Suck Suck Suck

Modern vdoz530


vdoz530 says... #1


June 23, 2019 4:26 p.m.

dingusdingo says... #2

The tribal base looks pretty nice, and I like the amount of 1x and 2x that you run. I might bump Vampire Nocturnus up to a 2x though.

Not a fan of Essence Extraction . Its spot removal that is expensive at 3 CMC, and doesn't guarantee removal. The extra life is certainly nice, but I would run more Fatal Push or Tragic Slip over them.

Chalice of Life  Flip is nice here, gives a colorless way to inflict a loss on opponents.

With the 2x Crypt of Agadeem and the 20 lands anyways, you could definitely fit 1 or 2 X spells in here for games that go longer. Torment of Hailfire is ridiculous.

A few draw pieces will help in case your creatures get hit by Wrath of God or some variant. I'm a real big fan of Mindblade Render , which isn't a vampire but worth a consider for a budget swinger/drawer. Asylum Visitor is less of a guarantee to draw, but its a 3/1 tribal creature with madness for 2 CMC so it might be worth a consider. Can help gas you when you're at no hand. Damnable Pact is an X spell that can refill you mid game at the cost of some life. Dusk Legion Zealot is a tribal that can replace itself, but doesn't beat down very well. Sign in Blood is a straight forward black draw card that can help you close out long games by acting as a shock too.

I think Dark Favor isn't that great, creature enchantments open you up to getting 2 for 1'd rather easily (they blow up or bounce your creature in response to the enchant, removing 2 of your cards with just 1 card).

I don't like Urge to Feed . It is mediocre removal, and the pumping of your tribe costs you an attack that turn.

Duress and similar effects as a 3x or 4x will help immensely. They let you deal with Enchantments and Artifacts, which are difficult for mono black to handle. They also let you get rid of board wipers, engine enablers, counterspells, and combo pieces before they are played. Finally, they reveal a lot of information about what your opponent can do, which helps you to make better decisions.

You should consider that there are some antisynergies with your cards. Captivating Vampire and Throne of the God-Pharaoh both want large amounts of creatures, while Kalastria Highborn and Indulgent Aristocrat both want you to sac creatures. Undying Evil wants to save creatures without +1/+1 counters, but Blade of the Bloodchief and Indulgent Aristocrat both want to put +1/+1 counters on creatures.

If this was my list, here's the changes I would make

In short, cull down to 8 pieces of creature removal. Up the amount of stealing vampire so serve as more removal and serve as a better tribal buff than blade of the chief. Add in hand disruption, add in Asylum visitors as cheap beaters who can help you if you're empty and benefits from opponents hand being empty too (from your Duress !). Move from the sac vampire to the guaranteed hits vampire because we don't want dead critters. Nocturnus gives all your vamps flying, so slightly upping total creature count while replacing 1x Nighthawk lets you get more benefits. Hope these suggestions make sense and are helpful!

June 24, 2019 12:11 a.m.

vdoz530 says... #3

Awesome, I appreciate you Commenting with so much information so quickly. I understand what you were saying with Essence Extraction and will be replacing those two with Duress . I’m not sure what I was thinking with Undying Evil but I was literally the last non-creature card I added to this deck and remember why now I didn’t do so before. I will be removing U/E and replacing with 2 more Duress for a total of 4. I am torn on a Asylum Visitor for I feel that it is a good card regardless of wording but the wording adds an extra element. I am curious though if there are multiple in play do they stack, which I believe they do not And could be cumbersome to the flow of the deck. I also feel different about Indulgent Aristocrat being purely a sack for I usually sacrifice itself to add +1/+1 to smaller vamps to beef up, When Kalastria Highborn is on the field together it gives added incentive to sac a 1/1 to add +1/+1 to 2-5 vamps and get +2 life and -2 for my opponent. Is my thinking wrong here with the potential? I like adding +/+ if I can, I like lifelink, I like the deathtouch for defense and to bide time but this is not a sac deck unless it helps gain ++. Let me do some changes from your input and if you could reevaluate and let me know what you think I would appreciate it. Thank you

June 24, 2019 4:51 p.m.

vdoz530 says... #4

Ok as you can see by the first couple of comments that I have changed a lot here since I first posted. Almost nothing is the same here. I took a lot of the advice from dingusdingo about not adding extra incentive to attack certain creatures because of a 2 for one situation. Where I would attach an enchantment or artifact to a creature and the creature would be destroyed. So once I removed that stuff it changed my entire prospective on what I had going. So now as you can see I’ve changed it up to a decking lifelink deck, if that makes sense. There are a few cards that trigger each other to where when an opponent loses life they discard the number of cards totaling the life lost Mindcrank , paired with Sangromancer that give me 3 life each time they discard, paired with Sanguine Bond which says whenever I gain life they lose life. So these make a big loop but also separate parts of the loops can be activated until you build a final loop. I know there are some cards that are better more expensive versions of cards I have here but still want to keep this deck lower cost but are open to some more expensive if they are just undeniably superior. Please let me know your thoughts. Thank you

June 26, 2019 12:36 a.m.

vdoz530 says... #5

Scratch that. I found my flaw with Sangromancer it does not pair with Mindcrank like I thought because mindecrank moves cards from your deck to your graveyard where sangromancer is activated by discards which are different. If you do not know a discard has to go from hand to graveyard where a staight to grave yard is deck to graveyard. I will be making more changes. One to slightly replace sangromancer and to add Profane Memento to fill that void.

