Bushwhacker Zoo in 2023

Modern forum

Posted on Feb. 6, 2023, 8:07 p.m. by Icbrgr

I have been on a bit of a break from MTG for a few months now and decided to peek into the modern scene to see what is being played or if anything has changed since I last payed attention when I came across this MTG Top8 Zoo List.

Honestly I couldn't believe my eyes seeing such a "fair" decklist holding its own; and this just really made me happy to see... I have a similar list myself that I thought about bringing to my locals but I think I will just get stomped by the Crashing Footfalls and affinity decks... but this really makes me think maybe zoo can be more than a great memory deck and actually be a competitor?

wallisface says... #2

Yeah Zoo is easily competitive in todays Modern environment.

People give MH2 a lot of flak but the reality is there are more Modern-viable archetypes in the format than I can ever remember there being in the past.

“Fair” decks are in a prime position to perform well also, as the Incarnations prevent too many unfair strategies taking hold, while also giving those decks hand-disadvantage in the process.

February 6, 2023 9:19 p.m.

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