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Custom Cards forum

Posted on May 25, 2010, 6:56 p.m. by Xander574

squire1 says... #2

this is more design team than my realm but very nice shared doc

May 26, 2010 12:05 p.m.

Ok here is the deck and my thoughts. DevotionDeckWins: Ember Swallower is my target replacement card for Heliod. My reason is the many times I have sided him in against control he never seems to get his monstrosity off and he is only ok against other aggro decks that mostly use Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx as well and in many cases are unphased. Chained to the Rocks x3 usually comes in for these match ups and are 1 white devotion each and Boros Reckoner still counts for 3 white for each of those, so my thought is if I control 1 reckoner and 1 chained to the rocks, Heliod is a creature and even if it dosn't happen he can make 2/1s and give everything vigilance. Usually against blue devotion im killed by the aftermath of a forced combat and vigilance would break that calamity in a close game. What are your thoughts?

December 10, 2013 1:32 a.m.

I meant ember swallower is my target card to be replaced.

December 10, 2013 2 a.m.

notamardybum says... #5

Do it. Heliod won't disappoint

December 10, 2013 2:01 a.m.

Slycne says... #6

Not worth it, the gods are significantly worse when they are not creatures and you're fishing for 7 cards in the whole deck. Vigilance is not worth a 4 mana enchantment, and making a 2/1 at a starting cost of 8 is miserably slow. That card is going to loose you more games than it will win you.

December 10, 2013 2:13 a.m.

He would be sideboard for slower match ups with bigger curves and control. A situational card not mainboard and I almost never play a game without seeing 2 reckoner's and I usually see at least 1 chained when I side 3. I don't know man I am going to wait till I get 5 or 6 more opinions. I side Assemble the Legion x2 also I don't know if you saw that. For certain match ups in a basically all red deck vigilance is like foreign language. Its worth 4 to me sometimes.

December 10, 2013 2:39 a.m.

What comes out of my deck for side cards are, what are the most irrelivant cards in the match up and sometimes I wish I had 3 or 4 Wear / Tear but I have 2. My sideboard space has to be as good for R/W as it can be and thats why this thread will have my attention for days.

December 10, 2013 2:44 a.m.

lookoutimscary says... #9

Honestly Heliod, God of the Sun is the worst god, FOUR MANA for a 2/1.. not worth it!

December 10, 2013 7:28 a.m.

Badhand says... #10

four mana for a 3/2 vigiliance with his spear out or a 5/4 with first strike, vigiliance if you drop Ethereal Armor on the token. He's not bad in the right deck.

@ColdHeartedSithgo with Awaken the Ancient instead of ember swallower.

December 10, 2013 1:30 p.m.

Dalektable says... #11

lookoutimscary He can work in the right deck, he just has to sort of have his needs tailored to him. A 3/2 with vigilance if he has his spear out is pretty good. Also, since it is an enchantment it adds to Ethereal Armor . He works in my deck

deck chart A Good Man Goes To War

SCORE: 86 | 13 COMMENTS | 8709 VIEWS
Standard Dalektable Playtest

December 10, 2013 2:23 p.m.

Oh well i didn't look at the deck..ssoooo

December 10, 2013 4:48 p.m.

Awaken the ancient dosnt help me against master of waves deck or mono black with pack rat. because it dosn't have trample and will get blocked by a token or God . It was nice of you to take time to suggest it though.

December 11, 2013 2:12 a.m.

If you guys are going to make suggestion's i'd suggest looking at the deck I posted first. While Awaken the Ancient wasn't a bad suggestion because at least it adds to devotion, it just dosn't solve a problem. The other suggestions would delute the red devotion and change the deck to a 50/50 cutting dam and consistancy. I am either going to add another mizzium mortars or purphoros I think ! I want vigilance though at least in testing my theory , I may just buy Heliod for 5 bucks and test my side of Heliod plus 3 chained to the rocks against Mono Blue Devotion and see if i'm right. Worst case Heliod goes in my trades after next expansion and some busted white deck is possible and Heliods at 20$. Thanks again...Comments are still welcome as long as they are relevant to my decks function and they explain why they would or would not run Heliod and what they would run instead that would work better in my sideboard if they were running MY LIST!

December 12, 2013 1:13 a.m.

beakedbard says... #15

Heliod is far more useful then people give him credit for admittedly Vigilance is subpar but the tokens are extremely helpful in drawn out games as i found out the other night. The fact that you can get them out for as many as you can afford at instant speed really helps. Especially when all of your creatures have been removed left right and center he stays there as a constant token generator unless your opponent has a D Sphere or the Green enchantment exile. Yes Thassa and Purphoros are superior but don't underestimate Heliod because of the cost of his tokens until you've actually tested it i did and i certainly proved myself wrong. Anyways enough ranting its worth at least testing him in your deck if you can consistently get the 2W to cast his tokens.

December 12, 2013 2:48 a.m.

This discussion has been closed