
Custom Cards forum

Posted on May 12, 2010, 9:32 p.m. by yeaGO

This is a closed forum to ... whoever mistergreen527 decides. If you are reading this, you are chosen!

mistergreen527 says... #2

In case you are more apt to find it here, rather than via email, let me copy/paste the email I sent to each of you:

I'm sending out this email in order to get things more organized regarding the Negashard Set. You've received this because you either are already part of the create-a-set or have expressed interest in being an integral part of the process.

I have a few ideas to present:

1) When Wizards creates cards, they go through a process that involves both a design team and a creative team. I suggest perhaps splitting our head group here into these two subcommittees. The design team would be more concerned with mechanics, power level, rules text, the color pie, etc. The creative team would be more concerned with the story, creature types, flavor text, art, etc. The beauty here is that the two teams would be working closely together to make sure everything works together while giving us two committees so that everything can be checked thoroughly, similar to Wizards' system. If you're interested in doing this let me know and tell me which subcommittee you would prefer to be on.

2) In a perfect world, we could open a thread and let the entire TappedOut community create this set. Unfortunately, it's just not going to be able to happen like that (these past attempts show evidence for this). Instead, we, as a head team, will need to make some decisions. We can still base these decisions off of feedback, but sometimes we'll have to just make the call. Some people may not like that, but that's the only way this is going to work. The goal isn't to make everyone happy all of the time, it's to make everyone happy most of the time and make everyone feel that they contributed to this project. We've got the groundwork already set by having the Negashards as our setting. We've gotten a lot of feedback from the community on keywords. I think we now need to take this feedback and come up with some decisions. The seven of us (or less if not all of us wants to actually be part of this) need to pick which keywords we're using. Take a look at all of the keywords that have been suggested and let me know which ones you think should and shouldn't be in the set.

May 13, 2010 1:12 a.m.

mistergreen527 says... #3

Part two of above email:

3) Using my savvy skills with social networking sites, I've been able to track all of you down on Facebook except for Zanven. If Zanven does have a Facebook, I think using Facebook's messaging system would be preferable. It allows everyone to see every addition to the thread that has been made (unlike email), while keeping it private from the rest of the community (unlike Tappedout's forum/comment stream). I know that Zanven and Honeymomo had previously tried to set something up for admins to communicate through, but for some reason I couldn't get it to work. Maybe we could try that again? These are just ideas. Other suggestions are welcome.

Please reply to this telling me your thoughts on each of these three ideas. In the meantime, I've been working on a design skeleton. Since we're creating a set on the Negashards, I'm basing my skeleton on Shards of Alara. I'm creating two skeleton. One is based solely on colors and the other is based on shard distribution. Remember, these skeletons are fluid. It just gives us some guidance.

-Steve- -mistergreen527-

May 13, 2010 1:12 a.m.

Zanven says... #4

Ah, if you meant the mIRC channel, I really only opened it up for a lark. After a week of no one in it, I shut it down since it was inefficient. I decided to create a facebook just to make this easier on everyone else; the details are in my email reply to you.

I don't mind doing either design or creative; I can volunteer to join whichever team ends up with less members to keep things balanced.

May 13, 2010 3:53 a.m.

mistergreen527 says... #5

I should have made some edits to my copy/pasted email. Since we now have access to this private forum, we can use this instead of Facebook (sorry to Zanven for wasting your time with activating a FB account).

I should be able to finish up with the skeleton soon, so keep an eye out for it to be posted.

May 13, 2010 10:46 a.m.

Zanven says... #6

Hey, no problem at all. If we're using this, then I can delete the Facebook because Facebook is eeeeviiiil.

Very interested in seeing the skeleton!

May 13, 2010 12:18 p.m.

Xander574 says... #7

damn okay i just wrote this huge thing and it didnt post. I guess ill be on the design team as long as we hash out a couple things as a group first. also these need to be finished way before we get to card creation

1)The plot/setting-it's pretty apparent that nega shards is what we are going with. we need to figure out how there are nega shards. Also everyone seems to agree upon The samarui for RUW, The Plague for BGU, and the goblin aristocracy for BRW. WE need to figure out what the last two will be themed.

2) It think what may help for the last two shards is figuring out hte keyword/mechanics of the block. In shards of alara, and conflux. both sets had one distinct mechanic/keyword per shard. As should we. i think before we do anything else we need to make sure all the keywords work and are balanced(im looking at you infection), and then put them up as a vote for tappedout and the top five be the top five we use. Then after putting the mechanics that fit with the three shards we have. let the other two help make the last two shards. (unless we can come up with two good ideas for them)(personally i thing RGB should be card draw based) THIS SHOULD BE DONE FIRST

3) The structure-What will the block look like, what will each set be sized, how many cards will be in each set, how many mythics, rares, uncommons, commons, lands,

I think we need to work these out way before single card creation. I also think the keywords should be what we work on first.

Also when it comes to getting hte communities input. It should be done in seperate submision and voting sections and should be as minute subject as possible. (no WHAT SET MECHANICS AND PLOT WOULD YOU LIKE TO INCLUDE AT THE SAME TIME) to much.

May 13, 2010 2:30 p.m.

mistergreen527 says... #8

Alright, first let me explain how I created the skeleton. I first made a list that split every card into its respective shard. My source was on magicthegathering.com, but I can't seem to find now. When I first read the shard breakup, I put it into an excel file for my own use (because I'm OCD like that). After splitting the cards into their shards, I labeled them based on their rarity, color, and card type (during this step, I labeled artifact creatures as creatures). Next, I created tables (again, because I'm OCD like that) showing the breakup between rarities and colors. Then, I made tables comparing colors and card types. Finally, I condensed these tables into one large table representing the entire set. After taking a look at all of distributions, I created an average setup based on rarity and color for each shard. This average distribution creates the basis for our skeleton. I have not added card types into the skeleton yet, as that will take some discussion and will be influenced by the storyline of each negashard. I'm going to email all of you the file that has my analysis in it and will post the skeleton on a separate thread.

May 13, 2010 3:38 p.m.

Xander574 says... #9

ps. what was teh gold vs single color card ratios you used?

May 13, 2010 3:42 p.m.

I used the same ratios that Shards of Alara had: 66.38% single color, 24.89% multicolor, and 8.73% colorless.

May 13, 2010 3:49 p.m.

Zanven says... #11

Xander, I know you said you're interested in the design team, but you've currently done the flavor and a theme write up for every single shard in the set. lol. Currently this strongly suggests you have an interest in the creative side. I know you want to do design, but I don't know if you can go ahead and set the theme, flavor and feel for each shard and then kind of jump ships and do mechanics. It's not really my place to decide that for you obviously, but I feel if you do go over to design, I hope you don't fight any potential changes or edits to the setting or each individual shard, because they're completely different teams.

Just my two cents, but you don't need to take the change!

May 14, 2010 2:26 a.m.

Xander574 says... #12

First i would like to say, i just copy and pasted all that stuff so we had an organized centralized space for all the ideas we have gathered over like the 8 different public threads. ( i did write some of it but i while ago)

Now saying that i have no problem being on creative if i need to be there, but id rather be on design....just cause i feel like they would have more to do eventually.

May 14, 2010 1:01 p.m.

darkside420 says... #13

Looking for a possible cheaper alternative to use instead of Baneslayer Angel ; maybe Sublime Archangel ? Here's my deck...need help please Scepter D'nuts

October 23, 2013 6:03 p.m.

Jay says... #14

Serra Angel is the cheapest.

October 23, 2013 6:38 p.m.

The Doctor says... #15

October 23, 2013 7:38 p.m.

This discussion has been closed