say I use Sarkhan, Dragonsoul to go get Lathliss, Dragon Queen and Scourge of Valkas and put them on the battlefield.

  1. Do they enter simultaneously or one and then the other?
  2. If they enter one then the other, I get to choose which one first, right?
  3. If they enter simultaneously, does Lathliss, Dragon Queen 's ability trigger on Scourge entering the same instant as her?

Basically, if I use Sarkhan, Dragonsoul to go get a ton of non-toke dragons including Lathliss, Dragon Queen , does she then immediately create 1 more dragon for each dragon pulled this way, that Scourge of Valkas then allows to do as much damage as there are dragons?

Kogarashi says... Accepted answer #1

Lathliss, Dragon Queen and Scourge of Valkas will enter the battlefield at the same time.

They also "see" each other enter the battlefield, and thus will trigger each other's abilities that count dragons entering the battlefield. You get to stack these triggers in the order that you choose.

So assuming just those two dragon cards, Lathliss triggers once for Scourge entering. Scourge triggers twice, once for itself and once for Lathliss. When the Lathliss trigger resolves, you will create a dragon token, which will trigger Scourge another time.

The amount of damage the Scourge triggers deal will depend on when they resolve relative to the Lathliss triggers. If you resolve the first two Scourge triggers first, the token from Lathliss won't be on the battlefield yet and won't contribute to the damage count. If you resolve the Lathliss trigger first, then you will have three Scourge triggers all resolving for three damage apiece because they will count the token.

February 12, 2019 7:36 p.m.

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