Rakdos Menace (MTG Arena Build)

Historic Apollo_Paladin


Karlov Murder Update(s) —Feb. 7, 2024

I've been taking a look at Hunted Bonebrute ever since it was announced to be printed. I'm not sure what I'd drop to make room for a couple of these guys but they seem like excellent value while keeping with the Menace synergy. I'm a bit torn on what to remove for them though as I don't want too many 3-mana creatures floating around in the deck that can't be Claim/Fame'd out of the Graveyard.

I might include a few Snarling Gorehounds in one of the 1-drop creature slots, since Library advantage is everything in a deck with a lower land count. These I'm even more more torn on than the Bonebrutes though, as all of my current 1-mana creatures are so well synergized with the rest of the deck that dropping them feels too wrong.

A 4-mana include feels a bit heavy to add in, but I might play around with Massacre Girl, Known Killer on the Sideboard. I don't see this making a huge difference ultimately, but it could still be fun and I of course could be wrong with how effective Wither plays out.

I assume it'll depend on how the meta changes (if at all) on Arena with this new set, but Long Goodbye is an extremely solid removal card to print. Bypassing the Ward costs on stuff like Graveyard Trespasser  Flip or Soldier decks with Coppercoat Vanguards while still being able to kill Liliana of the Veil in a pinch makes this seem extremely versatile.

A lot more testing is going to be required to fully dial this new set in, but these are the picks I've been looking at from it. As always, open to input and/or suggestions!

Icbrgr says... #1

I cant say how much i love the Pestilent Spirit synergy in the deck... its awesome!

December 29, 2023 8:17 p.m.

Apollo_Paladin says... #2

Thanks! He's my favorite part as well, opponents just do NOT see him coming. I like to hold a copy of him in-hand until I've got the burn spell to go with him & and mana to play them both in one turn (Goldhounds can be great for getting this off early against other creature-heavy builds).

December 29, 2023 8:26 p.m.