Domain, is it good enough?

Pauper forum

Posted on Nov. 17, 2020, 9:36 a.m. by fatalzintomyum

Is domain OK in pauper? With Nylea's Presence, I think that you can get domain consistently by turn three, enabling large and threatening Matca Rioters and burning Tribal Flames, but I have not seen this deck anywhere, so I am just wondering if these cards are playable at all.

As someone who knows most of the pauper metagame, it will probably be a teir 3 deck at best, but take that with a grain of salt cuz im not a pro. The problem is the deck is terrible if you don't have the Presence. You would need to use cards like Commune with the Gods to get it everytime, and if it got countered, you would lose if you couldn't get another one within a few turns. There are also not a lot of creature payoffs. Its jank but can be really good if you go T2 Nylea into T3 Matca rioters into T4 two of the two mana domain spells.

November 17, 2020 9:44 a.m.

Icbrgr says... #3

Are you using Kird Ape and Wild Nacatl in this build with Rancor?

November 17, 2020 10:04 a.m.

fatalzintomyum says... #4

Hmm Icbrgr, that seems really interestion, i'll try it out.

November 17, 2020 10:05 a.m.

psionictemplar says... #5

Disclaimer: I do not play a lot of pauper so take this with a grain of salt as well.

I think domain has playable cards, but they need to be a supplement to another strategy. My thoughts lead me to think of a landfall strategy where the "domain" can be built over time with things like Harrow which allow you to apply pressure and set things up simultaneously. Nylea's Presence could be included as a supporting cantrip/ psuedo power-up but not the main focus.

November 17, 2020 10:23 a.m.

fatalzintomyum says... #6

I have been testing on Untap with a version with a playset of wild nacatls, and really having more than 1 creature on the board can really end the game quickly with some buffs like Gaea's Might or the other Gaea's might plus my favorite domain card

November 17, 2020 11 a.m.

fatalzintomyum says... #7

Kind of excited because i just found out about Lush Growth

November 17, 2020 11:04 a.m.

abby315 says... #8

It's kind of like, "Why do this over mono-G stompy?" There just aren't a lot of Domain payoffs, and of those only Tribal Flames is impressive. That being said, I'm sure you could build a pretty successful shell with Burning-Tree Emissary, Rancor and other zoo cards, if you just like to play with Domain. Other cards to consider would be Savage Swipe and Elephant Guide, classic powerful stompy cards, and of course Lightning Bolt.

The clear format bullies are Tron and R/W/x Monarch decks, so I'm not sure you'll necessarily have a great matchup against them. It sucks that most of your big threats besides the Domain dude can't get through Palace Sentinels. Maybe the extra burn will help. The good thing about aggro is that you always have a chance of winning if your opponent stumbles.

November 17, 2020 4:04 p.m. Edited.

RNR_Gaming says... #9

No. Just seems like a huge investment of resources for a very meager pay off. You would probably be better off just playing Mulch effects with Reclaim and Thunderous Wrath - not that this is a good idea either but play test your idea against tron and delver and see how it does.

November 17, 2020 7:29 p.m.

Against Tron we are OK, though sideboard tuning would be needed to call that a favorable matchup. Delver is super annoying, as we really are kind of threat light. An okay percentage of the time we win on turn 5, which can certainly race delver, but their tempo plan is crushing against us, especially if Worldly Counsel comes through. RNR_Gaming, thank you for your helpful, if somewhat forthright feedback. I won't say the deck is supposed to be casual, for casual magic is really not my bag at all, and what amounts to a rather scathing review of the deck does clarify what I started to think hardly after starting to play this deck, and that is that the deck, though actually ridiculously fun, does not stand up to that many meta decks, though it does stomp all over affinity and burn. I think this discussion is pretty close to over, ending with an unfortunate gravestone for the deck, but I'd like to thank everybody for your comments, many of which were very interesting, and I might see you soon with another janky deck that just wants to be ridiculed.

November 18, 2020 8:33 p.m.

RNR_Gaming says... #11

Sadly, burn and affinity aren't a big part of the meta anymore. Basically, it's UB control Faeries/delver, Tron or MonarchX. Sure up these match ups and your deck will have legs - My intent is not to ridicule or stifle creativity. I love Jank but I love it more when jank does well. It sucks that most of the format is fairly streamlined but it definitely gives you a road map of what you need to beat.

November 18, 2020 9:22 p.m.

No RNR_Gaming, I have to thank you for being a competitive and clear eye on the idea, and though I will continue to play with the deck, for it is very fun, I don't think at all that any creativity is being stifled.

November 18, 2020 10:59 p.m.

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