Casual Commander Playgroup @ Amsterdam

Social forum

Posted on Aug. 27, 2020, 11:58 a.m. by XiphiasX

CASUAL Commander enthusiast looking for fellow players in the area of Amsterdam!

Who knows a fun playgroup or would be interested in starting one to gather once every one or two weeks on a Sunday afternoon? I know things are seriously tricky with the Corona measures - I'm just looking forward to playing again. And who knows, we might want to use the meantime for deck design challenges.

PLAY STYLE - Insta-win cards, infinite combos, and heavy restrictions and stax strategies spoil all the fun of Magic for me. Instead, I like player interaction and therefore happily choose a player-interactive play style over solitaire (e.g. Skullwinder instead of Eternal Witness). I believe that's what makes my 15+ decks fun to play with and to play against (power levels ranging from 3 to 6). I love interactive three-four player games of 45-90 minutes in which we have a pleasant turn pace, forgive each other small misplays, cheer for each other's big turns, and help each other to learn from playing the game too.

ABOUT ME - I am Laurens ('84) and I've occasionally been playing magic for 15 years now, and like to stay updated on the newest MtG Commander-trends on youtube. Aside from that I am a freelance workshop trainer / teacher in personal leadership, I like British ironic humour, movie soundtracks, and the fact that my place is in Amsterdam West on a spot that's easily accessible by car and public transport.

Anyone? :-)


Marijnscholten says... #2


Just seeing this post now. My playgroup has been playing mostly online for a while now and not on a regular basis. But would be cool to find some other commander players to play with sometime.

April 29, 2021 6:40 a.m.

XiphiasX says... #3

Hey Marijn, cool! Would you like to chat here publicly or do you have a preferred way of chatting one-on-one? Curious to meet and exchange ideas, if you like.

May 2, 2021 11:34 a.m.

Marijnscholten says... #4


Here might be a bit slow since I don't check Untapped that often, More an archidekt guy, but found this post through google looking for other edh players around amsterdam. I will hit you up through your profile!

May 10, 2021 10:05 a.m.

Marijnscholten says... #5

Oops, that is not allowed since I'm not an upgraded user, will hit you up through Facebook instead!

May 10, 2021 10:09 a.m.

HMthePaddow says... #6

Hey Laurens,

Together with 3 friends of mine, we form a group of casual players. A few times a year we find the time to get together and play full day of MtG. However, weekly some of us get together for some quick games often with 2 sometimes 3 players. We normally start in the evening after the kids are in bed and play until 11ish. We play (paper) casual commander with decks ranging from ~3 to 7.

If you're still looking to hook up with other casual players, let's see if we can get in touch.

Kind regards, Adriaan

July 3, 2021 3:47 p.m.

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