
Custom Cards forum

Posted on May 13, 2010, 6:28 p.m. by Xander574

Deep in the depths of the Irindu wilderness sleeps a dormant evil of unknown power it is held bound by the power of the sluice mages. Sluice magic flows over the entirety of Irindu keeping the chaotic landscape in check. The landscape changes constantly some say it is to keep the unknown power at bay others claim it is a hazardous side effect of sluice magic, but whatever it is it keeps the residents of Irindu on their toes.

RGU: Actually thinking about it the snake class should fit into here. so here you go: The snake warriors, are crafty, and fast. Using their spread and trickery they swarm the battlefield when you least expect it. The key words here would be Flow, Poison, and convoke. (flow being the fact taht both snakes are known for their trappy/sneakiness, and there relation to card draw. Poison is obvious, and convoke due to snakes tokkenynes. Also i figured GB is always the snakes colors, and Red Belongs to the warrior. Possible plot line would be at war with the Goblin aristocracy.

Either way i think card draw mechanics are very important here thats what GU is all about.

TAMA says... #2

I like the idea but snakes are (in magic's history) Green/blue and rarely black so they seem to fit more in Avora. I think perhaps the Viashino would be a better race (keeping reptilian though) it balances out nicely as flow is a very powerful mechanic as is poisonous and to put both into the hands of one wedge seems like a mistake about to go awry. We don't want to make Irindu the new Jund and given the power of the flow mechanic and the colour combination I think it would be best to leave poison far away from Irindu. Tokens belong to GW and Poison belongs to GB so neither seem to fit with Irindu, they are perhaps better suited to Oturu and Avora respectively.

May 13, 2010 9:10 p.m.

Xander574 says... #3

this is red green blue...sooooo im confused by teh first sentence. im down otherwise.

May 14, 2010 3:55 a.m.

TAMA says... #4

Snakes aren't red. They are green and they are blue and they are black. There are seven black snakes as opposed to two red (one of which is multicolour red/green). Snakes are mainly green, secondly black, thirdly blue and lastly red.

May 16, 2010 5:46 a.m.

koerner92 says... #5

Here is my, prior to rotation, Simic evolve weenies deck...adapted into a standard legal midrange deck. I lost the cohesion the deck had before. It has to many big drops i think and i feel like im missing something......simic evolve strategy is much easier to understand than the midrange decks

Anywho if you have any deck tips please dont be shy

October 27, 2013 4:05 a.m.

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