June 26, 2019 12:58 a.m.

vdoz530 says... #6

Just like before I have made the revelation that what I thought was a cool loop is nothing more than a half combo that only slows down Sanguine Bond & Exquisite Blood which is slow and barley competitive as it is. I hope if there is anyone watching my slow crawl through mono Black they can use this info not to make the same mistakes. I will be searching for another compliment to the mono Black vamps and will take suggestions.

June 26, 2019 11:07 p.m.

vdoz530 says... #7

All right and here we go. I have gone full full circle at this point. I’ve tried to create a loops and found that the wording didn’t quite work. I found a separate loop and discovered it didn’t work as well as I liked either. So now I have come back full circle to basically what I had before. Mostly black vampires with some sort of variation of flying, Lifelink, or death touch. If they are not one of those combinations they have some other life manipulation capabilities. I would say the one thing that I’ve gained out of all of this experience is how to set up my instants with Fatal Push and Sorcery with Duress and Harsh Scrutiny . Any more ideas would be appreciated.

June 27, 2019 4:11 p.m.

Demarge says... #8

A goldfish budget vampires link, modern is way to fast to reliably get 2 5 cmc enchantments down more than a couple games a league, you can instead focus more on the vampire tribal aspect. Adding a color or two gives you a lot more vampire lords and having more good sideboard cards.

June 28, 2019 12:07 a.m.

vdoz530 says... #9

With the advice of the comment above I removed 1 of the Exquisite Blood + Sanguine Bond combos and replaced with more camp tribe with Dusk Legion Zealot . I left one of the combos because I still want that in the deck and with the addition of the 2 extra tribe vamps I get more flexibility with the card draws it comes with.

July 1, 2019 12:03 a.m.

vdoz530 says... #10

Update: I removed one Asylum Visitor after gaining some drawing ability from Dusk Legion Zealot I also removed one Gifted Aetherborn with the thought of I like Vampire Nighthawk more and if I’m only runnin 3 Vamp Nighthawk why would I run 4 Gifted Aeth? So I replaced both the Gifted and Asylum with Guul Draz Vampire I like the use of mana better this way and want to be able to get more vamps out given this is a strictly Agro Mono Black Vamp deck now. Also I’m considering removing Kalastria Highborn again for like the 3rd time. I don’t know why but it seems like I’m not getting my bang for my buck here. Your thoughts are very welcome!

July 1, 2019 4:30 p.m.

TitoTheTurtle says... #11

I do believe that Exquisite Blood + Sanguine Bond is to slow for modern. Have you considered running Vampiric Link . I found that it can complete negate some attackers. Also I am curious on your opinion on Bloodline Keeper  Flip Works great for chump blocking and provided vampires for buffs

July 26, 2019 10:14 p.m.

TitoTheTurtle says... #12

I also would think Vampire Nocturnus deserves a +2 +3 in the deck. And also possibly adding Vampire Lacerator for a very nice early 1 drop.

July 26, 2019 10:26 p.m.

vdoz530 says... #13

Ok I’m back developing this deck after a short hiatus. I like the state the deck is in now. I have low mana cost death touch and Lifelink, I have multiple cards to start speeding up the deck to get those creatures out. With many play tests I get between 5-9 creatures out before turn 7 without limiting my disruption card use. Also considering the type of speed deck it is there is a surprising amount of disruption to the opponents rhythm. I added more Nocturnus to the lineup too. With the addition of the +2 Nocturnus it took the deck above $100 for the first time and I still want to keep it A “budget” build. So far this deck moves fluidly with a linear mana curve. It has elements of disruption on the front side instead of on the backend. I feel this deck is going in the correct direction and would love input to put it on top. Well as top as a mono black tribal vamp deck can be.

November 27, 2020 12:02 p.m.

vdoz530 says... #14

What do you think about the mana saturn999? I’ve found very few time that I run out of mana but a few more times where I have nothing but mana. Would you consider swapping out 2 mana for 2 Bloodghast or even another card type?

November 27, 2020 6:30 p.m.

lhetrick13 says... #15

vdoz530 - Call me crazy but I feel like this deck is going to defeat itself a lot of the time. Looking over the decklist, I really like the aggressive theme you have going on but then I look at the average CMC of the deck @ 2.02 and see you are running only 17 lands. At 17 lands, the average lands you are starting with in your opening hand is only 1 followed by two and then closely by 0. If you were running more like a 1.6 CMC deck, you might be able to get away with only 17 but I would strongly encourage you to maybe drop the two enchantments for two extra lands.

September 7, 2022 11:21 a.m.

SefTheReject says... #16

Silversmote Ghoul works incredibly well with sorin, basically a repeatable Lightning Helix every turn.

February 15, 2023 2:30 p.m.

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