Yawgmoth Combo Question

Modern forum

Posted on March 7, 2023, 5:43 p.m. by Delphen7

I understand the general idea behind the deck; looping undying creatures with Yawg for infinites, but in this video (timestamp 13:20-13:40) I saw AspiringSpike scoop as soon as Yawg hit the table with Young Wolf and Strangleroot Geist, and I don't understand why.

The Yawg player could only loop the two undyers back and forth, essentially paying a life to draw a card each iteration; they had no payoffs on the field, and last I checked there was no Blood Artist effect in red. They didn't even have the mana to Chord of Calling

Is there something in the deck they can cast that wins them the game, or did Spike prematurely scoop?

Best I could tell, they'd loop a couple times, draw some cards, and then Spike could burn them out of the game.

GeminiSpartanX says... #2

Every time the Yawg loop happens, they draw a card. It's almost inevitable that they would draw into a wincon like Blood Artist. Now, they didn't have the mana to do anything THAT turn, but Spike also didn't have anything in his hand to get rid of the Yawg. He probably should have looked at his next draw step to see if he could find a way to remove Yawg, but it's also possible that he knew no such card existed in his deck and scooped. I don't know enough about the list that Spike was playing there, but that's my guess at least.

March 7, 2023 5:53 p.m.

wallisface says... #3

His deck had no real way to remove the yawgmoth. He didn’t have away yo win on his turn, and his board was pretty-behind. Yawgmoth guarantees itself a win on the players next turn just by drawing 15+ cards (the op was still on 20 life).

March 7, 2023 6 p.m.

Delphen7 says... #4

GeminiSpartanX wallisface That makes sense, thanks for the quick replies. Based on your answers it seems the optimal play would've been to keep playing in as while 15 cards is very (very) good, its not deterministically lethal.

March 7, 2023 6:14 p.m.

wallisface says... #5

Delphen7 i assume part of the reason for the scoop is that Spike didn’t want to reveal his decks gameplan to make sideboarding harder for the opponent.

But also, the opponent will have 10 cards in their deck that lead to instant win - drawing one of those in 15 is almost guaranteed.

March 7, 2023 6:18 p.m.

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